University of Virginia Library


Alpha Kappa Psi brothers: meeting
Rouss 202 at 7:30 P.M.

IFC all community service
chairmen meet in IFC office at

C-ville Draft Resistance meeting to
play for upcoming events -
Public invited. 7:30 P.M. Newcomb
Hall 4A.

TILKA meeting at Kappa Sig house
9 P.M.

"Formation of Planets" R. Ebert at
NRAO Aud., Edgemont Road. 4

Page-Barbour Lectures, Gilmer
Aud. 8:00 p.m. Pro Jean Gottman,
Oxford Univ. "The People and
Their Territory: Reconsideration of
a Basic Relationship"— "Crossroads
and Frontiers amidst modern
fluidity and nomadism."

YR nominations meeting 9 P.M.
Newcomb 4A - All members please

Eli Banana meeting - 10 P.M. SAE
House - Bring checkbook.

Meeting to organize Indochina
newsletter for distrib. to C-ville 8
P.M. Newcomb So. Meeting Rm.

University Union Thursday flick
"The Night of the Living Dead"


Jefferson Society - 7:29, West
Range, , Speaker - Charles
Whitebread 8:15.

Lyle Gramley, Fed. Res. Bd.: Econ.
Stabilization Policy in '71 -Rouss
Hall 104 4 P.M.

Cocktail Party (4-6) Jeff. Hall.
E-Club, faculty and interested


Gold pocket watch, lost week of
March 14. Call Bill 293-2280.

Dr. Brn fur coat Sat. night at Kappa
Sigma. If found please call Terry
Jasperson 3-7527.

EYEGLASSES - large frames,
multi-colored case - between U.
Hall and Dorms, Sat. night reward
Call Mark 296-5389.