University of Virginia Library

No sooner were these Caesars letters seene,
But straight the king for all his nobles sent:
He shewd them what their auncestours had bene.
And praide them tell in this their whole intent.
He tould them where about the Romaynes went,
And what subiection was, how seruile they
Should bee, if Caesar bare their pompe away.
And all the Britaynes euen as set on fyre,
(My selfe not least enflamed was to fight)
Did humblye him in ioyfull wise require:
That he his letters would to Caesar write,
And tell him plaine wee paste not of his spite.
Wee past as litle, of the Romaynes wee,
And lesse: then they of vs, if lesse might bee.
Wherefore the ioyfull kinge againe replide,
Through counsaile wise of all the nobles had,
By letters hee the Romaynes hestes denyde:
Which made the Britayns hauty harts full glad,
No doubt the Romaynes more then halfe were mad,
To here his letters written, thus they went:
Which he againe to mighty Caesar sent.