University of Virginia Library

Now suddenly the scene was chang'd again,
And brought to view Delusion's spreading reign:
There intermingl'd hills and rocks were seen,
Here shady Groves and flow'ry Lawns between.
Full in the front a lofty Pile was rear'd,
The Architecture did and rude appear'd.
Delusion's residence, within confin'd
Gay Fictions lurk, and Dreams of ev'ry kind.
Constant as waters roll, or flames ascend,
Hither their course the rising vapours bend;
Drest by her hand they shine with mimic bloom,
Or at her word their nothingness resume.


But still from Fancy all her pow'r she draws,
Bows to her Name, and owns her sacred Laws.
Some in light Dreams the sleeping senses move,
And led by them the thoughts unsettl'd rove,
Others more bold majestic portments take,
And plague delighted those who dream awake.
Such are the dreams of those who thirst for pow'r,
The superstitious, and a thousand more.
Others usurp the features of the Dead,
And shake the torch around the Murth'rer's bed;
Affright the Vigil, or in wanton mirth
Make fools seek hidden treasures in the earth,
Or lead the weary traveller awry,
Or rising flame amazement in the sky.