The Poems of James VI. of Scotland Edited by James Craigie |
I. |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
II. |
The Poems of James VI. of Scotland | ||
The source of the poems in this section is the Ms. Royal 18.B.xvi. Where two versions are given, only one version of each poem has been included.
Psal. 1
That mortall man most happie is & blest
quho in the uikkedis counsalis doth not ualk
nor yet in sinneris uayes dois stay & rest
nor sittis in seatis of skornfull men in talk
but contraire fixes his delicht
into iehouaise lau
& on his lau both day & nicht
to think is neuer slau.
quho in the uikkedis counsalis doth not ualk
nor yet in sinneris uayes dois stay & rest
nor sittis in seatis of skornfull men in talk
but contraire fixes his delicht
into iehouaise lau
& on his lau both day & nicht
to think is neuer slau.
he shall be lyke á pleasant plantid tree
upon á riuer side increassing tall
that yeildis hir frute in season deu ue see
quhose quayking leafe doth neuer fade nor fall
nou this is suirly for to say
that quhat he takis in hande
it shall uithoutin doubt alluaye
most prosperously stande.
upon á riuer side increassing tall
that yeildis hir frute in season deu ue see
quhose quayking leafe doth neuer fade nor fall
nou this is suirly for to say
that quhat he takis in hande
it shall uithoutin doubt alluaye
most prosperously stande.
but uikked men thay shall be nothing so
but as the chaffe quhich by the uynde is tost
thairfore thay shall not to that iudgement go
nor be in iust mennis numberis sinneris lost
for great iehoua cleirly knouis
the iust mennis uay upricht
but suire the uikkeddis uay that throuis
shall perish by his micht.
but as the chaffe quhich by the uynde is tost
thairfore thay shall not to that iudgement go
nor be in iust mennis numberis sinneris lost
for great iehoua cleirly knouis
the iust mennis uay upricht
but suire the uikkeddis uay that throuis
shall perish by his micht.
Psal. 2.
Quhy makis the gentiles tumultis great
quhy do the nationis panse in uayne
the earthly kingis do stand & freat
uith thaime consultis the reularis tall
against iehoua great I say
& his anointid christ uithall
lett us brekk all thaire bondis say thay
& cast thaire strongest cordis auay.
quhy do the nationis panse in uayne
the earthly kingis do stand & freat
uith thaime consultis the reularis tall
against iehoua great I say
& his anointid christ uithall
lett us brekk all thaire bondis say thay
& cast thaire strongest cordis auay.
he lauchis that sittis in heuinnis inpyre
yea euen the lorde doth moke at thaime
then shall he speake thaime in his yre
& hairme thaime uith his furiouse heat
& say quhen I did oynt my king
I placit him on my holy seat
euen sion, quhayre I maide him ring
& sitt commanding euery thing.
yea euen the lorde doth moke at thaime
then shall he speake thaime in his yre
& hairme thaime uith his furiouse heat
& say quhen I did oynt my king
I placit him on my holy seat
euen sion, quhayre I maide him ring
& sitt commanding euery thing.
nou uill I tell goddis iust decree
iehoua said unto me this
thou art my sonne & cumd of me
I haue begottin the today
I shall the giue do thou but craue
the gentils for possession ay
the richtis thou of thy landis shall haue
shall be the quhole earth to ressaue.
iehoua said unto me this
thou art my sonne & cumd of me
I haue begottin the today
I shall the giue do thou but craue
the gentils for possession ay
the richtis thou of thy landis shall haue
shall be the quhole earth to ressaue.
but thou shall bruse thir fordsaide men
euin as á heauy yron rodd
brekkis earthin pottis, so uill thou then
thaime skattir all ashunder sone
ye kingis giue cairfull eare thairfore
be learnid ilke iudge in earthly throne
iehoua reuerently adore
reioice uith trembling euermore.
euin as á heauy yron rodd
brekkis earthin pottis, so uill thou then
thaime skattir all ashunder sone
ye kingis giue cairfull eare thairfore
be learnid ilke iudge in earthly throne
iehoua reuerently adore
reioice uith trembling euermore.
to kiss his sonne youre hairtis inclyne
least he be unraithfull otheruayes
& in the uaye ye perish syne
if once á kendling thoch but small
to kythe & to appeare beginn
of his great yre on you to fall
thay happie are that from thayre sinn
takkis upp & unto him do rinn.
least he be unraithfull otheruayes
& in the uaye ye perish syne
if once á kendling thoch but small
to kythe & to appeare beginn
of his great yre on you to fall
thay happie are that from thayre sinn
takkis upp & unto him do rinn.
Psal. 3.
O lorde hou many ennemies haue I
hou many do against me nou arise
quho of my soule do say ue can not spy
no helth in god for him in any uise
but thou ô lorde art both my targe & gloire
& holdes aloft my head as of befoire.
hou many do against me nou arise
quho of my soule do say ue can not spy
no helth in god for him in any uise
but thou ô lorde art both my targe & gloire
& holdes aloft my head as of befoire.
quhen as my uoice to god did cry & ueip
he ansourid me out of his holy hill
then did I lay me doun & soundly sleip
& ualk in sure since he maintaind me still
therfoire at all I uoulde not be afrayde
thoch hundreth thousandis uaire about me layde.
he ansourid me out of his holy hill
then did I lay me doun & soundly sleip
& ualk in sure since he maintaind me still
therfoire at all I uoulde not be afrayde
thoch hundreth thousandis uaire about me layde.
iehoua ryse my god preserue me nou
quho stroke my foes on iaue & on chaft bone
quho brakk the uikkeddis teeth bot only thou
all health is into iehoua alone
poure doun upon thy people from aboue
thy confortabill blessing & thy loue.
quho stroke my foes on iaue & on chaft bone
quho brakk the uikkeddis teeth bot only thou
all health is into iehoua alone
poure doun upon thy people from aboue
thy confortabill blessing & thy loue.
giue eare unto me since I call
god of my richteousnes alluaye
thou maide me roume quhen I uas thrall
then shou me grace & heare me pray
but ô ye sonnes of men hou long
my glorie uill ye mokke & urong
youre loue on uaine thingis shall be strong
lyes seeking ay.
god of my richteousnes alluaye
thou maide me roume quhen I uas thrall
then shou me grace & heare me pray
but ô ye sonnes of men hou long
my glorie uill ye mokke & urong
youre loue on uaine thingis shall be strong
lyes seeking ay.
then raither knou for it is best
hou iehoua haith choosed thairfore
one for him self from all the rest
quhom uith his graice he doth decoire
for suirlie iehoua uill heir
quhen I on him call loude & cleir
thairfoire be ye commoued uith feir
& sinne no moire.
hou iehoua haith choosed thairfore
one for him self from all the rest
quhom uith his graice he doth decoire
for suirlie iehoua uill heir
quhen I on him call loude & cleir
thairfoire be ye commoued uith feir
& sinne no moire.
think ay on him uith godly myndis
& in youre chalmeris do the same
& als of sinn leaue of all kyndys
& saicrifices to him fraime
of sueit oblationis in his sicht
to uitt of iustice & of richt
trust also in iehouase micht
& in his naaime.
& in youre chalmeris do the same
& als of sinn leaue of all kyndys
& saicrifices to him fraime
of sueit oblationis in his sicht
to uitt of iustice & of richt
trust also in iehouase micht
& in his naaime.
full many say ô if that sum
uold mak us goode thingis for to see
but quhen as I in uishing cum
I say, iehoua pleis it the
on us the richt rayse of thy face
quhich pleasaunt is & full of graice
then shall my soule into that cace
richt ioyfull be.
uold mak us goode thingis for to see
but quhen as I in uishing cum
I say, iehoua pleis it the
on us the richt rayse of thy face
quhich pleasaunt is & full of graice
then shall my soule into that cace
richt ioyfull be.
of none quhen thaire increassis great
of corne & sueitest uynis thay spy
the hairtis for ioye so fast uill beat
as myne uill be reioised thairby
yea I in peace uill sleipp & rest
quhen thou alone iehoua blest
hath plaicit me quhaire thou thinkis it best
& suire to ly.
of corne & sueitest uynis thay spy
the hairtis for ioye so fast uill beat
as myne uill be reioised thairby
yea I in peace uill sleipp & rest
quhen thou alone iehoua blest
hath plaicit me quhaire thou thinkis it best
& suire to ly.
Psal. v
ô iehoua unto my uordes giue eare
And of my inward thochtis considder ay
tak head unto my uoyce & crying cleir
ô thou my king & only god alluay
for unto the allainerly I pray.
And of my inward thochtis considder ay
tak head unto my uoyce & crying cleir
ô thou my king & only god alluay
for unto the allainerly I pray.
thy holy eares ô great iehoua blest
unto my uoyce thou early uill inclyne
into the morning also shall be drest
before thy holy throne this speiche of myne
& patiently abyde thy goodness syne.
unto my uoyce thou early uill inclyne
into the morning also shall be drest
before thy holy throne this speiche of myne
& patiently abyde thy goodness syne.
thou michtie god no uikkidness dois loue
nor yett uith the doth any euill remaine
all foolish men moste from thy sicht remoue
thou also haitis uith uoundrouse great disdaine
all uorkeris of iniquitie most uaine.
nor yett uith the doth any euill remaine
all foolish men moste from thy sicht remoue
thou also haitis uith uoundrouse great disdaine
all uorkeris of iniquitie most uaine.
thou urakkis thaime all that lies do pertlie speik
the crafty man deceiuing euery uay
the creuell & bloodthristie tiran eik
great iehoua euen iehoua I say
doth holde into abomination ay,
the crafty man deceiuing euery uay
the creuell & bloodthristie tiran eik
great iehoua euen iehoua I say
doth holde into abomination ay,
bot for thy mercies and thy louing grace
into thy holy house I entre uill
& bou me doun into that samen place
and deuly so my reuerence fullfill
unto thy sacred temple looking still.
into thy holy house I entre uill
& bou me doun into that samen place
and deuly so my reuerence fullfill
unto thy sacred temple looking still.
to say my captouris fals of noting me
thy iustice making gyde ô lorde of micht
& als before me mak thy uaye to be
for in the mouthe of any earthly uicht
is not for to be found nou any richt.
thy iustice making gyde ô lorde of micht
& als before me mak thy uaye to be
for in the mouthe of any earthly uicht
is not for to be found nou any richt.
