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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Heere do these fovver Parsonages take-each other by the hande, and daunce: and from-vvith-in, or out-from-aboue, one singeth this Song ensuing, befoore: and then ; in dauncing-maner; these fovver Parsonages sing it after him: or els, Vnregarding singeth it first or before.



Can[illeg.]. 14.

make you mery and reioyce/

And harken duly to my Uoyce/
What I shall vtter now:
The Man he

Gen. 1. Sap. 2.

was created free/

And voyde of any Plantasee/
That must I shewe to you.
In Freedom was he sett likwyse/
Whear no Berashou mought aryse/
Had he bode at that staye:

Gen. 3.

Subtilte becam his Mate:

The Searhing, as you [illeg.]
Loose his free Lyfe awaye.



Gen. 3.b. [illeg.]. Esd. 3.a.

subtill Counsayle forth did flowe/

And sought both Good and Euell to knowe/
To becom like God in Might:
Now when the Man tooke-on this Deede/
Then brought he foorth

4. Es. 4.d. Math. 13.b

his false Seede:

Playne-and-iust must dye then quight.


He liked well a lofty

Esa. 14.b.


Wherin he stole, from God so kynde,
His Honour/and woulde be free.
He hasted that he mought be wyse
And prudent/foe to enterpryse/
His owne Lorde for to bee.
But then was he captiued the more,
With greeuous Bands and cumbers store/
He Selfues did prouyde.
Therin did he proceede and trust:
In Searching then ; with Longing; must,
Good-thinking be his Gyde.
Good-thinkings Plague ; which I resyte;
Is altogether the Worlds Delyte/
The Trueth from her is taken:
Without Lamenting, still they liue/
And vnto Stryfe, themselues do giue/
The Peace, hath

Esa. 48. 57.

them forsaken.


Gen. 67. 19. Math. 24. Luk. 17.


Hate and

Rom. 1.

Enuy euery-wheare,

Now the greatest Swaye doth beare/
Trueth must not speake nor moue:
Now raigneth Mocking and Deryding/

Eze. 22.b

Slaundring, with Upbreyding:

But inuisible goeth the

Iohn. 5.[illeg.]


Beloved Wight of worthy Fame/
Consider well of all thissame:
Ensue the Loues Comunyaltye:
If that the Trueth com to thy sight/
Be simple

Mat. 18. Mat. 10.

like a Childe, aright/

With Warynes continually.