University of Virginia Library


Roommate for suite in Tuttle
House for 1968-1969 session. Call
Bob. Marvin or Keith, 295-9958.

reasonable price. Call 293-5372
after 6 p.m.

Wanted to buy: 2 used bicycles
—Man's and Woman's. Call 2955706
after 5 p.m.

1 or 2 for summer
in 2 bedroom air conditioned
apartment. 5 minutes from Rotunda
cheap call 293-8748.

Wanted—reliable driver to take
1964 Valiant to Los Angeles Area
after exams or graduation 2936387.

Ride wanted to New York. Friday,
May 17, will share expenses.
Call Ed. 3-8004.

part time, good working conditions
in a new and high volume
Dutch Pantry Restaurant. Routes
29 and 250, phone 296-1922.

for summer to share
two bedroom garden apartment
1609 Jefferson Park Avenue, private
bedroom, air conditioned,
pool, etc. Available 2 June 68.
Call W. D. Lee, U. extension 3076
or 296-1210.

Part-time representatives:
Leading educational company
will give training without cost
and furnish leads. Phone 293-3924
for interview.

4 fellow gentlemen of means
who would like to reside in Charlottesville
next year in refined
Virginia style, Call 296-6255 after

CHEAP- summer
school, air conditioned
apartment, close to U., $30/mo.
Call Bill, 295-.

Student for summer farm work
including operation of machinery,
mechanical aptitude desirable.
$89 per week including meals,
contact J. B. Murray, 973-5336
(days), 973-5501 (evenings).