And malice in thaire inuarde pairtis doeth byde
& all thaire throttis are turnid in uerry deid
in sepulchres that oppin are & uyde
& quhat deceit into thaire mynde doth breid
doth from thaire tounge in flattering forme proceid.
& all thaire throttis are turnid in uerry deid
in sepulchres that oppin are & uyde
& quhat deceit into thaire mynde doth breid
doth from thaire tounge in flattering forme proceid.
thaise giltie folkis ô richteouse godd destroy
confounde thaime in thayre counsallis one & all
putt thaime auaye unto thaire griefe & noy
euen for the lairgeness of thaire fearfull fall
since thay rebelle to the both great & small
confounde thaime in thayre counsallis one & all
putt thaime auaye unto thaire griefe & noy
euen for the lairgeness of thaire fearfull fall
since thay rebelle to the both great & small
but by the contraire lett thaime all reioyce
that do direct thair wayis to follou the
& lett thaime euer sing uith ioyfull uoyce
thou still protecting thaime uith ualkeryfe ee
let all that loue thy name reiosed be.
that do direct thair wayis to follou the
& lett thaime euer sing uith ioyfull uoyce
thou still protecting thaime uith ualkeryfe ee
let all that loue thy name reiosed be.
for that thou iehoua uith uilling mynde
to bless the iust man uill be euer bent
& als he suirlie sall thy fauour fynd
as tairge to saue him by thy pouer sent
& couure him all quhen any euill is ment.
to bless the iust man uill be euer bent
& als he suirlie sall thy fauour fynd
as tairge to saue him by thy pouer sent
& couure him all quhen any euill is ment.
Psal. vi.
Ô lorde into thy uraithfull yre
reproue me not I humblie pray
nor chasten me in thy furiouse fyre:
but shou me mercie euerie uay
for that I languish sore
then cure me lorde thairfore
for bones & soule are more
then trublit ay.
reproue me not I humblie pray
nor chasten me in thy furiouse fyre:
but shou me mercie euerie uay
for that I languish sore
then cure me lorde thairfore
for bones & soule are more
then trublit ay.
hou longe ô lorde thus uill thou do?
returne iehoua pleise it the
& pull my soule from perrell to
& for thy mercie keip thou me
for into death the sell
no mynde doth of the duell
quho can to praise the mell
in graue that be.
returne iehoua pleise it the
& pull my soule from perrell to
& for thy mercie keip thou me
for into death the sell
no mynde doth of the duell
quho can to praise the mell
in graue that be.
I ueirie in my siching still
& makis my bedd suimm all the nicht
& uith my teares I uatterr uill
my bedd stokke uith thaire uakkness licht
uraith dois my eye demaine
quhich uaxeth olde for paine
that all my foes retaine
thaire uoonted micht.
& makis my bedd suimm all the nicht
& uith my teares I uatterr uill
my bedd stokke uith thaire uakkness licht
uraith dois my eye demaine
quhich uaxeth olde for paine
that all my foes retaine
thaire uoonted micht.
remoue you then from me auay
ye uorkeris all of euill apace
for that the lorde doth heare I say
my ueping uoyce euen of his grace
yea euen iehoua great
did heare from holy seat
my prayeris air & lait
& pitteouse cace.
ye uorkeris all of euill apace
for that the lorde doth heare I say
my ueping uoyce euen of his grace
yea euen iehoua great
did heare from holy seat
my prayeris air & lait
& pitteouse cace.
the lorde did of his meare gooduill
my humble praieris glaidlie heare
both shame & greatest trubbill still
then lett my cruell ennemies beare
quhom shame mott so confounde
as at â suddaine stounde
thay may out of this grounde
turne bakke uith feare.
my humble praieris glaidlie heare
both shame & greatest trubbill still
then lett my cruell ennemies beare
quhom shame mott so confounde
as at â suddaine stounde
thay may out of this grounde
turne bakke uith feare.
Psal. vii.
o iehoua my godd I haue recourse to theepreserue me from purseuaris all & als deliuer me
that as â lyon bolde he reaue me not auay
asunder tearing me that lakis one that rescours me may
ô iehoua my godd if I haue done it all
or if that suche iniquitie into my handis did fall
if under freindshippis clooke I hairmed in any cace
(but by the contraire him preserued quho causeless did me chace)
then lett my foe purseu ourtakking me I say
that proudlie tramp into the earth my breathing lyfe he may
& that he may uithall so uith my glorie mell
as into uyle & lichtest dust he mak the same to duell
in thy consuming uraith then michtie lorde aryse
raise up thy self for to repress my foes that me despyse
& cairfully auake attending ouer me
since plaine it is all iudgement iust prescryuit is by the
& quhen of nationis great the bandis thee compass shall
then for thaire saike returne unto thy hiest place of all
the lorde doth iustice giue unto the nationis sure
then iudge me lorde according to my iustice great & pure
so lorde declaire it since thou knouis my mynde & hole intent
putt end I pray the to the euill of uikkid men
that thou may stablish firme & sure the iuse & upricht then
since that most iustlie are by thee searched out & socht
the myndis & hairtis of euerie one & euery secret thocht
the lorde he is my tairge repelling any dairte
quho doth preserue the richteouse all & upricht into hairte
euen godd the iustest iudge the lorde of strongest micht
quho uexis all those uikkedd men still on both daye & nicht
bot if for to conuert the uikked uill not heare
then lett him sharpe his shearing suorde & bend his bou uith [OMITTED]
& sett him self to shoote & deadlie armes prepaire
& fedderit arroues readdy makk for his assistaires thaire
yea lett him as uith chylde both trubbill breid & paine
or lett him trauellis great conceaue to beare but lieing uaine
yea lett him digg a pitt & hollou hoke the same
yett sall he fall into the pitt he did for otheris aime
returne shall on his heade his trubbill & his paine
& on the hiest bone thairof his urong shall licht againe
thairfore uill I extoll & praise the lorde of micht
according to his iustice quhich in him is euer picht
& also uill I sing for nou for euer & aye.
iehouase noble name to be most gloriouse euerie uaye.
Psal. 9.
Vith all my soule I prayse iehoua uill
& rakken out thy uonderis euerie uay
in thee I glaidlie uill reioice I say
& to thy hiest name sing euer still
my ennemies returning bak againe
thay fall & perish from thy blessid face
for thou hes done me iustice in that cace
& so reuenged my honest cause & plaine
thus hes thou sittin into thy gloriouse throne
& as â iudge ô iustest iudge hath done.
& rakken out thy uonderis euerie uay
in thee I glaidlie uill reioice I say
& to thy hiest name sing euer still
my ennemies returning bak againe
thay fall & perish from thy blessid face
for thou hes done me iustice in that cace
& so reuenged my honest cause & plaine
thus hes thou sittin into thy gloriouse throne
& as â iudge ô iustest iudge hath done.
thou threatnid hath the gentillis one & all
& quhollie hath destroyed the uikked seid
& thou thaire names hath skraiped out indeid
quhich so for euer more contineu shall
ô creuall foe & are compleit by thee
the great ruynes & euerlasting urakke
& hath thou done the fairest citties sakke
yett both youre selfis & memories perisht be
but yett iehoua doth remaine for ay
& fittis his throne for iustice euerie uay.
& quhollie hath destroyed the uikked seid
& thou thaire names hath skraiped out indeid
quhich so for euer more contineu shall
ô creuall foe & are compleit by thee
the great ruynes & euerlasting urakke
& hath thou done the fairest citties sakke
yett both youre selfis & memories perisht be
but yett iehoua doth remaine for ay
& fittis his throne for iustice euerie uay.
that he the uorlde & earth may iustlie iudge
& to the nationis giue the lau aricht
& lett him be â place sett up in sicht
to the distressed soule â sure refuge
â sacred place I say sett up for thaime
quhen thay in straittest tymes do succoure craue
& so thay firmest trust in thee shall haue
& deuly shall aknoulege syne thy name
for that thou leauis thaime not ô lorde of grace
that praies the to suplee thaire pitteouse cace.
& to the nationis giue the lau aricht
& lett him be â place sett up in sicht
to the distressed soule â sure refuge
â sacred place I say sett up for thaime
quhen thay in straittest tymes do succoure craue
& so thay firmest trust in thee shall haue
& deuly shall aknoulege syne thy name
for that thou leauis thaime not ô lorde of grace
that praies the to suplee thaire pitteouse cace.
then to allmichtie great iehoua sing
quho duellis on sacred sion mount deuyne
declare abrode amongst the nationis syne
his uoundrouse uorkis & deidis in euerie thing
for sure of him that bloodis reuenge doth seike
of those I say the lorde rememberis uell
nor doth forgett the many crye & yell
of needie poore & of afflicted eike
then ô thou great iehoua lorde of micht
lett me finde fauoure in thy graciouse sicht.
quho duellis on sacred sion mount deuyne
declare abrode amongst the nationis syne
his uoundrouse uorkis & deidis in euerie thing
for sure of him that bloodis reuenge doth seike
of those I say the lorde rememberis uell
nor doth forgett the many crye & yell
of needie poore & of afflicted eike
then ô thou great iehoua lorde of micht
lett me finde fauoure in thy graciouse sicht.
respect my troubbill & affliction sore
the quhiche is by my haitteris thus procured
exalting me from portis of death assured
that I thy praises all may more & more
tell in the gates of sionis dauchter faire
& syne be for thy saifing of me glaide
since nationis are into the pitt thay maide
quyte sunken doune uithout recouerie thaire
& in the nett that thay thame selfis did hyde
thaire fitt is catchid & felterid dois abyde.
