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I saw his dread plume gleaming,
As he rode down the line,
And cried like one a-dreaming
“That man, and that, is mine!”
They did not fail or falter
Because his front so shone;
His horse's golden halter
With star-dust thick was sown.
They followed him like seigneurs,
Proud both of mien and mind—
Colonels and old campaigners
And bits of lads new-joined.
A glittering way he showed them
Beyond the dim outpost,
And in his tents bestowed them—
White as the Holy Ghost.


And, by the clear watch-fires,
They talk with conquerors,
And have their hearts' desires,
And praise the honest wars.
And each of them in raiment
Of honour goeth drest,
And hath his fee and payment,
And glory on his breast.
O woman, that sit'st weeping—
Close, like the stricken dove,—
He is in goodly keeping,
The soldier thou didst love!