University of Virginia Library

Scene 1.

A room in the Governor's house. Seaton alone, leaning on a table covered with maps, plans, &c.
My native country, what a fate is thine!
Thy Bruce no more, his infant son afar,
His faithful Regent treacherously slain,
His rival, Baliol, roused again to arm
In contest for the crown—scarred as thou art
With former wounds, and must thou bleed afresh,
From the remorseless blows of civil war?
Yet more, those home-bred feuds have proved the heralds
Of foreign war, and now its best ally,
As these three ling'ring, suffering months can witness,
Since haughty Edward, with a chosen host,
Buckled his armor on and spurred his steed
To Berwick's menaced walls.


(Enter Attendant.)
My lord! the envoys,
The British envoys seek you.

Strait admit them,
Then, Walter, to the castle's commandant,
Greet him from me, and ask his presence hither.

(Exit Attendant. Enter Neville and Mordaunt.)
Hail we not here Sir Alexander Seaton,
The Governor of Berwick?

You are right;
I own the name and office, with the purpose
Ne'er to discredit either.

Be it so!
Like trait is ours in this our embassage.
We bear a message from our royal master,
Edward of England.

What hath England's king
For Seaton's hearing?


Even to demand
The town's surrender as our monarch's right,
And holden by his father's heretofore,
Ere farther loss of time, and wealth, and life,
Serve to impoverish you, exasperate him,
And make the path to future peace and concord
Less easy than the present. We have said.

I will convene the council, and impart
Promptly their answer; meantime, worthy Barons,
If such poor cheer as times like these allow
Meet your regard, betake you to our board.

We are beholden to your courtesy.

Myself the Lady Agnes will apprise
What guests do honor us. She hath a son,
Alas! within your custody, and doubtless
Will profit of your presence to indulge
A mother's fond inquiries. This way, sirs.