the quhiche is by my haitteris thus procured
exalting me from portis of death assured
that I thy praises all may more & more
tell in the gates of sionis dauchter faire
& syne be for thy saifing of me glaide
since nationis are into the pitt thay maide
quyte sunken doune uithout recouerie thaire
& in the nett that thay thame selfis did hyde
thaire fitt is catchid & felterid dois abyde.
godd hath him self maid to be clearlie knouin
by his great iudgement he hath deulie done
the uikked man he is intrappit sone
into the uorkemanshipp that uas his ouin
then lett the uikked turne abake & fall
euen in the uerrie darke forgetfull graue
uith all the nationis that forgottin haue
him that is only godd of thaime & all
for not for euer is the needie uicht
to be committed to forgetting slicht.
by his great iudgement he hath deulie done
the uikked man he is intrappit sone
into the uorkemanshipp that uas his ouin
then lett the uikked turne abake & fall
euen in the uerrie darke forgetfull graue
uith all the nationis that forgottin haue
him that is only godd of thaime & all
for not for euer is the needie uicht
to be committed to forgetting slicht.
the expectation of the poorest men
it shall not perish euer more & ay
goode lorde aryse for if thou doe not stay
the mortall man him self uill strenthen then
& lett the nationis euerie one & all
be iudgit ay before thy blessid face
o iehoua (if so it please thy grace
makke dreaddoure great & feare on thaime to fall
& lett the nationis haue experience sure
thay mortall are & mortall shall indure.
it shall not perish euer more & ay
goode lorde aryse for if thou doe not stay
the mortall man him self uill strenthen then
& lett the nationis euerie one & all
be iudgit ay before thy blessid face
o iehoua (if so it please thy grace
makke dreaddoure great & feare on thaime to fall
& lett the nationis haue experience sure
thay mortall are & mortall shall indure.
Psal. x.
quhy doth thou lorde thy self afarr uithdrau
thou hydis thy self in tyme of greatest neid
the uikked uith the pryde that he doth breid
purseuis the puire by his tirannike lau
yett are thay catcht in girnis that thay did sau
& by thaire ouin deuycis are thay brocht
to fall in snairis that thay for otheris urocht.
thou hydis thy self in tyme of greatest neid
the uikked uith the pryde that he doth breid
purseuis the puire by his tirannike lau
yett are thay catcht in girnis that thay did sau
& by thaire ouin deuycis are thay brocht
to fall in snairis that thay for otheris urocht.
the uikked fully lykis thir thingis alluaye
for that his soule to loue it is inclynde
& gredie glories als uith glaiddest mynde
& doth prouoke iehouase uraith I say
but yett the uikked lookis so hie & stay
as he for all this matter uill not caire
quhose thochtis concluides godd is not any quhaire.
for that his soule to loue it is inclynde
& gredie glories als uith glaiddest mynde
& doth prouoke iehouase uraith I say
but yett the uikked lookis so hie & stay
as he for all this matter uill not caire
quhose thochtis concluides godd is not any quhaire.
his uayes do steadfast any tyme remaine
thy iudgementis farr be absent from his sicht
& quhat soeuer be his foes in micht
he proudlie proues to blou thaime bakke againe
& in him self he thinkis & speakis it plaine
my staite no chainge nor brangle feill it shall
nor in no aage shall euill to me befall.
thy iudgementis farr be absent from his sicht
& quhat soeuer be his foes in micht
he proudlie proues to blou thaime bakke againe
& in him self he thinkis & speakis it plaine
my staite no chainge nor brangle feill it shall
nor in no aage shall euill to me befall.
his mouth is full of cursing euir still
& of deceauing fraude & craftie gyle
& under his tongue remaining all the quhyle
both trubbill great & euill aboundis at uill
he sittis in quyet couis uith craftie skill
from darkest dennis to slay the guiltless then
and blinking uaitis to urakke the needie men.
& of deceauing fraude & craftie gyle
& under his tongue remaining all the quhyle
both trubbill great & euill aboundis at uill
he sittis in quyet couis uith craftie skill
from darkest dennis to slay the guiltless then
and blinking uaitis to urakke the needie men.
he lyis auayte in denn & quyet place
as lyone fearce in loodge, he louring lurkis
the poorest man to spoyle in uayte he uorkis
yea he bereauis the needie man alace
perforce him drauing in his nett apace
he loutis full lou quhill in his forcie handis
of men afflicted fall the simple bandis.
as lyone fearce in loodge, he louring lurkis
the poorest man to spoyle in uayte he uorkis
yea he bereauis the needie man alace
perforce him drauing in his nett apace
he loutis full lou quhill in his forcie handis
of men afflicted fall the simple bandis.
& in his mynde he confidentlie sayes
allmichtie godd he hes forgottin nou
& uell aneuch he hydis his face I trou
nor neuer lokis about him nou â dayes
strong godd aryse iehoua uorthy prayse
lift up thy hand least otheruayes thou do
forgett the poore that thus are handlid lo.
allmichtie godd he hes forgottin nou
& uell aneuch he hydis his face I trou
nor neuer lokis about him nou â dayes
strong godd aryse iehoua uorthy prayse
lift up thy hand least otheruayes thou do
forgett the poore that thus are handlid lo.
quhy dois the uikked thus the lorde offend
& say in mynde he uill not count uith me
thou spyes, & dois his spyte & cumbre see
& uith thy hande uill bakke on him it send
quhiche poore comitt to thee unto that end
& thou as onlie helper ayde dois makke
unto the pupill quho dois parentis lakke.
& say in mynde he uill not count uith me
thou spyes, & dois his spyte & cumbre see
& uith thy hande uill bakke on him it send
quhiche poore comitt to thee unto that end
& thou as onlie helper ayde dois makke
unto the pupill quho dois parentis lakke.
the uikkeddis airme do breake in peecis small
requyre the uyce at handis of uiciouse men
quhill no remainis thairof thou finde may then
ô iehoua thou michtie lorde of all
thou arte a king that laist for euer shall
quhaire all the nationis perish & decayes
euen from the landis thay duell in all thaire dayes.
requyre the uyce at handis of uiciouse men
quhill no remainis thairof thou finde may then
ô iehoua thou michtie lorde of all
thou arte a king that laist for euer shall
quhaire all the nationis perish & decayes
euen from the landis thay duell in all thaire dayes.
thou grantid hath thaire uishes to the meike
ô iehoua confirme thaire soule & hairte
ô turne thyne eare unto thaire syde & pairte
auenging the oprest & pupill eike
that mortall man of clay no more may seike
by proude disdayne & strong hande for to do
bolde uiolence & great oppression to.
ô iehoua confirme thaire soule & hairte
ô turne thyne eare unto thaire syde & pairte
auenging the oprest & pupill eike
that mortall man of clay no more may seike
by proude disdayne & strong hande for to do
bolde uiolence & great oppression to.
Psal. xi.
Since quholly I myself comitted haue
into the great iehouas keeping ay
quhy then unto my soule thus do ye say
lyke baisedest litle birde flitt from youre hill
for lo thir uikked bouis are bending still
& aroues fitt the string for to ressaue
to shoote out of â darke & quyet pairt
againis the richt & upricht into hairt.
into the great iehouas keeping ay
quhy then unto my soule thus do ye say
lyke baisedest litle birde flitt from youre hill
for lo thir uikked bouis are bending still
& aroues fitt the string for to ressaue
to shoote out of â darke & quyet pairt
againis the richt & upricht into hairt.
but thay shall by thir same destroyed be
for quhat hath done the iust deserue? or hou?
godd in his temple of holyness is nou
in hiest heauenis is placet iehouaise throne
his eyes beholde & quhat is euer done
by sonnes of men thay cleyrlie spy & see
the lorde he doth trye out the iust aricht
& haitis in hairt the euill & urongfull uicht.
for quhat hath done the iust deserue? or hou?
godd in his temple of holyness is nou
in hiest heauenis is placet iehouaise throne
his eyes beholde & quhat is euer done
by sonnes of men thay cleyrlie spy & see
the lorde he doth trye out the iust aricht
& haitis in hairt the euill & urongfull uicht.
he rayne shall on the uikked coalis of fyre
uith fyre the self & brimstone pearcing fell
the uynde that he uith flammis doth ioyne & mell
shall be the portion of the cupp for thame
but yett the lorde yea euen the uerrie same
doth iustice loue as iust in his empyre
& als the richteouse man uith pleasande face
he gratiouslie dois looke on full of grace.
uith fyre the self & brimstone pearcing fell
the uynde that he uith flammis doth ioyne & mell
shall be the portion of the cupp for thame
but yett the lorde yea euen the uerrie same
doth iustice loue as iust in his empyre
& als the richteouse man uith pleasande face
he gratiouslie dois looke on full of grace.
The tuelft psalme.
ô michtie god ô great iehoua saue
since the uelldoare hath left of at all
for nou the sonnes of men no treuth thay haue
echone in speaches uaine uith otheris fall
thay speake uith pleasant lippes & double myndes
the lorde cutt out the tounge great uordes that speakis
& als the pleasant lippes, & all suche kindes
of those that in this mainer sylence breakis
& sayis lett us uith oure ouin tounges preuayle
oure lippis are oures, quhat lorde can make us quayle.
since the uelldoare hath left of at all
for nou the sonnes of men no treuth thay haue
echone in speaches uaine uith otheris fall
thay speake uith pleasant lippes & double myndes
the lorde cutt out the tounge great uordes that speakis
& als the pleasant lippes, & all suche kindes
of those that in this mainer sylence breakis
& sayis lett us uith oure ouin tounges preuayle
oure lippis are oures, quhat lorde can make us quayle.
for to repaire the poores destruction nou
& als the neidies exclamationis great
I shall anone aryse I sueare & uou
sayes god, & putt thaime in á sauing seat
lett uikked, girnis sett for thaire trapping syne
iehouase uordis are purest uordis I say
as siluer is in pottis of earth maide fyne
seuin sindrie tymes clein purified alluay
thou lorde preserue & keipe eche one of thaime
euen from this age, & euer do the same
the uikked ualkis throuch all as if excess
into the sonnes of men uaire praysed express.
