University of Virginia Library


ANYONE who wishes to purchase
a copy of Curriculum Evaluation
reports available at Newcomb
Hall Main Desk, Newcomb Hall
Bookstore, and Mineer's for fifty

classes are needed to assist in
preparing the Student Council Curriculum
Evaluation report. Third and
fourth year students are needed to
fill department editor positions in
major fields. Contact Stu Pape, 32
E. Lawn, 296-1950 or 293-3687.

ANYONE wishing to circulate
petition in support of Oct. 15
Vietnam Moratorium please contact
Tom Steele, 50 E. Lawn or Steve
Squire at Vietnam Moratorium
table, second floor Newcomb Hall,
12-2 p.m.

GOLF — meeting for varsity,
freshmen and Slaughter tournament
contestants at 5 p.m. Thursday in
Lecture Room, Memorial Gym.

GOLF — U. Championship
Slaughter Tournament Sunday. All
students eligible. Sign up IM dept.,
room 11, Memorial Gym. Entrance
fee $3.

Society membership applications
may be obtained at 401 Cabell,
Main Desk Newcomb Hall and 39
West Lawn.

AICHE meeting Thursday in
room E-312 Thornton Hall at 7:30
p.m. Drs. Barron and Hall will
speak on graduate school. New
members welcome.

GYMNASTICS club short meeting
Thursday at 5 p.m. in Memorial
Gym. Please attend.

to participate in the convocation
ceremony on Oct. 21 may order
academic apparel in the Director's
Office, Newcomb Hall, ext. 3329.

DRAFT Counseling in conference
room of Newcomb Hall (next
to Main Desk) Monday through
Thursday 12-2 and Wednesday
evening 6-7 p.m.

COLLEGE students are reminded
that the last date for
dropping a course without incurring
a penalty is Friday.

PAY CHECKS for students who
worked during registration may be
picked up at Registrar's Office,
Garrett Hall.

ATTENTION first-year men:
The new first-year directories are
now on sale at Main Desk, Newcomb
Hall. Fifty cents. Get your
copy. Supply limited.

evaluation committee meeting.
All students welcome. Room 4B,
Newcomb Hall, 7:30 Thursday.

INTERESTED in responsible
journalism? Meeting of Students
United for a New University Publication
at 7 p.m., Baptist Student

ALPHA chapter of Chi Phi is
pleased to announce the pledging of
Harvey Lee Howlett Jr. from
Virginia Beach, Va.

Symposium on "Civil and Campus
Disorders" to be given Thursday in
Wilson Hall Aud, begins at 8 p.m.,
NOT 8:30 p.m. as listed on
University Events.