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Mr. McWane reported on behalf of Judge Smith, who was unavoidably absent this morning, that
the Committee on the College had met on the evening of June 13th, with Judge Smith presiding, and
had considered and approved in detail the matters which would now be presented to the Board by the


The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of Mary Washington College

Mr. Robert Douglas Allsbrook as Assistant Professor of Mathematics for the session 1958-59, at
a salary of $5000

Mr. Peter R. Coffin as Assistant Professor of Philosophy for the session 1958-59, at a salary
of $5000

Mr. George M. Van Sant as Assistant Professor of Philosophy for the session 1958-59, at a
salary of $5000

Mr. George Wilborn Bahlke as Instructor in English for the session 1958-59, at a salary of

Mrs. Catherine Howell Hook as Instructor in Education for the session 1958-59, at a salary
of $4400

Miss Vivian Lorraine Munson as Instructor in History for the session 1958-59, at a salary of

Mr. Enrigue Luis Revol (Foreign Exchange Professor under Fulbright Act) as Assistant Professor
of Comparative Literature for the session 1958-59, at a salary of $5000

Miss Joan Rae Orloff as Instructor in Art for the session 1958-59, at a salary of $4400


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following faculty members be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty of Mary Washington
College, for the session 1958-59

Mrs. Evelyn Mary Eaton as Visiting Professor of English (Part-time) at a salary of $1360

Mr. Jesse Bythwood Jackson as Visiting Professor of Mathematics at a salary of $6800

Dr. W. Schuyler Miller as Visiting Professor of Geology (Part-time) at a salary of $1700

Mrs. Juliette Breffort Blessing as Instructor in French at a salary of $4600

Mrs. Viola P. Butzner as Instructor in Art (one-half time) at a salary of $2300

Miss Mary Gay Calcott as Instructor in English at a salary of $4600

Miss Mildred A. Droste as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $5000

Mr. Albert G. Duke as Instructor in Dramatic Arts and Speech at a salary of $5000.

Miss Miriam J. Greenberg as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $5000

Mrs. Leatrice Ann Voorhees Grove as Instructor in Psychology at a salary of $4600

Miss Rosemary Herman as Instructor in Spanish at a salary of $5000

Mr. Michael Houston as Instructor in Journalism and Director of Admissions at an annual
salary of $5280

Mrs. Myra L. Irby as Instructor in History at a salary of $5000

Mr. H. A. Michael Kirschner as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $4800

Miss Katherine F. Moran as Instructor in Dramatic Arts and Speech and Assistant Dean of
Students, at an annual salary of $6000

Mr. William Pinschmidt, Jr., as Instructor in Biology at a salary of $5000

Miss Carol Marguerite Pitts as Instructor in English at a salary of $4600

Dr. Russell S. Ratcliffe as Instructor in Education, at a salary of $4800

Miss Carmen L. Rivera as Instructor in Spanish at a salary of $4800

Miss Frances Beveridge Sydnor as Instructor in English at a salary of $5000

Mr. Jack Bruce Thomas as Instructor in Sociology at a salary of $4800

Mrs. Lola Minich Tompkins as Instructor in Economics and Business Administration at a
salary of $4600

Miss Eula D. Turner as Instructor in Physical Education at a salary of $4600



The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Dr. William Edward Montague as Assistant Professor of Psychology,
effective June 1, 1958, be and it is hereby accepted

We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotions of members of the faculty of Mary Washington College be and they
are hereby made, effective as of September 1, 1958

Mrs. Mildred M. Bolling, Associate Professor and Chairman of the French Department to
Professor of French and Chairman of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages, at an annual
salary of $6500

Miss Margery E. Arnold, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Health, Physical
Education and Recreation, at an annual salary of $5750

Dr. Stanley F. Bulley, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Music, at an annual
salary of $5750

Miss Mildred Cates, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Home Economics, at an annual
salary of $5000

Mr. Sidney H. Mitchell, Instructor to Assistant Professor of English, at an annual salary
of $5000

Dr. Mary Jo Parrish, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Biology, at an annual salary of

Mr. W. J. Pitman, Instructor to Assistant Professor of Biology, at an annual salary of