& als the neidies exclamationis great
I shall anone aryse I sueare & uou
sayes god, & putt thaime in á sauing seat
lett uikked, girnis sett for thaire trapping syne
iehouase uordis are purest uordis I say
as siluer is in pottis of earth maide fyne
seuin sindrie tymes clein purified alluay
thou lorde preserue & keipe eche one of thaime
euen from this age, & euer do the same
the uikked ualkis throuch all as if excess
into the sonnes of men uaire praysed express.
Psal. xiii.
Hou long ô lorde uill thou forgett me ay
hou long thus uill thou hyde thy face from me
hou long uith thochtis my mynde shall trubled be
my hairt uith sorrou uexit all the day
quhen shall my foe to ryse against me stay
my godd iehoua looke & heare me to
& cleare my feible eyes I humlie pray
least ellis â deadlie sleiping sleip I do.
hou long thus uill thou hyde thy face from me
hou long uith thochtis my mynde shall trubled be
my hairt uith sorrou uexit all the day
quhen shall my foe to ryse against me stay
my godd iehoua looke & heare me to
& cleare my feible eyes I humlie pray
least ellis â deadlie sleiping sleip I do.
that thus my ennemie do not say in pryde
I uainquisht haue & ouercum him quyte
& that my foes reioice not uith delyte
if that I once be maid to fall or slyde
but in thy fauoure great I do confyde
my soule reioice mott in thy sauing grace
to iehoua shall I sing all tyme & tyde
that he hes done me goode in euerie cace.
I uainquisht haue & ouercum him quyte
& that my foes reioice not uith delyte
if that I once be maid to fall or slyde
but in thy fauoure great I do confyde
my soule reioice mott in thy sauing grace
to iehoua shall I sing all tyme & tyde
that he hes done me goode in euerie cace.
Psal. xiiii.
the folish man sayes in his mynde no godd thaire is, for thaycorrupt & uylest deidis thay uorke, not one doth goode I say
iehoua doth from hiest heauen look on the sonnes of men
to see if skill or feare of godd be into any then
eche one fallin bakke is & alyke euill sauourie are becum
& none thaire be do any goode not one of all & sum
hou senceless then I pray you are euill uorkeris one & all
that do my people eat as breade & not on godd do call
for godd by his assisting dois the upricht ofspring heare
ye thocht for to haue shamit quyte the counsallis of the puire
but notuithstanding iehoua is thaire refoodge most suire
ô if sum one ô quhen & quho saluation by his micht
shall bring from sion holie mount & makke on israell licht
euen quhen iehoua home shall bring his peoples flokke apace
reioyce shall iakobb, israell als shall glaidd be of the cace.
Psal. xv.
ô Iehoua quho shall abyde
into thy tent & holy place
or quho shall duell all tyme & tyde
into thy holy hill of grace
euen he quho ualkis in richteouse trace
& iustice doth exerce all uaye
& speikis the treuth in euery cace
euen as his mynde doth think it ay.
into thy tent & holy place
or quho shall duell all tyme & tyde
into thy holy hill of grace
euen he quho ualkis in richteouse trace
& iustice doth exerce all uaye
& speikis the treuth in euery cace
euen as his mynde doth think it ay.
quhoise tounge no sclandrouse thing doth speik
quho hairmes his fellou nocht at all
nor uses no reproches eik
to mak his nichbouris fame to fall
before quhose eyes both is & shall
the persone uylde reiected be
bot those on god uith feare that call
he honouris as in hie degree.
quho hairmes his fellou nocht at all
nor uses no reproches eik
to mak his nichbouris fame to fall
before quhose eyes both is & shall
the persone uylde reiected be
bot those on god uith feare that call
he honouris as in hie degree.
quhoise othe thoch it micht hairme him syne
is notuithstanding keipit richt
nor occoure makis of siluer fyne
nor can persuadit be by slicht
to tak buddis gainst the guiltles uicht
he that doth all reherst befoire
shall not be mouit by any micht
bot floorish ay & euermoire.
is notuithstanding keipit richt
nor occoure makis of siluer fyne
nor can persuadit be by slicht
to tak buddis gainst the guiltles uicht
he that doth all reherst befoire
shall not be mouit by any micht
bot floorish ay & euermoire.
I. D. R. S.
Psal. xvi.
Thou strong & michtie godd preserue me ay
for in thy onlie handis submitt I me
ô thou my soule to iehoua thus dois say
thou art my lorde my goode uinnes not to thee
but to the holie doth attaine
& uoorthie that on earth remaine
quhom in my quhole delyte remaining be.
for in thy onlie handis submitt I me
ô thou my soule to iehoua thus dois say
thou art my lorde my goode uinnes not to thee
but to the holie doth attaine
& uoorthie that on earth remaine
quhom in my quhole delyte remaining be.
thay multiplie thaire greatest dolouris fell
that ueddis ane other strainger godd at all
uith thaire bloode ofringis uill I nauayes mell
nor name thaime uith my lippis I neuer shall
for of my cupp & liuing to
iehoua is my portion lo
thou dois maintaine the lotte that did me fall.
that ueddis ane other strainger godd at all
uith thaire bloode ofringis uill I nauayes mell
nor name thaime uith my lippis I neuer shall
for of my cupp & liuing to
iehoua is my portion lo
thou dois maintaine the lotte that did me fall.
my boundis befell me in â pleasande place
yea handsum is for me my duelling faire
I blesse uill iehoua quho of his grace
euen in the nicht to counsaile me doth caire
my secreat thochtis instructis me still
thairfore I looke directlie uill
to iehoua & fixe my countenance thaire.
yea handsum is for me my duelling faire
I blesse uill iehoua quho of his grace
euen in the nicht to counsaile me doth caire
my secreat thochtis instructis me still
thairfore I looke directlie uill
to iehoua & fixe my countenance thaire.
for that at my richt hande he still doth stay
no maner of mislukke my staite shall haue
thairfor my soule reioisis euerie uay
& als most ioifull is my glorie braue
yea euen my uerrie fleshe doth duell
into a suretie for the sell
since leaue my lyfe thou uill not in the graue.
no maner of mislukke my staite shall haue
thairfor my soule reioisis euerie uay
& als most ioifull is my glorie braue
yea euen my uerrie fleshe doth duell
into a suretie for the sell
since leaue my lyfe thou uill not in the graue.
thou uill not suffer him quhome thou uell doth loue
& quhome thou fauouris once in anie cace
corruption euer for to see or proue
thou sett me uill in paithe to lyfe & grace
yea euen before thy face in short
the fouth of ioyes in many â sorte
for aye at thy richt hande â pleasande place.
& quhome thou fauouris once in anie cace
corruption euer for to see or proue
thou sett me uill in paithe to lyfe & grace
yea euen before thy face in short
the fouth of ioyes in many â sorte
for aye at thy richt hande â pleasande place.
Psal. xvii.
ô iehoua heare richteousness tak heade unto my callmy prayer heare the quhich is uoyde of fraudfull lippis at all
lett all my iudgement ay proceid from thy most holy face
& lett thy pearcing eyes espy the richt in euerie cace
quhen thou hes serchit throuchout my soule & tryid it all aricht
& uisitid my inuarte thochtis euen in the secreat nicht
& proued me as thou pleases best thou shall not suirlie fynde
that uith my mouthe I euer speake contrairie to my mynde
as to mennis uorkes according to the uordes of thy ouen lippis
uith uayes of those that breake thy lau I neuer mell nor dippis
least otheruayes my uaiuering feit may moued & branglid be
I call to the ô strongest godd for that thou heares me still
inclyne thy eare to me & heare quhat further speake I uill
keip thy goode deidis for goode mennis use ô thou that saues all those
that haue recourse to thy richt hande from thaire purseuing foes
euen as the littill blakke uithin the eyes sicht keepe me ay
& uith the shaddou of thy uingis do thou me hyde alluay
to saue me from thease uikked men that urakke me out & out
& all my ennemies capitall that compass me about
thay more & more do suell in creishe & feidis upon thaire fatt
& uith thaire mouthis thay proudlie speake & neuer suscies quhat
thay uatche about oure futesteppes all in bussie manner nou
& eyes cast on us for to makke us to the earth to bou
echone is lyke â lyon that is longing for his praye
& lyke â lyonis quhelpe that in his denn louris all the day
aryse ô iehoua preueine his face him prostratt eike
& uith thy suorde my soule pull from the uikkid that it seike
from men pull thou it iehoua uith thy most michtie hande
yea euen from mortall men that in this sinfull uorlde do stande
quhose portion is into this lyfe quhose bellies more & more
thou uith thy secreat tresoure fillis by thee layde up in store
the sonnes of men are fillid thairuith & thay do lett it rest
euen unto thaire posteritie thaire excellence & best
but I shall see thy holie face in iustice & in richt
& saitisfeit I shall auaake into thy image bricht.
