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47. [The Rejection]

Shall feare to seeme vntrue
To vowes of constant duty
Make mee disgest disdaines vndue
From an inconstant beautie?
Noe, I doe not affect
In vowes to seeme soe holy
That I would have the world to check
My constancy with folly.
Let her call breach of vow
What I call just repentance,
I count him base and braine sick, too,
That dotes on Coy acquaintance.
Thus if out of her snaire
At last I doe vnfold mee,
Accuse her selfe that caught mee there
And knew not how to hold mee.
And if I Rebell prove
Against my will I doe it,
Yet can I heate as well as love
When reason binds mee to it.