University of Virginia Library



Behemoth and Dragon old,
All in song or story told,
Vast or strange,
Are as minnows unto me,
Floating roods upon the sea,
In my range:
I am swifter,—stronger,—than
Lion or leviathan;
Storm may shake the shuddering sky,
Lightnings glare;
Monarch of the main am I,
And my title to deny
Who will dare?
Towers and palaces of kings
Are the dens of vilest things
Fathoms low;
Fleets and armies lie decayed,
Broken toys for children made,
Crumbling slow.


Mightiest spoils that earthly be,
Are the meanest 'neath the sea,—
Baubles time but tosses by,
Stripp'd and bare:
Coil'd 'mid ruin'd worlds I lie,
And my kingdom to deny
Who will dare?
Prone within the primal deep,
Where forgotten ages sleep,
Is my lair;
Monsters of the ocean slime,
Gorgons of the unknown time,
Guard me there.
Every century I roam,
And the billows shout and foam,
As I dash them all awry
In mid air;
Monarch of the main am I,
And my title to deny
Who will dare?