Board of Visitors minutes May 14, 1999 | ||
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the following persons are elected to the faculty:
- Dr. Joseph C. English, III as Assistant Professor of Dermatology, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Donald A. Jordan, Jr. as Research Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, for one year, effective January 25, 1999.
- Mr. George A. Kulik as Assistant Professor of Research in Microbiology, for one year.
- Mr. James G. Maxham, III as Assistant Professor of Commerce, for three academic years, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Denise S. Young as Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, for the period February 25, 1999 through September 30, 1999.
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the actions relating to the chairholders are approved as shown below:
- (a) Election of Chairholders
- Mr. Marshall Brement as Hugh S. and Winifred B. Cumming Memorial Professor of International Affairs, for three academic years, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Gary W. Gallagher as John L. Nau, III, Professor in the History of the American Civil War, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Jon D. Mikalson as William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Classics, effective November 25, 1999.
- Mr. Dennis R. Proffitt as Cavaliers Distinguished Teaching Professor, for two years, effective June 25, 1999. Mr. Proffitt will continue as Professor of Psychology, without term.
- Mr. Daniel M. Wegner as William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Psychology, effective November 25, 1999.
- Ms. Karen Van Lengen as Edward E. Elson Professor of Architecture, effective June 25, 1999.
- Dr. Barbara B. Wilson as Edward P. Cawley Associate Professor of Dermatology, effective July 1, 1999. Dr. Wilson will continue as Associate Professor of Dermatology, without term.
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the following persons are promoted:
- Mr. Joseph P. Allen from Associate Professor of Psychology to Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Yongde Bao from Assistant Professor of Research in Microbiology to Associate Professor of Research in Microbiology, for one year, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. John S. Blanco from Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, without term, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Eric R. Bredo from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Mary K. Burke from Assistant Professor of Drama to Associate Professor of Drama, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Susan E. Carlson-Skalak from Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering to Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Dewey G. Cornell from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Dean A. Dass from Associate Professor of Art to Professor of Art, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Gregory G. Degnan from Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery to Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for four years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. John M. Dent from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Richard I. Enelow from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Ms. Gayle R. Erwin from Assistant Professor of Commerce to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Eugene F. Foley from Assistant Professor of Surgery to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Edward R. Ford from Associate Professor of Architecture to Professor of Architecture, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Glenn A. Gaesser from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Benjamin M. Gaston from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for four years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Matthew J. Goodman from Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Michael E. Gorman from Associate Professor of Technology, Culture, and Communication to Professor of Technology, Culture, and Communication, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Mitchell S. Green from Assistant Professor of Philosophy to Associate Professor of Philosophy, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Frank E. Grizzard, Jr. from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for one year, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. A. Ian Harrison from Associate Professor of Chemistry to Professor of Chemistry, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Madaline B. Harrison from Associate Professor of Neurology, with term, to Associate Professor of Neurology, without term, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Jennifer A. Harvey from Assistant Professor of Radiology to Associate Professor of Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. John F. Hawley from Associate Professor of Astronomy to Professor of Astronomy, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Sharon R. Hays from Assistant Professor of Sociology to Associate Professor of Sociology, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. James M. Howe from Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering to Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Robert Hull from Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering to Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Christopher M. Johns from Associate Professor of Art to Professor of Art, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Sara A. Kaltreider from Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, with term, to Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, without term, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Luke E. Kelly from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. J. Daniel Kinney from Associate Professor of English to Professor of English, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Rebecca D. Kneedler from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Karl G. Koenig from Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Steven M. Koenig from Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Boris P. Kovatchev from Assistant Professor of Research in Psychiatric Medicine to Associate Professor of Research in Psychiatric Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. James M. Larner from Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, without term, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Edward G. Lengel from Lecturer, General Faculty, to Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one year, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Klaus F. Ley from Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering to Professor of Biomedical Engineering, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Jorg Liebeherr from Assistant Professor of Computer Science to Associate Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Maurice H. Lipper from Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology and Associate Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery to Professor of Clinical Radiology and Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Ms. Patricia L. Llewellyn from Assistant Professor of Psychology, General Faculty, to Associate Professor of Psychology, General Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Stuart M. Lowson from Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Ms. Carol A. Manning from Assistant Professor of Neurology to Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Earl J. Mark from Associate Professor of Architecture, with term, to Associate Professor of Architecture, without term, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Kirk Martini from Assistant Professor of Architecture to Associate Professor of Architecture, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Nancy L. McDaniel from Associate Professor of Pediatrics, with term, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, without term, effective July 1, 1999.
