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See Fpistolium Vagum-prosa-metricum Page 20
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See Fpistolium Vagum-prosa-metricum Page 20

Let them remember, he that stands may fall,
That ev'ry promise is conditional;
And, that God's promises will be to them
Perform'd, as they to others and to Him
Perform their promises: for, though a wrong
He oft forgiveth, and forbeareth long,
There is a set time, which now draweth near,
VVherein, he will no longer so forbear.
Let no man slight this Caution, though by him
Divulged, who may despicable seem:
For in these days, it often comes to passe,
That God speaks (as to Balaam by his Asse)
To Wisest men, by those whom fools they deem;
To Kings, by persons that ignoble seem;
And, if their VVills, as wilfully as he
They still pursue, like his their ends will be.
This Pow'r now ruling, reigns by God's Commission;
Yet, not without a fore-premis'd condition:
For, by Uunrighteousness it shall not stand,
Though it were as the Signet on his hand.
If they themselves with outward washings flatter,
And, shall not cleanse the inside of the platter:
If those Defects of Justice and Compassion
Which lately brought confusion on this Nation,


Be not forthwith repair'd in some degree,
(As means by God's Grace will vouchsafed be)
And if a Model truely genuine,
This August sixteen hundred fifty nine,
Be not conceiv'd, and fully born, before
The time exceeds the end of nine months more,
VVith all the essential parts of such a thing
As may receive a timely perfecting
To qualifie the rage that will encrease
The breaches made into the Common Peace;
Then all that this pow'r thenceforth can endevour,
Will either be a Nullity for ever,
Or else, a furth'rance to that horrid pother
Which will make facile entrance for another
Oppressing Hand, that, will but Justice do
So far, as Vengeance doth extend unto.
But least you think it was by Accident
That this presage hath had a Consequent
Just at the time foretold, the same book shew'd,
In what mode also, that which hath insued
Should visit them: heed therefore, and compare
What's now begun, with what these Lines declare.