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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG LXIII. S. Stephens Day.
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SONG LXIII. S. Stephens Day.


Sing this as the 4. Song.


Lord, with what zeale did thy first Martyr breath
Thy blessed truth to such as him withstood!
With what stout mind embraced he his death!
A holy witnesse sealing with his blood!
The praise is thine, that him so strong did'st make
And blest is he, that died for thy sake,


Vnquenched loue in him appear'd to be,
When for his murth'rous Foes he did entreat:
A piercing eie, made bright by Faith had he;
For he beheld thee in thy Glorie set;
And so vnmoou'd his patience he did keepe,
Hee di'de, as if he had but falne asleepe.


Our luke-warme hearts with his hot Zealt enflame,
So Constant, and so Louing let vs be;
So let vs liuing glorifie thy Name;
So let vs dying fixe our Eies on Thee:
And when the sleepe of death shall vs o'retake,
With him to Life eternall vs awake.