University of Virginia Library


Half-time secretary-stenographer
position for semi-executive
work with Virginia Asian Studies
Consortium. Knowledge of Academic
organization and function
and some managerial skill needed.
Phone ext. 3358.

Wanted: On campus ski area
representative, also qualified
weekend ski instructors. Contact
Bryce's Mountain Resort, Inc.,
Basye, Va. 22810. Telephone (703)

bassist and drummer for Rock
Group. Must be good players—
singing not necessary. Group has
music, contacts. Call 293-0232 or

Home for lovable AKC poodles,
call after 6, 296-3887.

WANTED: Graduate student to
share brand new furnished one
bedroom apartment. About $95/
month including utilities. Call
Stan Kelly, 293-2112, evenings.

Live-in babysitter, free room,
terms flexible. Bellair. Phone

Wanted to Buy: High chair,
tables, file cabinet, three speed
bicycles and used sports car, under
$500.00. Phone 298-8381.

Student's wife wanted for full-time
or part-time employment in
selling better ready-to-wear and
sports wear in William's new Suburban
Shop, Barracks Road. Experience
preferred. Apply in person,
Personnel Office, Downtown,
C. H. Williams, Inc.

Needed, roommate for four-man
apartment. $35/monthly, Close
503-B Brandon Avenue. Inquire