- Ms. Elizabeth L. McGarvey from Assistant Professor of Research in Psychiatric Medicine to Associate Professor of Research in Psychiatric Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Mark J. Mendelsohn from Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. John S. Minasi from Assistant Professor of Surgery to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Matthew Neurock from Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering to Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Spencer G. Niles from Associate Professor of Education to Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Pamela M. Norris from Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering to Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Akemi Ohira from Assistant Professor of Studio Art to Associate Professor of Studio Art, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Stephen S. Park from Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery to Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Ms. Karen H. Parshall from Associate Professor of History and Mathematics to Professor of History and Mathematics, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Brooks H. Pate from Assistant Professor of Chemistry to Professor of Chemistry, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Sonia H. Pearson-White from Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Assistant Professor of Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics to Associate Professor of Microbiology and Associate Professor of Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, for two years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Shyamal Das Peddada from Associate Professor of Statistics to Professor of Statistics, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Michael Ragosta, III from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Paul F. Reynolds from Associate Professor of Computer Science to Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Mercedes T. Richards from Associate Professor of Astronomy to Astronomy, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Randall R. Robey from Assistant Professor of Education to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Eugene F. Rogers, Jr. from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies to Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Ian J. Sarembock from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Helmy M. Siragy from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. David E. Smith from Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, General Faculty, to Professor of Environmental Sciences, General Faculty, for one year, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Laura B. Smolkin from Assistant Professor of Education to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Sang H. Son from Associate Professor of Computer Science to Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Burkhard F. Spiekermann from Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Associate Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Richard D. Stevenson from Associate Professor of Pediatrics, with term, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, without term, effective July 1, 1999.
- Mr. Douglas R. Taylor from Assistant Professor of Biology to Associate Professor of Biology, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. William J. Thurneck from Associate Professor, General Faculty, to Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Stanley C. Trent from Assistant Professor of Education to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Carl O. Trindle from Associate Professor of Chemistry to Professor of Chemistry, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Peter E. Waldron from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Ms. Cynthia S. Wall from Assistant Professor of English to Associate Professor of English, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Heather A. Warren from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies to Associate Professor of Religious Studies, effective August 25, 1999.
- Ms. Amy L. Wax from Associate Professor of Law to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Robert M. Weikle, II from Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering to Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. Elliott N. Weiss from Associate Professor of Business Administration to Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 1999.
- Mr. D. Mark Whittle from Associate Professor of Astronomy to Professor of Astronomy, effective August 25, 1999.
- Dr. Andrew M. Wolf from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Paul Yeaton from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Cynthia M. Yoshida from Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- Dr. Jeffrey S. Young from Assistant Professor of Surgery and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine to Associate Professor of Surgery and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1999.
- The following resignations were announced:
- Ms. Mary K. Bednar, Assistant Professor, General Medical Center Faculty, effective March 21, 1999, to accept another position.
- Dr. Douglas E. DeGood, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, effective March 31, 1999, to accept another position.
- Dr. Laurie L. Fajardo, Professor of Radiology, effective February 28, 1999, to accept another position.
- Dr. Robert R. Heider, Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective February 28, 1999, to accept another position.
- Ms. Lois C. Knowles, Associate Professor, General Faculty, effective March 1, 1999, for personal reasons.
- Ms. Polley A. McClure, Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective April 30, 1999, to accept another position.
- Mr. David J. Verardo, Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective March 1, 1999, to accept another position.
- Mr. John A. Wert, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, effective January 31, 1999, to accept another position.
- The following appointments were announced:
- Mr. John E. Portmann as Executive Assistant to the Vice President and Provost, for three years, effective March 10, 1999.
- Ms. H. Elizabeth Rue as Dean of Students, for five years, effective July 25, 1999.
- Ms. Karen Van Lengen as Dean of the School of Architecture, for five years, effective June 25, 1999.
- The following re-appointment was announced:
- Ms. Roberta W. Miksad as Special Assistant to the Vice President for Research and Public Service, for the period December 1, 1998 through May 31, 1999.
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the following person is elected Professor Emeritus:
- Dr. Nickolas J. Sojka, Professor of Medical Education, effective June 30, 1999.
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the retirement of Dr. Robert F. Selden, Jr., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective May 30, 1999, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1999, be changed to read as follows:
- Dr. Robert F. Selden, Jr., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective June 30, 1999. Dr. Selden has been a member of the faculty since July 1, 1962.
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the Election of Associate Professor Emeritus of Dr. Robert F. Selden, Jr., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective May 30, 1999, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1999, be changed to read as follows:
- Dr. Robert F. Selden, Jr., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective June 30, 1999.
- The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the retirement of Dr. Nickolas J. Sojka, Professor of Medical Education, effective May 30, 1999, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1999, be changed to read as follows:
- Dr. Nickolas J. Sojka, Professor of Medical Education, effective June 30, 1999. Dr. Sojka has been a member of the faculty since January 1, 1966.
Board of Visitors minutes May 14, 1999 | ||