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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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To Cinthia Converted.

Come my Cinthia, gladly fixe
Thy bright and Chaster Eyes on mine;
Yet be free, and let vs mixe,
In noe base Corporeal twine;
But in the freedome of our Soules embrace,
Knitt by the mutuall Glance of Either's Face.
Happie are the Minutes, which
Wee Spend and keepe in this enioying;


Tainted with noe Sordid Itch
Of sensuall Pleasures, ever Cloying;
Wee freely move within our Selves; and Eyther
Moves in the other, one and both together.
My better selfe, in all the tye
Of Chast Affection, thinke I prise
Noe Ioy to this Societie:
Not all the Treasure of thy Eyes
Was such a forcive Character, to bind
My Love, as this great Sympathie of Mind.
Nor let the vulgar blame vs in
Their owne surmises, fond and weake;
Wee are not gviltye of that Sin,
Which they are bold to doe and Speake;
Let them Enioy their Active heat, whilest wee
With Soules Combinéd, in our Selves are ffree.
Deare Cinthia, breath thy Innocence
Into the Closet of my heart;
Whilst in a mixt Intelligence
Wee Ioyne the Soule in every part;
Soe generate new Loves; and keepe entire
The ffaculties, vnstainéd with Desire.