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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quare magi Ierusalem venerunt ad honorandum Christum. Iohannes Crisostomus.

Now go we to our first matere
And of þes kynges speke we
And cause original ȝe moun her
qvy þai comen into Iude,
To honour Crist þat Mary ber,
the certeyn cause her ȝe shyn se,
to make our wittes more cler,
And leue þat hit so wel myȝt be.
We reden in a boke i-wys
of þe Olde Testament
that Numeri wel callide is,
the furth of Bible verrayment,
A clerk ful coynt þer was wonyng
In Moabs londe, that cald was
Balaam, þat in a coniuryng
of deules ful mich power has.


That ilkes tyme Iewes wer
Goddes peple and most of prys
and to hym no folkes half so der.
whil thay did wel and wold be wys,
And trespasset in the lawe no thing,
but diden al as his wille was,
vche nacioun hom nyyng
to ouercom thay haden grace.
So wonet ther negh a nacion
that Moabites callet wer,
of whiche Balaac bar coroun,
and keng was, as ȝe sone schun her.
This kyng and al his reme al-so
pursueden Goddes peple ay,
but euer hom tid the more wo
and wer ouer-comen night and day.
The kyng segh this grete meschef
that his peple haden al-way,
and thotht to do the Iewes gref,
an-other medicyn to assay.
After Balaam sone he sent
with dukes for [to] com hym to,
thurgh hym he hopet to be kent
in that cas what was best to do.
Thenne al that lond had be-leue
what-ser he blesset blesset was,
and what he cursut hyt wold cleue,
And thurgh cursing went grace.
Then Balaam so was after sent
to curse the peple of Israel,
he sayd he durst not verrayment
but God ȝaf leue with hom [to] dele.


So conseilet he with God almyght
that leue he had þe ner to go,
but for to wary no maner wyght
ny by no way to do hom wo.
So as he went to-ward the kyng
with dukes that for hym wer sent,
for gret ȝiftis and fair hetyng
sone he had turnet his entent,
And kest as sone as he come ther
to wary Goddes folk anone,
but sone [an] aungel con hym fer
to-ward þe kyng as he con go one.
For in an narow way i-wys
the aungel mette hym, as rede I,
and calenget þat he thoght amys
wyt drawen sword ful cruely.
But wen the aungel was commyng,
the asse þat Balaam rode opon
set ffete on spar, hym withdrawyng
to honour the aungel as he con.
But Balaam had ȝet no grace
the holy aungel forto see,
and why his asse so stondyng was
wonderle thyenne merueilet he,
And smot hys asse whit al his mayne,
and spak to hir fast ther stondyng,
and þe asse spak fast aȝaynne,
and vnswaret hym to al thyng.
But thenne God of hys myche myght
to se the aungel ȝaf hym grace,
when Balaam of hym had a sight,
felle doun anone by-fore his face.


Ther of the aungel sone in hight
repreuet truely he was,
and sayde to sle hym he had tight,
nyf the asse had ȝiuen hym place.
Ther had he leue forthe for to go,
but to curse hom on no maner.
to the king when he come tho,
he wolcomet hym with louesom cher,
In-to a hul anone thay went,
and ther the keng taght in hy
wher that Godde[s] folk wer lent
and schowet wonyng by and by.
‘Lo’, says the keng, ‘her thow may se
thys folkes that dos vs miche wo,
curse hom Balaam, I pray the,
and make hor God to be hor foo.
‘And I schal ȝiue ȝow gold and fee
enogh of richesse er thow go,
ȝif that thow wolt do after me,
destruye the Iewes þat ben so thro.’
Balaam seuen auters sett
And vset his craft sone in hie,
the kyng mich gode hym bihett,
ȝif he myȝt do hom any anye.
But quen he warie shuld hom alle,
he praiset hom & blesside euer in one.
the kyng segh þer hit wold not falle,
to anoþer side þai conen gone,
And seuen auters as bifore
he made sett in anoþer place,
but þer myȝt Balaam do no more
then he did þer-as he er was,


But ay praiset in all thyng
Goddes peple þer þai wer,
And blesside hom & hor wonyng,
ffor þai to God wer leue & dere.
Qven þe kyng twie seȝe this cas,
wode wroth he was witerly,
but ȝet into anoþer place
with Balaam sone he con hy,
And setten vp auters sone onon,
but al hor dede miȝt noȝt auaile,
so four sithe þai euerychone
of hor purpose foule con faile.
But quen thay hade assaiet thrie,
the furth time thurȝe Goddus gras
Balaam spak in prophecy
thes wordes writon her in þis plas:

Orietur stella ex Iacob, & exurget homo de Israel & confringet omnes duces alienigenorum & erit omnis terra possessio eius.

