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To have the right to die!—Yes: it will come,—the pleasure
Of drawing one long breath, sweet, deep, beyond all measure,
Then at the head of the awful ranks
With swords that spurn the sheath and light still left to charge in
Triumphant right along great red death's river-margin
Leaping, and by death's blood-besprinkled banks.
Yes: weary are the delays. I know it. Pale with yearning
All day the steady ranks held in their wild souls burning
With fiery might at Waterloo:
At last the sunset came. With one fierce leap gigantic
The long red line advanced and broke like foam the frantic
Defeated eddying lines of surging blue!


And so it is with us. One day along our serried
Calm lines where faces grim with life-long deep hopes buried
Gleam pale and stern and set and still,
Will ring from the lips of God the joyful awful order—
“The time has come. Advance.” Death is the great rewarder
To many a heart no gift of life could fill.
Ah! God, through the June day of battle keep us steady,
Though round about us foes innumerable eddy
And wheel and charge and break and fly:
Keep our stern souls yet waiting for the order ringing
Along the ranks, the eternal gift of freedom bringing,
And thy one deathless gift,—the right to die.
Oct. 15, 1882.