University of Virginia Library

The sexte vertu ys Strengthe

not only of þe body. but also of þe herte. and of þe wyl.


Stalworthly. and tholedmodly. to suffre wo and wele.
seknesse and hele. tribulacioun and temptacioun.
mekly to suffre ; wheþer so falle wo or wele.
and þat oure herte be not to hyȝ. for no welfare.
ne to heuy ; for no euyl fare.
But styfly to stond aȝen our foys bodyly and gostly.
so þat no foly fondyng make vs to falle
ne to be fals in oure feyþ aȝenst almyȝty god.
But hertely in godes querel to withstonde
yn our Euyn-cristyn in al þat we may./
The seuent vertu. and þe laste ys Mesure.
þat kepys vs fro vtrage and holhis vs in Euynhede.
and lettys fowl lykyng. and lustys of þis flesch.
and kepeþ vs in clennesse of þe body and sowle
For mesure ys mede to vs in al þat we do.
ȝif we lyue skylfully as goddys lawe vs teches.