University of Virginia Library



Academic Affairs and Curriculum
Evaluation Comm. meeting
at 10 p.m. in 4C.

College Curriculum Evaluation
Forms: return through today.

Poetry reading by Allan Tate in
McGregor Room, at 8 p.m.

Students interested in majoring
in Latin American Studies are invited
to come to Room 307 Cabell
Hall, 7-9 p.m. today and tomorrow.

All Fraternity houses are reminded
that they will not be able
to vote in tonight's Sceptre Society
caucus in the new Chemistry
Aud. unless they have paid
their yearly dues. For information
call 293-9292.

Eng. Club grain party-Members,
Faculty and guests, Jefferson Hall,
5 p.m.


Softball rules meeting for slow
pitch managers and those interested
in officiating, 3:15, lecture
room, Memorial Gym.

U. Young Republicans will have
a meeting at 9 p.m., Room 4C,
Newcomb Hall to nominate candidates
for club offices.

YD meeting 8:30 p.m. South
Meeting Room, nominations and
resolutions for State YD Convention
Richmond March 28-30.


All Advertising staff for CD
please see secretary to pick up
form to be filled out to get your

The Computer Science Center
will offer an introduction to programming
in the BASIC language
on Wed., March 27, 3-5 p.m. in
Gilmer Hall Aud. It is oriented
toward people who already have
some programming experience in
any language.

Alpha Kappa Psi Nat. Business
Fraternity, announces the results
of its recent elections: President,
A. Loring; 1st Vice President, C.
Biscoe; 2nd Vice President, G.
Singer; Secretary, J. Barnes;
Treasurer, J. White; Historian, J.

Cuban National Students who
intend to apply for financial assistance
under the U.S. Cuban
Loan Program for the 1968 Summer
Session must file application
with the Office of Financial Aid
before March 29.

Applications for general housing
will be accepted by the Housing
Office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
as follows: graduate students and
fourth and fifth year upperclass
undergraduate students on Monday,
April 1; third year students
on Tuesday and Wednesday, April
2 and 3; second year students on
Thursday and Friday, April 4 and
5. Applications will not be accepted
before the day stated.

There has been an extension
on deadline for degree candidates
to order announcements and invitations,
thru March 22 at Main
Desk, Newcomb Hall.

Prism this week: Wed. night,
open sing; Thurs. night, Discussion,
movies, the Mechanical Art
with Prof. James Rambeau, begins
at 9. The Coffehouse will
be closed this weekend for Spring

Applications are now being
taken for Resident Advisors for
1968-69. Information regarding
these positions is available in the
office of the Dean of the College.
The closing date for these applications
is March 25.

St. Anthony Hall is pleased to
announce the pledging of H. Conrad
Warlick, Assistant Dean of