[Psal.] xviii
O iehoua from boddume of my hairte I uill thee louemy strenth my rokke my bulluarke & deliurer from aboue
ô iehoua my michtie godd my craigge quhomto I uill
haue my recourse in tyme of neid, my targe & buklerr still
he is the horne als of my health to uitt my onlie micht
my forteress & my strongest toure sett up upon á hicht
throuch praising of iehoua great quhen I upon him call
I suirlie ame preserued from foes & from my ennemies all
quhen as the dolouris euen of death did compasse me I say
& forcie streames of uikked did shrouedlie me efray
yea quhen the tormentis of the tombe about me uent apace
& girnis of death came readdie thaire my boddie to embrace
in all this straitness to the lorde I call uill euer still
& to my godd I schout & crye uith pearcing uoyce & schill
quho from his temple hearis my uoyce & grant doth my request
& to his earis my plainte is cum quhiche unto him I drest
then shaikin is the solide earth quhiche shudderis all amazit
yea the fundationis of the hillis do brangle sore abaizit
this trembling suirlie urocht is by the kendling of his yre
quhen reike mountis from his nose & from his mouth deuouring fyre
he pressis heauin & under his feit doth flie the clouddie mist
& sitting on the cherubins he glorius flies aloft
& flies on uingis of uindis that postis throuchout the uorlde full oft
he of the darkness maid his denn á house about him rounde
to uitt the darke & upmost clouddis quhaire uattir doth abounde
& by the glistering of the licht that did before him glaunce
these thiccest clouddis uaire chacit syne haill & fyre did forduart lance
quhen iehoua from loftie heauinis doth rearde his thunder fast
& quhen the hiest to his uoyce, ioynes haill & fyrie blast
quhen so he shootis his dairtis I say he doth thaime skattir all
& quhen he shootis his thunderboltis he makis thaime meltid fall
yea by thy threatning iehoua & force of furiouse breathe
the groundes of houest seas are sene & groundis of earth beneathe
then streaching doun his hande to me he pullis me upp apace
& drauis me out of many floodis by his allmichtie grace
he sauis me from my strongest foe & all my haitteris eike
hou soone thay michtier kythe to be then I quhose hairme thay seike
quhen thay forgather do uith me in trublouse tymes & strait
the lorde is then my leanning staffe & onlie makis debaitt
for that he hath á great delyte & pleasoure into me
according to my richteousness the lorde hath me repayed
& to the cleannes of my handes hath randerit quhen I prayed
quhen as I keipe & ualkis into the uayes of godd aricht
nor uikkedlie dois turne me from my godd the lorde of micht
but all his iudgementis are before my sicht & presence ay
& nouayes dois his iust decrees remoue from me auay
& shortlie quhen I hole & pure before his sicht remaine
& ame auare of uikked deidis & from the same refraine
conforme then to my richteousness iehoua rendris me
& to the cleanness of my handis before his heauinlie ee
thou to the meike man kythis thy self for to be uerrie meike
& to the upricht kythis thy self ane upricht dealer eike
thou richteouse uith the richteouse are, but uith the uikked man
thou stryuis & ouercummis him syne do all the uorst he can
for thou the people afflicted saues but those that proudlie looke
thou dois abbaite & of thayre pryde makis thaime a trapping hooke
yea thou geuis licht unto my lampe that gydis my footesteppis richt
euen iehoua my godd doth makke my darkeness glister bricht
by thee I rinn throuchout ane oist of foes unhairmed at all
& by the pouer of my godd I free the hiest uall
the uayes of this strong godd are quhole, goddis uorde is purgit & pure
to all that haue recourse to him he is a bukklerr sure
quho is oure rokke & steadfast grounde, but godd oure onlie one
it suirlie is this michtie godd quho girdis my loynes uith strenth
& makis my coursis & my uayes most upricht all at lenth.
Psal. xix.
The heauenis of michtie godd the glorie tell
& of his handis the uorkes spredd out doth schou
day follouing day dois speiches utter uell
euen so the nichtis do scyence make us knou
no uordis nor kyndlie speichis from thaim flou
yett uithout thir thaire uoyce is understand
thaire beames & drauchtes they uith thaire speachis sou
throuch all the earth & habitable land.
& of his handis the uorkes spredd out doth schou
day follouing day dois speiches utter uell
euen so the nichtis do scyence make us knou
no uordis nor kyndlie speichis from thaim flou
yett uithout thir thaire uoyce is understand
thaire beames & drauchtes they uith thaire speachis sou
throuch all the earth & habitable land.
& for the sunne á tent in thaim he maid
quho brydegroome lyke in glancing braue array
cummis foorthe out of his spousing chalmer glaid
& steadfastly holdis out his course & uay
from furthest pairt of heauenis he rysis ay
& euen unto thaire other furthest ende
his reuolution reachis or he stay
& nothing from his heate can lurke or fende.
quho brydegroome lyke in glancing braue array
cummis foorthe out of his spousing chalmer glaid
& steadfastly holdis out his course & uay
from furthest pairt of heauenis he rysis ay
& euen unto thaire other furthest ende
his reuolution reachis or he stay
& nothing from his heate can lurke or fende.
Iehouais doctrine upricht dois indure
& dois the soule from trublouse greif restore
his testimonie it is treu & sure
& makis him uyse that foolishe uas before
his statutes all are richteous euermore
reiosing muche the soule that keipis thaim richt
his preceptis als are puire & do decore
& cleir the eyes that fixe on thaim thaire sicht.
& dois the soule from trublouse greif restore
his testimonie it is treu & sure
& makis him uyse that foolishe uas before
his statutes all are richteous euermore
reiosing muche the soule that keipis thaim richt
his preceptis als are puire & do decore
& cleir the eyes that fixe on thaim thaire sicht.
the reuerence of godd is passing cleine
& als it dois eternallie remaine
goddis iudgementis euen treuth the self thay bene
& in lyke mainer are thay iuste againe
in pretiousness the fynest golde thay staine
& sueter are then honnie to the mouth
the honnie euen that droppis á sugred raine
& of it self distillis the self at fouth.
& als it dois eternallie remaine
goddis iudgementis euen treuth the self thay bene
& in lyke mainer are thay iuste againe
in pretiousness the fynest golde thay staine
& sueter are then honnie to the mouth
the honnie euen that droppis á sugred raine
& of it self distillis the self at fouth.
then me thy ouin taucht by thaise thingis I say
the quhiche to be obseruid most neidfull be
relieue from blyndest darkeness I thee pray
for quho may knou his uandring but by thee
& als from uillfull erroures keepe thou me
least thay into thy humble seruant duell
then quhole & als most innocent sall he
be from á great defection kept full uell.
the quhiche to be obseruid most neidfull be
relieue from blyndest darkeness I thee pray
for quho may knou his uandring but by thee
& als from uillfull erroures keepe thou me
least thay into thy humble seruant duell
then quhole & als most innocent sall he
be from á great defection kept full uell.
& also graunt ô only godd indeid
quhom I do honoure, serue, & loue uith feare
that all the uordis that from my mouthe proceid
may be acceptable into thy eare
& on the thochtis the quhiche my soule dois beare
that thou may looke lorde uith á freindlie face
ô iehoua my rokke that sall me reare
aboue the skyes by thy redeeming grace.
quhom I do honoure, serue, & loue uith feare
that all the uordis that from my mouthe proceid
may be acceptable into thy eare
& on the thochtis the quhiche my soule dois beare
that thou may looke lorde uith á freindlie face
ô iehoua my rokke that sall me reare
aboue the skyes by thy redeeming grace.
Psal. xx.
In tymes of straite mott iehoua giue thee eare
the name of iacobs godd mott honoure thee
that from his holy place thou aydit be
& he from sion thee sustaine & heare
& sueitly mot he smell thy ofringis all
thy holocauste in ashes making fall.
the name of iacobs godd mott honoure thee
that from his holy place thou aydit be
& he from sion thee sustaine & heare
& sueitly mot he smell thy ofringis all
thy holocauste in ashes making fall.
thy heartis desyre giue mott he thee alluaye
& als thy counsalls all mott he fullfill
then lett us of thy health sing loude & schill
in name of godd oure standartis als displaye
great iehoua fullfill in euerie pairt
the quhole petitionis of thy humble hairt.
& als thy counsalls all mott he fullfill
then lett us of thy health sing loude & schill
in name of godd oure standartis als displaye
great iehoua fullfill in euerie pairt
the quhole petitionis of thy humble hairt.
nou knou I godd preserues his oinctid king
& from his holy heauinnis doth heare him uell
uith greatest pouaire & micht that doth excell
by his richt hande he health dois to him bring
in chariotis thaise, & yone in horsis trust
ue in the name of oure iehoua iust.
& from his holy heauinnis doth heare him uell
uith greatest pouaire & micht that doth excell
by his richt hande he health dois to him bring
in chariotis thaise, & yone in horsis trust
ue in the name of oure iehoua iust.
& so thay bouid & brokkin fall destroyed
but ue aryse & stable againe do stande
ô god preserue us by thy michtie hande
oure king him self uill heare us quhen anoyed
in humble uayes ue call upon him uill
to succoure us in oure distressis still.
but ue aryse & stable againe do stande
ô god preserue us by thy michtie hande
oure king him self uill heare us quhen anoyed
in humble uayes ue call upon him uill
to succoure us in oure distressis still.
Psal. xxi.
The king ô lorde reioysis in thy strenth
& of thy gloriouse health is uondrouse glaid
his hairtis desyre thou giuen him hes at lenth
& also fruitfull hes his prayeris maid
yea thou uith prosperouse blessingis him præueinis
& crounis his head uith golde that purest scheinis.
& of thy gloriouse health is uondrouse glaid
his hairtis desyre thou giuen him hes at lenth
& also fruitfull hes his prayeris maid
yea thou uith prosperouse blessingis him præueinis
& crounis his head uith golde that purest scheinis.
he askit lyfe of thee quhiche thou him gaue
uith lenth of dayes for euer to indure
the glorie is great thy health dois make him haue
a maiestie thou placit into him sure
for thou did giue him blessingis laisting aye
& by thy face reioiced him euerie uaye.
uith lenth of dayes for euer to indure
the glorie is great thy health dois make him haue
a maiestie thou placit into him sure
for thou did giue him blessingis laisting aye
& by thy face reioiced him euerie uaye.
