University of Virginia Library


Ad Musam. 1.

Fly, merry Muse unto that merry towne,
Where thou maist playes, revels, and triumphs see;
The house of Fame, and theater of renowne,
Where all good wits and spirits loue to be.
Fall in betweene their hands that loue and praise thee,
And be to them a laughter and a jest:
But as for them which scorning shall reproue thee
Disdaine their wits, and thinke thine one the best:
But if thou finde any so grose and dull,
That thinke I do to priuate taxing leane,


Bid him go hang, for he is but a gull,
And knows not what an Epigramme does meane,
Which taxeth, under a peculiar name,
A generall vice, which merits publick blame.