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The Works of the Reverend and Learned Isaac Watts, D. D.

Containing, besides his Sermons, and Essays on miscellaneous subjects, several additional pieces, Selected from his Manuscripts by the Rev. Dr. Jennings, and the Rev. Dr. Doddridge, in 1753: to which are prefixed, memoirs of the life of the author, compiled by the Rev. George Burder. In six volumes

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HYMN 44. (L. M.) Hell; or, the Vengeance of God.


With holy fear and humble song,
The dreadful God our souls adore;
Reverence and awe becomes the tongue
That speaks the terrors of his power.


Far in the deep where darkness dwells,
The land of horror and despair,
Justice has built a dismal hell,
And laid her stores of vengeance there.


Eternal plagues and heavy chains,
Tormenting racks and fiery coals,
And darts t'inflict immortal pains
Dy'd in the blood of damned souls.


Their Satan the first sinner lies,
And roars, and bites his iron bands:
In vain the rebel strives to rise,
Crush'd with the weight of both thine hands.


There guilty ghosts of Adam's race
Shriek out, and howl beneath thy rod;
Once they could scorn a Saviour's grace,
But they incens'd a dreadful God.


Tremble, my soul, and kiss the Son;
Sinners obey the Saviour's call;
Else your damnation hastens on,
And hell gapes wide to wait your fall.