University of Virginia Library



59 Ford convertible, V-8
automatic, fully equipped. Good
condition, $300, Call 296-1760.

1966 Chevy Impala, SS, 327, 4
speed all power. Call 295-5356.

1962 VW Bus, camper. New
engine, very good condition.

Dual stereo amplifier $30,
swivel-rocker $22, solid maple end
table $15, chair $7. Call after 6
p.m. 293-1557.

1964 Corvair Monza, bucket
seats, red, new tires, new battery.
Looks and runs great. $650 or best
offer. Call 293-5430.

1948 Plymouth Club Coupe.
Radio, heater, seat belts, good tires.
Had loving care. $175. Phone

MGA excellent condition — has
luggage rack, new top and new
batteries, $600. Phone 973-5942.

62 Corvette, gold, 327 cu. in.,
300 h.p. Corvette's best year!
Getting married. 296-5942.

Brand new Huffy "26" Boy's
English bicycle. Front and rear
caliper brakes, 3 speed Hub. Cost
$50. Call 296-3502 5-8 p.m.

Concord transistorized stereo
555 tape recorder, tapes, and
accessories, must sell before active
duty, $100, call 295-5036.

SAAB Station Wagon, 1965.
The ideal compact. Seats up to 7.
Front-wheel drive, free wheeling,
ski and luggage racks, snow tires.
Tough and economical. Blue.
Usually parked near Alderman
Library. $900, call 296-3356.

1966 Honda 305 Scrambler.
Very good condition, 3100 miles;
new speedometer, lights, cables.
$420. Indigence forces this sale
upon me. Call Chuck Adams

VW 66 Sedan, diamond blue,
opening rear windows, radio.
21,000 miles, $1,250. Call

Jaguar XKE 1962 convertible,
excellent running condition, $1,900
or best offer. Call 295-5744 after
5:30 p.m.

MGA 1958, a sharp roadster at
the low price of $300. Phone

61 Dodge Lancer, good running
condition, economical, 4 door
compact, call 295-3430.

Volkswagen 66, $1,000. Call

1964 MGB, new inspection and
muffler, 4 new tires, radio, top
condition. 296-4959 after 5:30

1960 Porche, excellent
condition, new tires and muffler.
Call David Redway 295-9045.
Leave name and number.

1966 Olds Cutlass. Power
steering, power brakes, red with
black convertible top. Wire wheels,
white walls, Bong-Warner stereo
tape player with dual stereo
speakers. Call 296-3468, Richard

1960 Rambler Station wagon.
$150. Phone 293-7091 mornings.


Student to work Sundays as
motel desk clerk; plenty of time for
study — $20 for 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Call 296-5516.

ATLANTA: I need a ride to
Atlanta this weekend or next
weekend. Will share expenses. Craig
Keith, 293-4484.

Sturdy desk for student. Call

Qualified Senior or Graduate
student who would like to earn
$500 a month here at the
University. Call 973-3709 or

Soprano soloist for 2 church
services. Apply Box 3365, U.

Secretary needed. Contact Bill
Moore 973-5325.

Wanted either a used portable or
component parts stereo. Call Phi
Gam House 293-4901 and ask for
R.L. Smith.

Part-time help to work in
warehouse and make grocery
deliveries, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday — Friday, ½ day Saturday.
Apply in person Dettor, Edwards,
Morris, 509 East South Street,


Lost: Mouthpiece and section of
antique coach horn, In Mad Bowl
on Saturday night. Reward. Return
to 45 West Range.

Lost: Brown-Virginia National
Bank checkbook — if found contact
Scott Roberts, 122 Humphreys.

Lost: 250 Honda Scrambler,
blue and grey. Reward for any
information leading to recovery.
Call Lee Fauntleroy, 295-3520 or

Lost: Gold charm bracelet
somewhere between Newcomb Hall
and Gilmer Hall. High School ring
attached to it. If found call
293-6291 and ask for Pete.

Lost: Black rim glasses in
vicinity of Frat. houses on north
side of Mad Bowl. If found please
call 924-3068 or contact Charles
Mayhew 114 Dabney.

Lost: Con Law, Logic, Child
Growth and Development books
and notebooks. Please return to
Paul Sherman, 505 16th St., No. 2,

Found: 2 purses — navy blue
patent leather; beige cloth purse in
vicinity of 190 Rugby Rd., near
Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Call 293-3133.

Found: checkbooks for Jere
Real and W.L. Marks. Claim at
Director's Office, Newcomb Hall.

Found: International Student
ID card — C.W.M. deRanitz. Claim
at Director's Office, Newcomb Hall.

Found: On tennis courts by
Memorial Gym, 1967 Hampton
H.S. ring, initials D.K. go to room
11, Memorial Gym to claim.

Found: Pair of horned rim
glasses, name Jay Morris on inside
at Dean Canevarl's office.


The Gridiron Restaurant, across
from U. Hall lunch buffet, all you
can eat, $1.25, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday through Friday. Fish Fry
every Friday night $1.29.

Happy Birthday, "Twinkle."
From the men in No. 28.