& since the king dois firmlie putt his trust
in iehoua quhom of suche proofe he founde
thairfore upon the goodness leane he must
of the most hie quho reulis this massiue round
quhairby his throne shall not be sett on sande
but groundit suire for aye shall stable stande
in iehoua quhom of suche proofe he founde
thairfore upon the goodness leane he must
of the most hie quho reulis this massiue round
quhairby his throne shall not be sett on sande
but groundit suire for aye shall stable stande
thy hande thy uikked foes dois ouirtaike
euen thy richt hand findis out thy haitteris all
thou lyke á fyrie fornace uill thaim make
hou soone thy uraithfull face thaim kendill shall
godd shall thaim suellie up into his yre
as if thay uaire consumed by birning fyre.
euen thy richt hand findis out thy haitteris all
thou lyke á fyrie fornace uill thaim make
hou soone thy uraithfull face thaim kendill shall
godd shall thaim suellie up into his yre
as if thay uaire consumed by birning fyre.
thou dois thaire fruicte from earth destroye & tyne
& from the sonnes of men thaire seede dois race
because thay hairme ment unto thee & thyne
& in thaire myndis to fraudfull thochtis gaue place
quhiche thay for all that can not bring about
according to thaire purpoise to fall out.
& from the sonnes of men thaire seede dois race
because thay hairme ment unto thee & thyne
& in thaire myndis to fraudfull thochtis gaue place
quhiche thay for all that can not bring about
according to thaire purpoise to fall out.
for thou dois make á marke & butt of thaime
& syne thou fittis thyne arrouis for thy bou
& aircherlyke thou at thaire face dois aime
& soarlie shootis thaire urakke & ouer throu
then of thy force ô lorde reioice on hicht
lett us sing praises of thy uondrouse micht.
& syne thou fittis thyne arrouis for thy bou
& aircherlyke thou at thaire face dois aime
& soarlie shootis thaire urakke & ouer throu
then of thy force ô lorde reioice on hicht
lett us sing praises of thy uondrouse micht.
Psal. xxix.
ye princes sonnes yeild to the lordeyeild him all force & gloire
& yeild to him the honoure deu
unto his name thairfoire
inclyne & bou youre selfis adoune
adore iehoua great
quho sittis most gloriously upon
his throne & holy seat
the uoyce of god on uatteris ringis
& makis á uoundrouse sound
strong gloriouse god doth thunder his uoyce
on uattiris that abound
the uoyce of god cummis semely furth
his uoyce cummis furth uith micht
iehouas uoyce the cedres breakis
euin liban cedres uicht
hudge liban sirion eik
lyke to the faune of unicornis
uill leape quhen he doth speik
his uoyce makis uildernessis murne
& quenchis flammes of fyre
euen the desertis of kades large
may not abyde his yre
iehouas uoice makis hyndes to calue
& tirris the forrestis grene
bot in his temple all his gloire
he shouis & makis be sene
iehoua satt in the deluge
& sittis á king for aye
he also to his people giuis
the force thay haue alluaye
the same iehoua great doth blesse
his people uellbelouid
uith great tranquillitie & peace
pray it be not remouid.
Psalme 47
all people sing to god uith uoycis cleir
& clapp youre handis youre ioye to shou
for god most hie quho reuerencit is uith feir
is michtie king on earth ye knou
quho as into á fold doth bring us heir
strange people thaime to ouerthrou
god uis
makis nationis under oure feit be traide as nou
or deis.
& clapp youre handis youre ioye to shou
for god most hie quho reuerencit is uith feir
is michtie king on earth ye knou
quho as into á fold doth bring us heir
strange people thaime to ouerthrou
god uis
makis nationis under oure feit be traide as nou
or deis.
iehoua chusid to us oure duelling place
ue iakobis gloire quhom he did loue
god is gone up uith sound & gloriouse face
uith sounde of trumpettis from aboue
praise god sing sing unto oure king of grace
for god is king of earth ue proue
then sing
all kynde of sindrie songis for his behoue
oure kinge
ue iakobis gloire quhom he did loue
god is gone up uith sound & gloriouse face
uith sounde of trumpettis from aboue
praise god sing sing unto oure king of grace
for god is king of earth ue proue
then sing
all kynde of sindrie songis for his behoue
oure kinge
then lett oure god god on his holy seat
the gentillis both reule & raigne
& lett god of abrahamis people great
uith uilling people thaire remaine
for god by his protection doth intreat
the earth quhich still he doith maintaine
he most excellis & but mutationis uaine
the gentillis both reule & raigne
& lett god of abrahamis people great
uith uilling people thaire remaine
for god by his protection doth intreat
the earth quhich still he doith maintaine
he most excellis & but mutationis uaine
[Psal. 100.]
induellers of the earth reioice in god
uith glaidnes him adore
uith singing loude cum in his sicht abrod
knou iehoua thairfore
to be the god of glore
quho creat us to be
his people flok & store
no uayes our selues maid ue
uith glaidnes him adore
uith singing loude cum in his sicht abrod
knou iehoua thairfore
to be the god of glore
quho creat us to be
his people flok & store
no uayes our selues maid ue
then all agree, to praise & thank his name
uith musike sueit & schill
& so ue uill at his portes do the same
& in his temple still
thank him & bless iehouas name uith praise
quhose mercy & treuth all ages laistis aluayes
uith musike sueit & schill
& so ue uill at his portes do the same
& in his temple still
thank him & bless iehouas name uith praise
quhose mercy & treuth all ages laistis aluayes
Induellers of the earth
[Psal. civ]
O thou my soule iehoua blesse & praise
o thou my god indeued uith greatest micht
quho can thy clothis of gloire & honoure blaise
as uith á goune thou cleithis thy selfe uith licht
& streichis out the heauenis lyke courtinis bricht
quhois syleringis all be maid of uatteris cleir
quho makis of cloudis á chairiot lairge & uicht
& ualkis on uingis of quhithering uindis uith beir.
o thou my god indeued uith greatest micht
quho can thy clothis of gloire & honoure blaise
as uith á goune thou cleithis thy selfe uith licht
& streichis out the heauenis lyke courtinis bricht
quhois syleringis all be maid of uatteris cleir
quho makis of cloudis á chairiot lairge & uicht
& ualkis on uingis of quhithering uindis uith beir.
quho makis his angelis uyndis to serue him ay
quhoise seruantis glancing flammis of fyre thay be
quho on hir groundis the earth did setle & stay
that none shoulde euer hir remouing see
sche couerid uas uith deipe as clothis by the
the uattiris stoode on stayest mountainis face
quhill tyme thy threatningis maid thaime suiftly flee
euen frome thy thoundring uoice thay fledd apace.
quhoise seruantis glancing flammis of fyre thay be
quho on hir groundis the earth did setle & stay
that none shoulde euer hir remouing see
sche couerid uas uith deipe as clothis by the
the uattiris stoode on stayest mountainis face
quhill tyme thy threatningis maid thaime suiftly flee
euen frome thy thoundring uoice thay fledd apace.
oure hiddeouse hillis & houis thay fledd full fast
unto that place quhiche thou for thaime had maide
thou gaue thaime then thair limitis at the last
quhairby the roring deipes returne uas stayde
then springis by the sent out throuch ualleys straide
& uent amongst the michtie montaines tall
uylde beastis of feilde uith drink to serue & ayde
& suage the thrist of assis uylde uithall.
unto that place quhiche thou for thaime had maide
thou gaue thaime then thair limitis at the last
quhairby the roring deipes returne uas stayde
then springis by the sent out throuch ualleys straide
& uent amongst the michtie montaines tall
uylde beastis of feilde uith drink to serue & ayde
& suage the thrist of assis uylde uithall.
quho maid the birdis of heauen besyde to duell
amidd the leaues to sing uith succurit sounde
quho from his chalmeris mountaines uatteris uell
that uith the fruitis that from his uorkis abound
the earth may all replenishit be found
he makis for horse & cattell grasse to spreid
& for the man the herbis to grou on grounde
that earth the man & beastis both may feid.
amidd the leaues to sing uith succurit sounde
quho from his chalmeris mountaines uatteris uell
that uith the fruitis that from his uorkis abound
the earth may all replenishit be found
he makis for horse & cattell grasse to spreid
& for the man the herbis to grou on grounde
that earth the man & beastis both may feid.
quho doth reioise the mortailis hairt uith uyne
& quho uith oyle his face makis cleir & bricht
& quho uith foode his stomake strenthinis syne
quho nourishis the uerry trees aricht
the cedris euin of liban tall & uicht
he plantid hath quhaire birdis do bigg thaire nest
he maid the firr trees of a uondrouse hicht
quhaire storkis do mak thaire residence & rest.
& quho uith oyle his face makis cleir & bricht
& quho uith foode his stomake strenthinis syne
quho nourishis the uerry trees aricht
the cedris euin of liban tall & uicht
he plantid hath quhaire birdis do bigg thaire nest
he maid the firr trees of a uondrouse hicht
quhaire storkis do mak thaire residence & rest.
he maid the mountainis hie uylde goatis refuge
he maid the rumling rokkis á duelling place
for alpin rattis quhaire thay do liue & luge
he maid the mone hir course for to imbrace
he maid the sonne to knou his endit race
the uesten earth then maid thou darknes so
as nicht cam on quhen all uylde beastis apace
from uoodis & forrestis creip throuch plainis to go.
he maid the rumling rokkis á duelling place
for alpin rattis quhaire thay do liue & luge
he maid the mone hir course for to imbrace
he maid the sonne to knou his endit race
the uesten earth then maid thou darknes so
as nicht cam on quhen all uylde beastis apace
from uoodis & forrestis creip throuch plainis to go.
then lyonis young beginnis for prayes to roare
at god allmichtie crauing foode & pray
then at sonne rysing do thay stay no moire
but in thaire dennis thaime selfis do softly lay
the man gois foorth unto his uorke by day
& as the sonne beginnis to shyne & ryse
& quhill the euining he remainis auay
at leifsum laboure quhaire his liuing lyis.
at god allmichtie crauing foode & pray
then at sonne rysing do thay stay no moire
but in thaire dennis thaime selfis do softly lay
the man gois foorth unto his uorke by day
& as the sonne beginnis to shyne & ryse
& quhill the euining he remainis auay
at leifsum laboure quhaire his liuing lyis.
o iehoua thy uorkes hou large thay be
& uith quhat uisdome are thay uyselie urocht
of thy great giftis hou full is earth & sea
in great large seas be creping thingis upbrocht
uithout all nomber, yea thy hande hes urocht
great fishe & small, thaire shippis do ualke & slyde
the quhayle quhiche thou hast maid thaire fleitis aflocht
& playis at list quhill thou his foode prouyde.
