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[Jesus hath left His house below]

The Son of man is as a man taking a far, &c. —xiii. 34.

Jesus hath left His house below;
Him in the flesh no more we know,
No more on earth we see;
But throned on the celestial hill
He earnestly remembers still
His blood-bought family.
He marks the church He left behind,
If each fulfil the task assign'd
With never slackening care,
If each his faithfulness approve
By labours of unwearied love,
By watchfulness and prayer.
Master, the grace vouchsafe to me,
The loving firm fidelity,
That mindful of Thy word
I may, with all my skill and might,
Perform my every work aright,
And please my heavenly Lord.
My heart, Thy meanest house, I keep
If Thou whose eyelids never sleep
The watchful power bestow;


I mark the thoughts that hence proceed;
Not one shall pass into a deed
Before Thy mind I know.
Cautious, the door of sense I close,
And keep it shut against my foes
Who press to enter in;
All commerce with the world preclude,
Nor let the tempting fiend intrude,
Or the besetting sin.
No unexamined thought or word
Shall pass, but such as serve my Lord,
And execute Thy will:
I only live to watch and pray,
And for Thy second coming stay,
And all Thy mind fulfil.
Happy, if watching to the end,
I see Thee gloriously descend,
The man Thou dost approve
Enter into my Master's joy,
And all eternity employ
In rhapsodies of love.