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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article II. Explosives.[128]

Sec. 11-4. Duty of chief of fire department; right of entry.

It shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department and
the assistant chief to familiarize themselves with the premises
where high explosives are sold or stored and to see that
the ordinances governing the storing or handling of explosives
are properly carried out.

For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section,
the chief of the fire department and the assistant chief
are hereby authorized to enter any building in which explosives
may be sold or stored. (Code 1959, § 11-4.)

Sec. 11-5. To be kept only in conformity with article.

Except as hereinafter provided, no gunpowder, blasting
powder, nitroglycerin or other high explosives shall be kept
within the city limits; provided, however that the term "explosive"
or "high explosive" shall not include cartridges for
small arms or shotguns. (Code 1959, § 11-5; 8-16-65.)

Sec. 11-6. Keeping for purpose other than sale.

No person shall keep within the city more than ten pounds
of gunpowder or other explosive compound, except for the
purposes of sale. (Code 1959, § 11-6.)

Sec. 11-7. Keeping by retail dealers.

Licensed retail dealers may, to supply their trade, keep any
quantity of gunpowder or blasting powder not exceeding fifty
pounds in all; provided, that such powder shall be kept in
metal packages, with good, close-fitting and well-secured
covers thereon. (Code 1959, § 11-7; 8-16-65.)


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Sec. 11-8. Keeping by wholesale dealers.

Wholesale dealers may, for the purpose of their trade, have
in their possession elsewhere than in a magazine, between the
hours of 7:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M., any quantity of gunpowder
or blasting powder not exceeding fifty pounds. (Code
1959, § 11-8.)

Sec. 11-9. Keeping dynamite or nitroglycerin in store.

No dynamite or nitroglycerin in any of its forms shall be
stored or kept for sale in any store within the city. (Code
1959, § 11-9.)

Sec. 11-10. Dealers to post signs; location of explosives in
buildings; notice to fire chief.

Every dealer in gunpowder, blasting powder, dynamite or
other high explosives shall place on the building containing
the same, over or at the side of the front door thereof, a sign
with the words "Powder for Sale" printed or painted thereon
in legible characters, at least three inches in height. He shall
store such powder or other explosives within fifteen feet of
the front entrance to the building and shall notify the chief
of the fire department, in writing, that the same has been
done. (Code 1959, § 11-10; 8-16-65.)

Sec. 11-11. Transporting explosives.[129]

No person shall carry gunpowder, blasting powder, dynamite
or other explosives on any vehicle in any part of the


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city unless the same shall be secured in kegs, boxes or canisters
so that no part thereof can fall out or escape.

No person shall allow any vehicle under his charge or control,
containing more than one keg or case of twenty-five
pounds of gunpowder, blasting powder, dynamite or other
high explosives to remain within the city more than two
hours, and no person shall permit more than twenty-five
pounds of any such explosives to be upon any street or sidewalk
more than thirty minutes; provided, that such explosives
may, during the day, be brought from magazines or
depots in such quantities as may be required to supply the
trade of merchants and wholesale dealers. (Code 1959, § 1111.)


For state law as to transportation of explosives, see Code of Va.,
§§ 18.1-48 to 18.1-53.

Sec. 11-12. Permits for purchases.

No person shall sell within the city any dynamite or blasting
powder or other high explosive except upon a written
permit from the chief of police, which permit shall be issued
upon application by the purchaser showing that such explosives
are to be used for legitimate purposes within a reasonable
time after their purchase, and the provisions of this
article with respect to the keeping of all such explosives shall
in all respects apply to such purchaser; provided, that this
section shall not be construed to apply to the purchase of
shotgun, rifle and pistol ammunition at retail. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 11-13. Reserved.


For state law authorizing cities to regulate the keeping of gunpowder
and other combustibles, see Code of Va., § 15.1-14.