University of Virginia Library



A Roman Soldier, to Perpenna, &c.
What dreadful message dwells upon thy tongue?
VVhy thus confus'd? Call back thy frightned sense,
And tell us what's the meaning of this sound.

Pompey is entred Osca; all is lost:
Bebricius, scaping from the bloudy Feast,
Turn'd all into Sedition; for the Croud
No sooner heard their lov'd Sertorius dead,
Quitting their several stations, op'd the Gates
To Pompey's Soldiers, fir'd with strange desire.
Both partyes now are one: Bebricius leads
The num'erous bands, and has begirt us round.
There is no scaping hence with life.

Hence, slave;
[Kills him.
And preach to Furies, in the other VVorld.
'Sdeath, am I catch'd! betraid by Jilting Fate,
VVhen the full Scene of Greatness was in view!
It is too late to talk. Com, let our Swords
Hew out a passage to our former state:
And make the wond'ring Gods call back their Ire,
To see how Slaughter does pursue our blows.
