University of Virginia Library


HYMN 37.

[A King, a Priest, and Prophet too]

Act. 3. 22. A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you.

[The First Part.]

A King, a Priest, and Prophet too,
Thou art, O Lord indeed;
As Mediator art also
We such a one did need.
Thou art God's mouth, to people all
God hath in these last days
Spoken to us, 'tis thou dost call,
And speak too, many ways.
A Prophet speaks not of himself,
But as inspired;
So God gave thee the Commandment,
As we have often read.
What thou shouldst speak, and what make known,
From thee he nothing hid;
By thee to us all things are shown
Which God commanded did.
The Prophets did thy Kings anoint,
So such likewise receive
From thee the holy Unction do,
Who truly do believe
Prophets were to teach Gods good Word
In all uprightness too;


So thou dost teach us all, O Lord,
Yea all things we should do.
Yea what, and how we should believe,
And how depend on thee;
And how to walk, (who Truth receive,)
That saved we may be,

The Second Part.

The Prophets she wed things to come,
And so hast thou likewise,
Not only in the World that's now,
But when the Dead shall rise.
How it shall go with thy Saints here,
Thou didst to them make known;
And how in glory they'll appear,
When Sinners are o'rethrown.
And he who doth not unto thee
In every thing adhere,
And do whatever thou dost say,
Thy angry frowns must bear.
O hearken to this Prophet then
In whate're he does say;
Fear lest you be all undone Men
In the last dismal day.
And ye who be the Saints of God,
Keep to his Word be sure;
Then may you sing, for you shall be
Happy, happy for ever.