University of Virginia Library


[Jehovah to Jehovah]

The Lord said to My Lord, Sit Thou on, &c. —xii. 36.

Jehovah to Jehovah
Fulness of power hath given,
Hath bid His Son
Ascend the throne,
And reign in earth and heaven:


His foes shall prove His footstool,
His foes subdued before Him
Shall prostrate lie,
While happy I
With all His saints adore Him.
The stubborn and rebellious
With iron rod He bruises,
As grovelling slaves;
But loves and saves
Whome'er His mercy chooses:
With mercy's outstretch'd sceptre
His subjects here He raises,
Who at His feet
For grace entreat
Us by His side He places.
A church of living members
He fills us with His Spirit,
And makes us meet
On thrones to sit,
And glorious joys inherit:
O'er our last foe victorious
He shortly shall deliver,
And then receive;
His saints to live
And reign with Him for ever.