& uith quhat uisdome are thay uyselie urocht
of thy great giftis hou full is earth & sea
in great large seas be creping thingis upbrocht
uithout all nomber, yea thy hande hes urocht
great fishe & small, thaire shippis do ualke & slyde
the quhayle quhiche thou hast maid thaire fleitis aflocht
& playis at list quhill thou his foode prouyde.
all thir haue trust in the yea all this heape
that thou in season uill prouyde thaire fill
thou giuing thaime thay readie are to reape
thy oppinid hande uith goode thingis fillis thaime still
bot by the contrair if it be thy uill
to hyde thy face then are thay troublit soire
thaire braith receaued by the quyt doth thaime kill
syne turne thay in thaire ashis uithout moire.
that thou in season uill prouyde thaire fill
thou giuing thaime thay readie are to reape
thy oppinid hande uith goode thingis fillis thaime still
bot by the contrair if it be thy uill
to hyde thy face then are thay troublit soire
thaire braith receaued by the quyt doth thaime kill
syne turne thay in thaire ashis uithout moire.
but if thou breithe thay do reuiue againe
yea euen of earth thou dois reneu the face
uith iehoua lett honoure still remaine
& lett him als great ioyfulness inbrace
into his uorkes he formed in euery place
quhois looke & touche quhenas it is essayed
on hillis & earth so alteris it thaire cace
as earth doth tremble mountaines smokes afrayed.
yea euen of earth thou dois reneu the face
uith iehoua lett honoure still remaine
& lett him als great ioyfulness inbrace
into his uorkes he formed in euery place
quhois looke & touche quhenas it is essayed
on hillis & earth so alteris it thaire cace
as earth doth tremble mountaines smokes afrayed.
to iehoua I all my lyfe shall sing
unto my god quhill lyfe lastis shall I pray
my thocht of him great glaidnes shall me bring
in iehoua shall I delyte for ay
lett sinfull men out of the earth decay
& lett the uikkid be into noquhaire
bless thou my soule iehoua great alluay
extoll oure god aboue the skies & aire.
unto my god quhill lyfe lastis shall I pray
my thocht of him great glaidnes shall me bring
in iehoua shall I delyte for ay
lett sinfull men out of the earth decay
& lett the uikkid be into noquhaire
bless thou my soule iehoua great alluay
extoll oure god aboue the skies & aire.
Psal. cxxv.
thay quho in iehoua confyde
resemble unto sion hill
quhilk uill not moue bot shall abyde
all ages stable euer still.
resemble unto sion hill
quhilk uill not moue bot shall abyde
all ages stable euer still.
& as full many montaines tall
ierushalem do compas round
so god both nou & euer shall
his people compas that abound.
ierushalem do compas round
so god both nou & euer shall
his people compas that abound.
the uikkiddis rodd it shall not stay
on iust men & on men upricht
that thay streiche furth thaire hand[es] nouay
to any sinne against his micht.
on iust men & on men upricht
that thay streiche furth thaire hand[es] nouay
to any sinne against his micht.
be goode ô lorde to goode men nou
& thaim of conscience iust & pure
bot quho to throuart uayis do bou
iehoua uill thaim not indure.
& thaim of conscience iust & pure
bot quho to throuart uayis do bou
iehoua uill thaim not indure.
bot he uill send thaim quyt auay
uith thaim that uorkis all urangous thing
let great iehouas peace for ay
on israell his people ring.
uith thaim that uorkis all urangous thing
let great iehouas peace for ay
on israell his people ring.
Psal. 128.
That man that fearis the lorde is blest
& in his uayes ualk euer uill
the fruictis by thee shall be possest
euen of thy handy labouris still
& thou shall blest for euer be
& als it shall be uell uith thee.
& in his uayes ualk euer uill
the fruictis by thee shall be possest
euen of thy handy labouris still
& thou shall blest for euer be
& als it shall be uell uith thee.
thy uyfe shall lyke á fruictfull uyne
remaine into thy house at hande
lyke pleasaunt plantis of olyue syne
thy sonnes about thy boorde shall stand
lo hou that man is blest I say
quho fearis iehoua great alluay.
remaine into thy house at hande
lyke pleasaunt plantis of olyue syne
thy sonnes about thy boorde shall stand
lo hou that man is blest I say
quho fearis iehoua great alluay.
godd doth from sion hill thee blesse
then of ierushalem holy toune
enyoie the gooddis both more & lesse
euen all thy dayes of lyfe hear doune:
Thou shalt thy childrenis ofspring see
& peace on israell shall be.
then of ierushalem holy toune
enyoie the gooddis both more & lesse
euen all thy dayes of lyfe hear doune:
Thou shalt thy childrenis ofspring see
& peace on israell shall be.
Psal. cxxxi.
Thou knouis this iehoua to be
my soule for pryde did neuer suell
nor yit myne eyes did lift on hie
nor uith great thingis i did no mell
nor yit myne arme did neuer streache
to thingis that uaire aboue my reache.
my soule for pryde did neuer suell
nor yit myne eyes did lift on hie
nor uith great thingis i did no mell
nor yit myne arme did neuer streache
to thingis that uaire aboue my reache.
did I not setle & compone
my soule & thochtis quhich lou I plaist
lyke to á simple litle one
quho from his motheris milk is chaist
euen lyke one from the milke restrained
my soule into me still remained
lett israell then haue trust alluaye
in iehoua for nou & ay.
my soule & thochtis quhich lou I plaist
lyke to á simple litle one
quho from his motheris milk is chaist
euen lyke one from the milke restrained
my soule into me still remained
lett israell then haue trust alluaye
in iehoua for nou & ay.
Psal. 133.
Hou goode & pleasaunt thing lo doth appeareaccorde amongst thaime selfis of brethrein deare
quho duellis together in á godlie loue
it is most lyke that preciouse unguent cleir
pourde on the heade syne trikling lyke á teare
upon the bearde doun flouing from aboue
at last doun Aaronis clothis doth softly moue
quhill to his garmentis borderis lou it ueare
& rounde about thaime runne for his behoue
lyke cristall deu distilld on hermon tall
or balmy droppis that dois on sion fall
for on those men god sendis his blessing sure
the quhiche is lyfe for euer to endure.
[Psalm] 148.
Sing laude unto the lorde
heauenis induelleris i say
to do the same accorde
in places hie & stay
& so alluaies
ye angellis all
great oistis & tall
iehoua praise
heauenis induelleris i say
to do the same accorde
in places hie & stay
& so alluaies
ye angellis all
great oistis & tall
iehoua praise
praise him both sunne & moone
& starres uith shyning licht
the same of you be done
ye heauenis of heauinis most bricht
sett furth his fame
ye uatteris euen
aboue this heauen
& praise his name
& starres uith shyning licht
the same of you be done
ye heauenis of heauinis most bricht
sett furth his fame
ye uatteris euen
aboue this heauen
& praise his name
all ye quho by his uill
& uorde created bene
praise great iehoua still
quho dois you ay conteine
in stablisht rest
quhose iust decree
can no uayes be
by ocht transgrest.
& uorde created bene
praise great iehoua still
quho dois you ay conteine
in stablisht rest
quhose iust decree
can no uayes be
by ocht transgrest.
praise him ilk liuing beast
that on the earth do go
thou deepe uith most & least
of fish & quhayles also
thou glancing lou
haill roundly rold
snou quheit & cold
his praise furth shou.
that on the earth do go
thou deepe uith most & least
of fish & quhayles also
thou glancing lou
haill roundly rold
snou quheit & cold
his praise furth shou.
ye exhalationis uakk
uith stormie uindis & shill
quhom he doth euer mak
his uorde for to fullfill
ye cedres great
hudge hillis & knouis
fruct trees that grouis
praise goddis hie seat.
uith stormie uindis & shill
quhom he doth euer mak
his uorde for to fullfill
ye cedres great
hudge hillis & knouis
fruct trees that grouis
praise goddis hie seat.
ye beastis & cattell tame
ilk foule & creping thing
ilk people or prince of name
ilk earthly iudge or king
ye uirginis eik
ye babis & old
uith young men bold
his praise furth speik.
ilk foule & creping thing
ilk people or prince of name
ilk earthly iudge or king
ye uirginis eik
ye babis & old
uith young men bold
his praise furth speik.
for that his name alone
doth heauen & earth adorne
he is that only one
exaltis his peoples horne
thaire praise I meane
of israell
quhom he louis uell
praise god deuine.
doth heauen & earth adorne
he is that only one
exaltis his peoples horne
thaire praise I meane
of israell
quhom he louis uell
praise god deuine.
[Psal. 150.]
Sing lett us sing great praises to the lordpraise god almichtie sanctified I say
laude him in his. [OMITTED] uith one accorde
extoll his uondr [OMITTED]
praise him uith ror [OMITTED]
uith noyce of uioles sound [OMITTED]
siklyke uith holy harpes th [OMITTED]
uith timpanes loude & fifres do [OMITTED]
uith uatry quhissiles schill ext [OMITTED]
& diuers soundit organes strange [OMITTED]
uith sounding cymbales instrume [OMITTED]
& chilping sisteris lett the same [OMITTED]
my soule mott magnifie thy [OMITTED]
praise praise the lorde oure god [OMITTED]
Ecclesiastis Cap. xij.
