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[I set me on the watchman's tower]

Watch ye therefore: for ye know not, &c. —xiii. 35.

I set me on the watchman's tower,
I wait the' uncertain day and hour
When my discharge shall come:
When Christ His heavenly face reveals,
He brings the fatal hour that seals
Mine everlasting doom.
The awful day and hour unknown
Of death and judgment are but one,
Are both the same to me;


For such as out of life I go,
I must remain in bliss or woe
Through all eternity.
Be this my whole employment here,
As Jesus' faithful minister
His interests to maintain,
My station in His house to keep,
And never slumber, never sleep
Till He appears again.
The more my Lord prolongs His stay
The more my duty is to pray
And watch and labour on,
Always to keep myself prepared,
And looking for my full reward
In that immortal crown.