University of Virginia Library


To rent a house, 4 bedrooms,
unfurnished, 1½ baths; fenced
in yard — not beyond suburbs.
Available June 1. Call 6-5363.

Pianist for small church, good
pay. Call Robert Trainum, 2935005.

Ride wanted to New York, Friday.
Feb. 16. Kellan Hooper, 2952166.
Ext. 307.

Attractive young lady to prepare
dinners for four U. gentlemen
in exchange for free meals.
Well-equipped kitchen. 1800 Jefferson
Park. Apt. 26. Phone 2933917.

Counselors for summer camp in
Maine. Canoe and mountain trips,
sailing, nature, riflery, archery,
swimming, tennis and crafts. 8
week session. Camp on island.
Call 293-0696 or write Jim Breeden,
Rt. 5, Box 280A, Charlottesville.

Models, male or female, for art
class, Tuesday and Thursday
mornings, 9:00-12:00. Call 295-2160,
Ext. 3057.

Apt,-mate, inexpensive yet luxurious
apt., close to University
—305 15th St. Call 6-3631.

Roommate to share apt. with
two other students on prestigious,
convenient Valley Road. 2936897.