The Chancellor reported that after consultation with Mr. Darden, it has been decided to
consolidate the academic work in the several modern foreign languages into one department
Persons who previously held separate chairmanships have been so notified of this change in the
administrative structure of the College. The purpose of this change is to make possible a more
consistent and effective program of instruction in modern languages throughout the College. The
former chairman of the French Department has agreed to serve as the new chairman of the Department
of Modern Foreign Languages


The Chancellor reported to the Board regarding the status of the indebtedness to the State
Treasury which had amounted, at the time of the last meeting of the Board, to $844,606.33. Since
the last meeting, the Governor has authorized application of surplus for the 1956-58 biennium to
the indebtedness

On May 29, 1958, Mr. Simpson said, the Comptroller informed the College that the surplus
at June 30, 1957, in the amount of $205,346.84 had been applied to the debt, leaving a balance
of $639,259.49. It is hoped to reduce this amount by $200,000.00 from the surplus at June 30,
1958. You will recall the appropriation of $351,390.00 in the 1958-60 budget. However, before
this amount can be applied, the remaining balance of the debt must be paid from funds other than
the general fund of the State

Mr. Darden supported Mr. Simpson's proposal for a bond issue or short-term loan to be
arranged following application of the 1957-58 surplus to the debt, in order to cover the balance
of debt then remaining in excess of $351,000. Mr. Darden estimated this balance as falling in
the range of $75,000 to $85,000, and requested the Board's authority to negotiate (with the
Governor's approval) a loan for the necessary amount

The Board resolved that the President be and he is hereby authorized to negotiate the loan
as proposed


The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the administrative officers of Mary Washington College be and they are hereby authorized to
charge off as uncollectible the old student accounts, for the years 1930-56, in the sum of
$9,895.06, found by them to be uncollectible and recommended by them for charging off


Mr. Simpson reported a communication from Governor Almond authorizing holidays as follows



New Year's Day  January 1 
Lee-Jackson Day  January 19 
Washington's Birthday  February 22 
Jefferson's Birthday  April 13 
Confederate Memorial Day  May 30 
Independence Day  July 4 
Labor Day  First Monday in September 
Veterans' Day  November 11 
Thanksgiving Day  Fourth Thursday in November 
Christmas Day  December 25 
General Election Day 
Days designated as State Holidays by special
proclamation of the Governor 

and stating further that:

"If the nature of the services of any agency or institution requires that it
be in full operation on certain of the days listed above as holidays and be closed
on other days, an alternative schedule providing an equal number of holidays may be
authorized by the governing board with the approval of the Governor".

Since Mary Washington College is in session when many of the holidays occur, Mr. Simpson
requested that the employees of the College be granted permission to use such holidays at times
when the college is not in session, preferably during the period that the College is closed for
the Christmas holidays.

The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Chancellor of Mary Washington College, subject to the approval of the Governor, be and is
hereby authorized to permit time off for employees, in lieu of legal holidays not observed at the
time of occurrence, during the period that the College is closed for the Christmas holidays.


Copies of the proposed Budget for 1958-59 having been laid before the Board by the Bursar
of the College, Mr. Woodward, he and Chancellor Simpson reviewed the highlights. Although total
revenues are estimated by Mr. Woodward at $2,090,660, an increase of $53,940, proposed expenditures
of $2,086,511 are expected to leave a surplus of only $4,149. Adjustment to the new Faculty salary
scale accounts for a large portion of the heavier expenditures, and the increased revenue of
$79,000 from higher student fees is offset in part by a $25,000 reduction in State appropriation
from the General Fund.

The Board resolved after discussion to approve and adopt the Budget for 1958-59 as presented.


The Rector laid before the Board copies of letters from Mr. Simpson and Mr. Goolrick in which,
as he noted, both the Chancellor and the Founder of the College had expressed appreciation for the
Board's Resolutions of last April on the occasion of the College's fiftieth anniversary.


The Chancellor presented a memorandum from Mr. Michael Houston, Director of Admissions,
showing present admissions of 1482 residential students for the 1958-59 session. This leaves
31 vacancies, Mr. Simpson reported, to be filled by future admissions, with 108 applications for
admission still pending.

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Frank Talbott, Jr.
Francis L. Berkeley