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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 48. Magnus Dominus.

Canticum Psalmi, filiorum Coreh.


Great is the Lord, prais'd all abroad,
but chiefly to be prais'd;
Where in the Citie of our God,
his holy Mount is rais'd.


Mount Sion beauteous is in site,
besides the Northern lands:


Of all the earth the glad delight,
the great Kings Citie stands.


God in her Palaces is knowne
for her a refuge hie:


For Kings (behold) oppugnants grow'n,
are gone together by.


This wondrous sight strook suddenly
such terrour in their mind:
No heart to stay, scarce feet to flie,
could feare confounded find.


Upon them feare strong hold did build,
and paine, the racke of feare;


As, when a woman bigge with childe,
her burthen throwes to beare.


So (tempest-beaten) at their leake,
the ships salt water drinke:
The ships of Tarshish dost thou breake,
and with an East wind, sinke.


As we have heard what deeds have been
done in our fathers coasts;
Like have we in the Citie seen,
thy Citie, Lord of Hosts.
The Citie which our God hath chose,
and cleer'd from hostile hand,
Will God establish and dispose
eternally to stand.


In silence we (O God) attend,
thy faithfulnesse to find:
And when thy mercy thou wilt send,
amidst thy Temple, mind.


Thy praise, O God, as farre extends,
as doth thy Names command:
Thy praise of earth fills all the ends,
and Justice thy right hand.



Rejoyce, Mount Sion, most of all,
be Judahs daughters glad:
Because thy Judgements made them fall,
that made her faces sad.


Goe compasse stately Sion Mount,
her walls walke round about:
The number of her Towers account,
observe her strength throughout.


Set ye your heart upon her fort,
view her high places well;
And to your nephewes make report,
that they to theirs may tell;


That this is God, our God, whose power
for ever and beyond,
Will be our guide and governour,
and us till death defend.