University of Virginia Library




(Sung at Vauxhall, and, in “Egyptian Laurels,” Sadler's Wells.)


[Composed by Mr. Moorehead—Published by Messrs. Brown and Co. 181, Fleet-street.]

I'ze kilt my coats, my legs aboon,
In spight of mam or daddy,
And trip it to the piper's tune,
The world o'er wi' my laddie;
For he's a bonny Highland lad,
A gallant soldier reckon'd,
Wi' bonnet blue, and tartan plaid,
And of the Forty-second;
Then o'er the hills and far awa',
In weather fair or foggy,
We'll trip, wi' gleefu' hearts and bra',
Blythe Donald and his Moggy.
Our lasses say, my heart's nae right,
Set tow'rd my mam or daddy;
But that's because they brast wi' spight,
And envy me my laddie!
Oh, he's a bonny, &c.
But let our lasses grin ane jeer,
Or mother scold and daddy;
I'ze gang to kirk without ae fear,
And wed my Highland laddie.
Oh, he's a bonny, &c.