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1 occurrence of david davis
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1 occurrence of david davis
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After a presentation of the background history of the Home Economics major at Mary Washington
College, the Chancellor reported on the action of the Mary Washington College faculty at its
meeting on 14 April 1964, "that by June 1968, the major in Home Economics at Mary Washington
College be terminated and courses in the Department of Home Economics be offered for elective
credit only." The faculty passed the motion by a vote of 77 to 60 with one abstention. The action
of the faculty does not change the limitation of degree credits in vocational subjects to 12 hours
as established by the Board's resolution of 11 June 1948 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University
of Virginia,
No. 11, 11 June 1948, pp. 60-61).

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to discontinue conferring the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics after June 1968, and that, after September 1964, no
student will be permitted to enroll in courses directed towards a degree in Home Economics, except
that the degree may be awarded (1) when the requirements have been met after June 1968 on a
program begun prior to 30 September 1964, and (2) when in the discretion of the Chancellor an
exception should be made.