University of Virginia Library


The attribution of this poem is questionable.

No cankring Envy, Malice, nor Despite
Stirr'd vp these men so eagerly to flyte,
But generous Emulation; so in Playes
Best actors flyte and raile, and thousand wayes
Delight the itching Eare; So wanton Curres
Walk'd with the gingling of a Courteours spurres,
Barke all the night, and never seeke to bite:
Such bravery these verses mov'd to write,
Would all that now doe flyte would flyte like those,
And Lawes were made that none durst flyte in prose;
How calme were then the world? perhaps this Law
Might make some madding wives to stand in aw,
And not in filthy Prose out-roare their men:
But read these Roundelayes to them till then.
Flyting no reason hath, and at this tyme
Heere it not stands by Reason, but by Ryme;
Anger t'asswage, make Melancholy lesse,
This flyting first was wrote, now tholes the Presse.
Who will not rest content with this Epistle,
Let him sit downe and flyt, or stand or whistle.