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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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Goyng towardes Spayne.

Farewell thou fertyll soyle,
that Brutus fyrst out founde,
Whē he poore soule, was driuen clean
frō out his Coūtrey groūd.
That Northward layst thy lusty sides
amyd the ragyng Seas.

Whose welthy Land doth foster vpp,
thy people all in ease,
While others scrape & carke abroad,
theyr symple foode to gett,
And selye Soules take all for good,
that cōmeth to the Net.
Which they with painfull paynes do pych,
in barrain burning Realmes:
While we haue all with out restreint
among thy welthy streames.
O blest of God thou Pleasaunt Ile,
where welth her self doth dwell:
Wherin my tender yeares I past,
I byd thee now farewell.
For Fancy dryues me forth abrode,
and byds me take delyght,
In leuyng thee and raungyng far,
to se some straunger syght.
And sayth I was not framed heare,
to lyue at home with eas:
But passynge foorth for knowledge sake
to cut the fomyng seas.