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Sam Jones.

Who is it for the last two weeks
Has been in our town.
And on the end of every tongue
We hear his name resound?
Who is it every night and day,
Would draw a mighty crowd,
And from the depth of his own heart,
Poured forth God's truth aloud?
Who was it that appealed to all,
To every class of men,
And showed the dreadful wickedness,
In their indulging sins?
Who was it called the children out
And told them what to do,
And told them what they must forbid,
To be God's children true?
Who touched that little tender chord
Within their youthful hearts,
And deep down in their youthful souls
Did God's own word impart?


Who called the mothers out one day
And opened to their view,
The way they must through life's conflicts
Lead their dear children through?
Who told them that their mission was
More sacred than them all,
That they built up a platform where
The child would stand or fall?
Who told the wives that selfsame day
What was their sacred duty,
And told the daughters, young and old,
That character was beauty?
Who told the young men that the world
Was hanging on its fate,
And waiting for some noble men
To fill the church and state?
And then who told the fathers dear
That they too had a hand,
That on the fam'ly's record book
Were traces of their hands?
Who told them that the faithful wife,
Who was the queen of home,
Were due all his affections, that
He had no time to roam?


Who told them that those children dear
Now playing at mother's knee,
Depended on their father's strength,
They'd be what father'd be?
Who called men from the gambling hell,
And told them that the cards,
That they had pushed from day to day
Would their own child retard?
Who called men from the low saloons
And told them that the cup
Would cause their sons to be like them,
No better than a pup.
Who drew the tears to Christian eyes,
And caused their souls to weep;
Who made some sinners cry aloud,
“I'll try God's word to keep?”
But time is brief and I must stop,
Do you all understand;
Excell and Steward both were there,
But Sam Jones was the man.