University of Virginia Library



Without the vail of the court: Hadad attended by several of Absalom's guard: Maugrabin, at a little distance in the gloom, watching them.
I saw her there: she entered with the Priests.
Go in, and say the King commands her presence.
(The Guards pass into the court of the Tabernacle: Hadad remains, intently looking through the vail.)
Lo! lo!—the bloody shrine of sacrifice,—
The Cherub-tissued curtains,—the seven branches,
Revealing through the censer's smothering fume
The dim magnificence!—Each implement
As he prescribed.—These must be symbols, types
Of things hereafter.

(muttering to himself.)
Tempt him, if thou wilt—
Pry in his secrets till devouring fire
Break out upon thee—Yea, within the snuff
Of that detested incense! How the wreaths
Begin to curl about him!—I'll not risk

Wherefore should I tremble?—
Mortals have gazed unblinded,—Moses saw
The lightning of his glory pass.—But I—
How could I front the terrible array,
If yonder vail should part?—One flash might end me!—


What holds them parleying? This abhorred smoke
Is worse than Sodom,—every breath I draw
Seems mortal agony.—Leave her I will not—
Re-enter Guards, with Tamar.
Mean ye to stay eternity?

First Guard.
We stay not.


Second Guard.
(aside to his comrade.)
Look how convulsed and pale he is;
And see, his breast is bloody.

Get behind me.

(Throws his mantle across his breast, and conducts Tamar out, followed by the rest: she neither speaks, nor regards him.)