Quen kyng Balaak seȝe þis cas
that Balaam propheciet oryght,
he wist wele þat no bote was
forto stryue with God al-myȝt,
But sone remewes from that plas
kyng & clerk, knaue & knyght,
And cecede after of her manas
Agaynus Goddus folk to fight.
After þis ful mony a ȝer
quen that Balaam was dede,
men of his blode & to hym der
wold noȝt mynde of this wer lede,
But chesen hom twelue men of his blode,
the quych wer ordeynt iche ȝer
continuelie with myld mode
forto make hor praier


Ich mone to God al-myȝt,
that he wold graunt hom of his gras
of that sterre to haue a siȝt
that Balaam propheciet of has.
And iche moneth ones thay went
In-to a hul that callide was
Mount Victorial verrayment,
to make hor praier in that plas.
And so continueden hor praier
fro Moyses time euer-more,
child after child two thousande ȝer
bifore that Ihesu Crist was bore,
And casuelie thes kynges thre
that weren of Balaams blode,
quen Crist was born in Iude
hor praiers maden with myld mode.
And as thay praiet ay in fer
As hor auncesters diden bifore,
A sterre aperide wonder cler,
so fair was neuer non sene ful ȝore,
The quich shapen was
like a childe, non fairer myȝt be,
And opon his hede he has
A shynyng croys as thay conen se,
that to the kynges apertly
spak þes wordes þat I shal say:
‘gos into Iude sone in hy,
ther þat ȝe sechen ȝe fynde may.’
Then þai purueyt hom anon
forto seche that heuen kyng,
and toward Iude fast þai con gon
with-outen any tarying.


But wonder hit is, as clercus sayn,
how thai come in so litel spas
so mony myle for al hor mayn,
In thritten days to þat plas.
But, as Remyge berys recorde,
sithen þai soȝten God almyȝt,
No wonder thaȝe sich a lord,
thagh way wer long, made hit but liȝt.
Ierom also berys witnes
dromedarys thay riden opon,
that is a best of gret swiftnes
a hundredth myle one day to gone.
So riden thay til þai come þer,
And ay þe sterr lad hom þe way,
sich hertis þai haden hym to her
that þai stynt neuer nyȝt ne day.
Anone quen þai comen wer
to Ierusalem with gret meyne,
thay enqverit in meke maner
qver kyng of Iewes born shuld be.

Vbi est, qui natus est rex Iudeorum?

thay asket not qveþer it wer so,
but qver hor verray kyng was born,
ffor thai bileueden fully tho
that born he was noȝt long biforn.
‘We seȝen his sterre,’ saiden þai,
‘In þe Est quen þat we wer,
And comen hider we ben to-day
to honour hym in meke maner.’
By quych wordes in gode fay,
As Remyge beris witnes her,
two thinges vnderstonde I may,
listnes now & ȝe moun her


ffor thay enqueride in that cite
After hor kyng was born þerby,
that tokenes temperal dignite
And worldly lordship witerly.
And als þai saiden, as ȝe shul se,
‘comen we ben in company
to worship hym with hert fre,
that god-hede wel may signifie.’
So godhede, monhede both in fer
In þes wordes I vnderstonde,
Crist & kyng in ful power
ffrom heuen sent & lord of londe.

Herodes autem hoc Audiens turbatus est & omnis Ierusalem.

Kyng Heroude, quen he herde þis þing,
trovblide he was þen with tene,
And all Ierusalem old & ȝeng
stonyet wer, as was sene.
Thre causes Heroude hade i-wys
qvy he so gretly greuet was,
the first of hom may wel be þis
that I shal specifie in þis plas.