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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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E. Bendann, Death Customs (London, 1930). H. Bonnet,
Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte (Berlin,
1952). S. G. F. Brandon, Creation Legends of the Ancient
Near East
(London, 1963); idem, History, Time and Deity
(Manchester, 1963); idem, The Judgment of the Dead
(London and New York, 1967-68); idem, “The Ritual Per-
petuation of the Past,” Numen, 7 (Leiden, 1959); idem, “The
Ritual Technique of Salvation in the Ancient Near East,”
The Savior God, ed. S. G. F. Brandon (Manchester, 1963);
idem, ed., Dictionary of Comparative Religion (London and
New York, 1970); idem, Man and God in Art and Ritual
(New York, 1973). E. Ebeling, Tod und Leben nach der
Vorstellungen der Babylonier,
Band I (Berlin and Leipzig,
1931). M. Eliade, Le mythe de l'éternel retour (Paris, 1949);
idem, Traité d'histoire des religions (Paris, 1949). J. G. Frazer,
The Magic Art (The Golden Bough), 3rd ed., 2 vols. (London,
1936). G. Furlani, Riti babilonesi e assiri (Udine, 1940).
T. H. Gaster, Thespis (New York, 1950). J. Harrison, Ancient
Art and Ritual,
5th ed. (London, 1935). S. H. Hooke, The
Origins of Early Semitic Ritual
(London, 1938); idem, ed.,
Myth and Ritual (Oxford, 1933); idem, ed., Myth, Ritual
and Kingship
(Oxford, 1958). E. O. James, Christian Myth
and Ritual
(London, 1933); idem, Myth and Ritual in the
Ancient Near East
(London, 1958); idem, Seasonal Feasts
and Festivals
(London, 1961). G. E. Mylonas, Eleusis and
the Eleusinian Mysteries
(Princeton, 1961). For Pyramid
see K. Sethe, Die altägyptischen Pyramidentexten
(reprint Hildesheim, 1960). C. H. Ratschow, Magie und
(Gütersloh, 1955); Sources orientales, Vol. VII,
Le monde du sorcier (Paris, 1966). D. H. Smith, Chinese
(London, 1968). P. J. Ucko and A. Rosenfeld,
Palaeolithic Cave Art (London, 1967). A. van Gennep, Les
rites de passage
(Paris, 1909). A. N. Whitehead, Religion
in the Making
(Cambridge, 1927). R. C. Zaehner, Hinduism
(London, 1962).


[See also Christianity in History; Creation; Death and
Mimesis; Myth;Religion, Origins of; Sin and