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['Tis all foretold, the' impostor's art]

But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold, &c. —xiii. 23.

'Tis all foretold, the' impostor's art,
'Tis written in the sacred leaves!
We need not take the tempter's part
Who weak credulity deceives:
If now into his toils we run,
We perish by ourselves undone.
Unless Thy warnings we despise,
And Thee our God refuse to hear,
Seducers never can surprise,
Nor Satan's smoothest messenger
Draw our unwary souls away,
Or force us from Thy word to stray.
But if we cast Thy word aside,
Or intermit our watchful care,
Through curious, or presumptuous pride
Dissolved in sloth or slack in prayer,
Justly Thou may'st the grace deny,
And leave us to believe a lie.


Ah do not from Thy people go
While error's whirlpool is so near,
And robed in light, the hellish foe
Affects the' angelic character,
And tempts us with a specious show
To fancy “we are angels too.”
Still may we tremble and take heed,
Warn'd by the word and Spirit of grace,
With meek humility proceed
In the old paths of righteousness,
And search Thy records night and day,
And always watch and always pray.