Be glad o yong man in thy youthfull dayes
And let thy soule reioyse in youth I say
And follow furth what most thy spreit doth praise
And what thyne eyes delytes in every way
But know that once shall come that dreadfull day
When for those deidis God shall exame the sore
And he him self in Iugement sit tharefore
And let thy soule reioyse in youth I say
And follow furth what most thy spreit doth praise
And what thyne eyes delytes in every way
But know that once shall come that dreadfull day
When for those deidis God shall exame the sore
And he him self in Iugement sit tharefore
Remove belyve all rancor from thy brayne
Contene thy fleshe vnworking evill at all
For youth alswell as chyldehead is but vayne
Tharefore on thy creator think thow shall
While in thy lothsome dayes thow dois not fall
And while the tyme is not, when thow shalt say
Now in thir yearis my pleasure is away
Contene thy fleshe vnworking evill at all
For youth alswell as chyldehead is but vayne
While in thy lothsome dayes thow dois not fall
And while the tyme is not, when thow shalt say
Now in thir yearis my pleasure is away
And while the Sunne and light is not obscurde
And while the Moone and starres are shyning bright
And while the raine thik cludds hath not procurde
To follow after darknyng all the light
What tyme they shall be bowed that are of might
Then shall the housegairds tremble all at ones
The grinders stay for lack of counter bones
And while the Moone and starres are shyning bright
And while the raine thik cludds hath not procurde
To follow after darknyng all the light
What tyme they shall be bowed that are of might
Then shall the housegairds tremble all at ones
The grinders stay for lack of counter bones
They shalbe dimd that through the windois keik
The utter dores they shalbe shut assone
The grinders sound shalbe abassed eik
He shall awake then at the laverokkis tone
His whole delyte in singing shalbe done
And they shalbe for hie thingis sore affrayd
And feare shall mak thame in the way dismayd
The utter dores they shalbe shut assone
The grinders sound shalbe abassed eik
He shall awake then at the laverokkis tone
His whole delyte in singing shalbe done
And they shalbe for hie thingis sore affrayd
And feare shall mak thame in the way dismayd
Then shall the almond tree be florisht faire
The grashopper shall both be havy and great
He shall of lust and pleasure have no cair
For man drawis neir to his eternall seat
And dule in streit lukis for him air and late
While tyme the silver corde yet will not rax
And golden circles nather brekkis nor crakkis
The grashopper shall both be havy and great
He shall of lust and pleasure have no cair
For man drawis neir to his eternall seat
And dule in streit lukis for him air and late
While tyme the silver corde yet will not rax
And golden circles nather brekkis nor crakkis
And while the pitcher brekkis not at the well
Nor while at cisterne: then it comes at last
That dust returnis in earth and in it sell
The Spreit returnis to God whome fro it past
From any trouble fredd, or worldlie blast
All vanitie, all vanitie most vaine
All thir are vanitie I say againe
Nor while at cisterne: then it comes at last
That dust returnis in earth and in it sell
The Spreit returnis to God whome fro it past
From any trouble fredd, or worldlie blast
All vanitie, all vanitie most vaine
All thir are vanitie I say againe
The lordis prayer.
Ô michtie father that in heauin remainisthy noble name be sanctifeit aluayes
thy kingdome come, in earth thy uill & rainis
euen as in heauinnis mot be obeyed uith prayse
& giue us lorde oure dayly bread & foode
forgiuing us all oure trespassis aye
as ue forgiue ilk other in lyke moode
lorde in temptation lead us not ue praye
but us from euill deliuer euermoire
for thyne is kingdome ue do all record
allmichtie pouer & euerlasting gloire
for nou & ay, so mot it be ô lorde.
[Canticum Mosis]
Deuteronomie cap. xxxii.
ye gloriouse heauinnis giue eire & I sall speiksee earth thou harken to my speichis eik
my doctrine shall lyke raine distill & poure
my talk as deu sall softlie slyde this houre
lyke smallest schouris on tendir grasse ungrouin
& greatest raines on rank grasse micht be mouin
for I am presently for to proclame
of iehoua the great & michtie name
to oure great god yeild excellence thairfoire
that rok quhois uorkis are perfyt euermoire
for all his uayes are uery lau & richt
I meane to god both constant & of micht
& quho is uoyde of uikkidnes or urong
of that most iust & upricht is my song
the uikked generation & the throuin
defilid thaim selfis uith uyces of thaire ouin
for that thay uayre not his ouen sonnes belouid
fond foolysh people shoulde ye haue remouid
youre faith from god repaying suche á thing
is it not he that is youre father & king
youre oune redemair magnifying you
& euen that same quho hath confirmid you
think of the uorldis long laist to stay youre rage
tak head unto the yearis of euery age
requyre youre fatheris for to tell the treuth
to aske youre elderis als be uoyde of sleuth
quhen he to nationis gaue thaire duelling place
diuyding adamis sonnes & all thaire race
euen the most hie quho setlid marches then
for israellis sonnes & all thaire heapes of men
for that of iehoua the people deir
uaire of the uorlde his pairt & portion neir
thay are his ouin inheritance & pairt
he found thaime in the desert uylde & uyde
fullfilld uith scaircetie & uith tearis beside
he uatched about thaime teaching thaime his uill
as aple of ee preserued thaim euir still
& as the eagle stirrith up hir nest
& on hir young sittis for thaire heit & rest
& streitchis sine abrod hir uingis to tak
& beir hir birdis upon thaime & hir bak
so iehoua he did alone thaime gyde
& no uayes seamed á strainger at that tyde
he buire thaime on the pairtis of earth most hie
to eat the fruites by feildis that randerit be
from stonis of craigis he gaue thaime oylee fyne
& maide thaime out of rokkis souke honny syne
he gaue thaime buttir from the cattell great
& milk from flokkis of sheip that simply bleat
uith cleinly fatt of young & tender lammis
of basan eik the olde flokk gyding rammis
of gaitis uithall, yea euen of quheate the best
ye also drank the bloode of berries prest
bot quhen as israell had uaxit fatt
thay spurrid againe & did thay uist no quhat
nou are ye uaxit great & fatt at onis
& creishe hath ouircledd youre lyre & bonis
for from thayre god that maide thaime up thay fell
& of thaire helth contemned the rokke & uell
thay mouid him to be gealouse of thaime all
for that upon strainge idolis thay did call
& for suche lyke abominationis uyld
thay did prouoke his uraith quhois land thay fyld
thay sacrificed to deuillis in goddis ouin place
goddis quhom thay kneu not laiking any grace
neu goddis & straingeris brocht thaire from astray
quhom thare foirefatheris feared not any uay
ye haue forgott the rokke that you begatt
youre strong creatoure god, alsueill as that
he lichlyid all his sonnes & dauchteris quyt
& said my face from those nou uill I hyde
& for to see thayre end I uill abyde
thay are a generation euill inclynde
sonnes uoyde of faith or treuth into thaire mynde
for thay haue maide me gealous of suche thingis
quhom in no pairt of god allmichtie ringis
thay did prouoke & stirr me up I say
uith thayre unthankfull uanities alluay
thairfoire I uill thaime gealouse mak againe
for most unuorthy people, men prophaine
for nationis fond, a uondrouse thing to heir
I uill prouoke thaime to á trembling feare
for nou is kendlit up my uraith & fyre
to burne to groundis of graiues befoire it tyre
& shall consume the earth hir birth uithall
& als in flamme the groundis of montainis tall
all kynde of euill I uill upon thaime send
& als consume my dairtis on thaime in end
quhen thay sall be uith hunger sore oprest
& eattin up uith the contagiouse pest
I shall make beistis teeth also thaime deuoire
uith earthy serpentis vennumis hairming moire
the suorde shall urakke & all destroye uithout
& in thaire chalmeris terroure thaime about
als uell the young man as the mayden myld
the olde quheit hayrid man uith the souking chyld
& if I had not feared thaire enmies pryde
& that thaire foes uoulde ignorantly chyde
& say it uas oure hand ue liftit up
that urocht this uorke & not iehouas cuppe
I uoulde haue said I uill thaime bannische still
from place to place for suche it uas my uill
extinguishing thayre memorie this day
from mortall men for euer & for aye
for thay are bot á nation uoyde of uitt
uithout all knouledge quhat is for thaime fitt
to tak head to thaire end I uold thaime uiss
hou one coulde chase á thousand men, & tuo
ten hundreth thousand chase thocht many mo
gif nocht, I uould thay kneu because thaire rokke
euen iehoua did giue thaime under yokke
for that thaire rokke is lyke to ours in nocht
as foes can uitness if thaire myndis uaire socht
for thaire uyne tree surpassis sodomis sure
& thaime that ammonites the uikked buire
thaire berries are uith uennum suelld & great
thaire clusteris are unto thaime bitter meat
the uennume of the dragonis is thaire uyne
& mixit uith aspiccis bittir poyson syne
and is not all this thing hidd uith me
& in my treasouris lokkit uith my kie
reuenge is myne & payment of the past
thaire fitt shall stakkir then in tyme at last
the tyme of all thaire miseries is neir
& quhat uill fall thaime shortly shall appeir
quhen iehoua shall iudge his people quhole
& for his seruantis soire repentance thole
quhen he shall spy thaire forces faill apace
inclusid & or skaipit alyke in euill cace
then shall he say quhaire are thaire goddis nou gone
quhaire on thay leind quhaire is that rokke & stone
upon quhose ofringis thay did fattlie feid
& quhose oblation uyne thay drank indeid
lett those aryse & help you nou lett see
& lett that craig á cauerne to you be
beholde me nou to be my only sell
& that no god may uith me ioyne or mell
that it is only I quho puttis to death
& I that dois restoire to uitall breath
that it is I quho uoundis & hailis anone
none can bereaue it from my handis not one
for I streache up my handis to heauen & sayis
I liue eternallie as nou alluayes
& tak my ouin great iudgement in my hand
I shall reuenge me on my foes but staye
& all my haitteris iustly shall repaye
I shall make dronkin all my arroues kein
uith bloode of thaime that still my foes hath bene
& als my blaide it shall consume & uaist
thaire godless flesh uith á reuenging haist
my arroues dronke, for bloode thay shall retaine
of creuall uoundit captiue men or slayne
& so I uill at my first foes beginn
& tak euen to this tyme reuenge of sinn
his people sing sing nationis in youre moode
for that he uill reuenge his peoples bloode
& thaire reuenge makis on his foes to licht
syne doth his lande & people purge aricht
The Poems of James VI. of Scotland | ||