University of Virginia Library

Scæn. 7.

Enter Melecertus.
Revenge shall soon o're-take this proud boy, who


Committed hath so bold a rape upon
My Samela: He had been better to
Have lodged snakes in his breast, than to steal
This spark, that shall consume him and his nest.
Samela! Samela! that name alone
Infuseth spirits into me, inflames
My soul with vengeance, till I recover
My dearest love.

Enter Menaphon.
Now shall I be reveng'd on Samela,
And on her Melecertus both at once:
I'll make her know neglected love may turn
To hate, and vengeance take the place of scorn.
Well met friend Melecertus, what, alone?

I'm solitarie since my mate is gone.

Your mate has taken flight, she's on the wing,
But I can tell thee where she nests, and bring
Thee guickly where thou shalt retrive the game.

If thou wilt do this, Menaphon, I shall
Be studious to requite thy love with mine:
I pay thee sterling thanks and services.

I will not sell my favours to my friends,
My work is all the wages I expect.
Come, follow me, I'll lead thee to the place,
Where the fresh gamesters have thy love in chase.
