The poems of John Audelay | ||
Et de Sancta Maria.
Heyle! of wymmen flour of alle,
Þou herst vs when we to þe calle.
Þou herst vs when we to þe calle.
Blessid mot þou be, þou berd so bryȝt,
Moder and maidon most of myȝt;
Þou art þe ster of days lyȝt,
And kepust vs when we schul falle.
Moder and maidon most of myȝt;
Þou art þe ster of days lyȝt,
And kepust vs when we schul falle.
Of alle b[e]rdis þat euer was boren,
Blessid mot þou be boþ euen and morn,
Þroȝ þe were sauyd þat were forelorne,
Mone on beþ gret and smale.
Blessid mot þou be boþ euen and morn,
Þroȝ þe were sauyd þat were forelorne,
Mone on beþ gret and smale.
‘Hayle!’ to þe was swettle sayd
When Ihesu in þe He was consayued;
And þroȝ þe was þe fende afrayd;
Þou madist vs fre to make him þralle.
When Ihesu in þe He was consayued;
And þroȝ þe was þe fende afrayd;
Þou madist vs fre to make him þralle.
Hayle! chif chosun garbunkul ston,
Of þe was borne boþ God and Mon;
When synful mon he makis his mon,
To him þou art treu as ston in wal.
Of þe was borne boþ God and Mon;
When synful mon he makis his mon,
To him þou art treu as ston in wal.
Haile! be þou quene, emperes of hel;
Of al pete þou arte þe wel;
We prayn þe dame and damesel,
Þat þou bryng vs into þi bal.
Of al pete þou arte þe wel;
We prayn þe dame and damesel,
Þat þou bryng vs into þi bal.
The poems of John Audelay | ||