University of Virginia Library


Dorm Delivery of the New York
Times is now available. Rates per
semester:$12.00 daily, $6.75
Sunday only, $18.75 daily And
Sunday. Your local dealer may be
contacted at 296-7357. Sorry
cannot be delivered to the girls
dorms. Girls may voice their
complaints by calling the Housing
Director 924-3403.

A group of Medical students are
manning a phone 24 hours a day to
provide drug information And
emergency help. Number

course description blanks for all
group leaders who want their
courses included in the Fall catalog,
are now available at the Newcomb
Hall cloakroom desk (3rd floor)
Mon. thru Fri. ANYTIME' Deadline
for receipt of new courses is Oct. 3
Catalog should be out by Oct. 7.

SHAKEY'S Student Special -
Mon.-Thurs. get a 20% discount on
any of our 21 pizza varieties.
PLUS: Wed, is Student Night And
ALL Beverages will be offered at ½
half price.