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The President announced the following gifts and grants:







From Mrs. Sallie Shepherd Perkins, to establish the Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Fund
to be used for the maintenance of the Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Chair of Pediatrics
and for medical research, securities valued at 
From Mr. John Allan Love, to be added to the John Allan Love Trust Fund  14,366 
From Mr. Linton R. Massey, to Alderman Library, books and manuscripts of William Faulkner
materials, valued at 
From Mr. Bernard M. Meeks, to Alderman Library, 88 original cartoons valued at  3,297 
From Mrs. Ullin Leavell, to be added to the Ullin Leavell Scholarship Fund, securities
valued at 
From estate of Mr. Charles B. Baker, to the Children's Rehabilitation Center, equipment
valued at 
From Seven Society, to the University to be added to the Alderman Library Addition
From Mrs. Virginia M. Harrison, to the hospital to be added to the Harrison M. Robertson
Memorial Fund 
From Mrs. Helen C. Mott, to the hospital to be added to the Mott Cancer Fund  500 
From Miss Marguerite Kumm and Mr. Harold Kumm, to the School of Medicine to establish
the Sarah Louise Kienholz Kumm Memorial Loan Fund $200; to establish the Ferdinand G.
Kumm Memorial Loan Fund $200 
From Mr. John Puryear, for the hospital  $ 300 
From Mr. Eugene R. Black, to be added to the Alderman Library Addition Fund  250 
From Mr. Douglas H. Gordon, to Alderman Library, copy of Hulme's English Constitution,
London, 1771, valued at 
From Law Wives' Club, to be added to the Evelyn Fanny Saunders Memorial Loan Fund  265 
From University Hospital Auxiliary, to be added to the Indigent Drug Fund  500 
From Alumni Association, for athletic grants-in-aid  15,000 
From the 1961 Alumni Fund, contributions made through that office for the following: 
Faculty Salaries  4,155 
Alderman Library  1,422 
Summer Scholarships  2,500 
Mulholland Chair of Internal Medicine  3,444 
Allergy Clinic  3,740 
Medical School  9,375 
Virginia Quarterly Review  50 
Manly Aylor Scholarship Fund  100 
University Chapel  25 
Snavely Scholarship Fund  1,133 
Woodrow Wilson Department of Foreign Affairs  100 
1935 Medical Class Fund  1,932 
1938 Medical Class Fund  1,375 
1939 Medical Class Fund  1,140 
1945 Medical Class Fund  785 
1930 Class Scholarship Fund  1,510 
1937 Class Scholarship Fund  1,790 
Sundry Gifts  462 
University YMCA  490 
George Mason College  70 
Clinch Valley College  12 
From Chemstrand Corporation, to the Department of Chemistry, scholarship $500; grant-in-aid
From Radio Corporation of America, an unrestricted gift  100 
From Old Dominion Foundation, to Alderman Library, books valued at  2,000 
From National Merit Scholarship Corporation, to be added to the University scholarship
From Shell Oil Corporation, to be added to the Shell Merit Scholarship Fund  100 
From Alumni Board of Trustees, for the following: 
Barksdale Chemistry Library  375 
Barksdale Engineering Library  375 
Jones Engineering Library  75 
Cameron Scholarship  150 
Epes Scholarship  125 
Roper Scholarship  125 
Selden Scholarship  250 
Sarah Seward Scholarship  125 
Simon Seward Scholarship  125 
Watts Scholarship  125 
Summer Scholarships  $ 2,500 
Publication of University Topics  3,500 
From American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation, to the Medical
From Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study, an unrestricted gift  400 
From Burlington Industries Foundation, an unrestricted gift  340 
From General Electric Foundation, an unrestricted gift  527 
From The Edmondson Foundation, to the Medical School to be added to the Robert Mercer
Payne Scholarship Fund 
From United Cerebral Palsy of Virginia, Inc., to the Children's Rehabilitation Center
for the operation of the "Home Service Program" 
From Chardon Fabrics, Inc., to be added to the Medical scholarship funds  350 
From Monsanto Chemical Company, for a scholarship in the Engineering School  500 
From National Fund for Medical Education, in support of the Medical School  31,060 
From Giles County United Fund, to the hospital for research in polio and crippling
diseases $1,000; for cardiovascular research $825; for cancer research $225 
From National Merit Scholarship Corporation, an unrestricted gift  340 
From Muscular Dystrophy Association, to the hospital for the operation of the Muscular
Dystrophy Clinic 
From Merck and Company, for research under the direction of Dr. B. van't Riet,
Department of Chemistry 
From Conditioned Reflex Institute, Inc., in support of a symposium to be conducted by
Dr. Joseph Wolpe, Department of Psychiatry 
From E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, for research under the direction of Mr. L. B.
Johnson, Jr., Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Regulus, Inc., for research under the direction of Mr. E. S. McVey, Research
Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a research fellowship for Prof. Edwin E. Floyd, Department
of Mathematics, for the period 9/16/62 - 9/15/64 
From Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a research fellowship for Prof. P. E. Conner, Department
of Mathematics, for the period 9/16/62 - 9/15/64 
From American Cancer Society, for research under the direction of Dr. V. Hollander,
School of Medicine 
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, support of participation of Dr. A. C. Lapsley in
1962 AEC-ASEE Summer Institute at the University of Illinois 
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, for the purchase of equipment for the Nuclear
From U. S. Rubber Company, for research under the direction of Mr. R. N. Hubbard,
Engineering School 
From National Aeronautical and Space Agency, for research under the direction of
Mr. O. R. Harris, Engineering School 
From Lincoln Rochester Trust Company, for research in Parapsychology under the direction
of Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry 
From National Science Foundation, research participation for college teachers under the
direction of Dr. Bart van't Riet, Department of Chemistry, for the summer 1962 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a fellowship supply grant for support of Dr. W. A.
Scoggin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a fellowship supply grant for support of Mr. R. H.
White, Department of Biology 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a Research Career Development Award for Dr. J. I.
Kitay, Department of Internal Medicine 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a Research Career Award for Dr. J. F. Dammann, Jr.,
Department of Surgery 
From U. S. Army, for research under the direction of Prof. M. G. Foster, Department of
Electrical Engineering 
From National Association for Mental Health, for research under the direction of
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry 
From U. S. Public Health Service, training grants under the direction of the following members
of the faculty: 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  $ 55,080 
Dr. C. L. Gemmill, Department of Pharmacology  36,964 
Dr. J. I. Kitay, Department of Internal Medicine  32,347 
Dr. A. J. Bollet, Department of Preventive Medicine  25,164 
Dr. G. S. Fitz-Hugh, Department of Otolaryngology  12,000 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  15,535 
Dr. O. Swineford, Jr., Department of Internal Medicine  24,300 
Dr. A. E. Feller, Department of Microbiology  35,000 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  85,907 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  8,100 
Dr. C. H. Fox, Department of Pathology  10,770 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  8,380 
From U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty: 
Dr. D. W. Kupke, Department of Biochemistry  12,344 
Mr. D. R. H. Gourley, Department of Pharmacology  4,175 
Dr. Guy Hollifield, Department of Internal Medicine  40,876 
Dr. R. F. Shaw, Department of Preventive Medicine  15,537 
Dr. O. R. Rodig, Department of Chemistry  9,958 
Drs. J. F. Dammann & S. H. Bartle, Department of Surgery  145,467 
Dr. C. M. Kunin, Department of Preventive Medicine  5,060 
Dr. P. E. Weary, Department of Dermatology  9,775 
Drs. R. H. Henneman & W. F. Battig, Department of Psychology  12,194 
Dr. J. W. Beams, Department of Physics  6,210