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The works of Sr William Davenant

... Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design'd for the Press: Now published Out of the Authors Originall Copies

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Canto the First.

A sayle! a sayle! cry'd they, who did consent
Once more to break the eighth Commandement
For a few Coles, of which by theft so well
Th'are stor'd; they have enow to furnish Hell
With penal heat, though each sad Devil there
A frozen Muscovite, or Russian were;
The chace grew swift, whilst an old weary Pinke,
Not us'd to fly, and somewhat loth to sinke,
Did yield unto the Foe, who boards her strait:
And having rifled all her precious Freight;
A trembling Britaine kneels, and did beseech
Each composition there, of Tar and Pitch,
That they would hear him speak: 'tis not (quoth he)
Our kind respect to wealth, or libertie,
Begets this fear, but least blind fortune may
Unto some fierce, unruly hand betray,


The truest Servant to a state, that cou'd
Be giv'n a Nation out of flesh and blood:
And he tall Jeffery hight! who not much us'd
To fights at Sea, and loth to be abus'd,
Resolv'd to hide him, where they sooner might
Discover him, with smelling than with sight.
Each Eye was now imploy'd, no man could think
Of any uncouth Nooke, or narrow Chinke,
But strait they sought him there; in holes not deep
But small, where slender Magot's us'd to creep:
At last, they found him close, beneath a spick
And almost span-new-peuter-Candlestick.
A crafty Diego, that had now command
Of Ships and Victorie, took him in hand:
Peis'd him twice, tasted his discourse, at length
Believ'd, that he dissembled wit, and strength:
Quoth he, Victors, and Vanquished! I bid
You all give ear, to wisdom of Madrid!
This that appears to you, a walking Thumbe,
May prove, the gen'ral Spie of Christendome:
Then calls for Chaines, but such as fitting seeme
For Elephants, when manag'd in a Teeme.
Whilst puissant Jefferey 'gins to wish (in vaine)
He had long since contriv'd a truce with Spaine
His Sinews faile him now: nor doth he yield
Much trust unto his Buckler, or his Shield;
Yet threatens like a second Tamberlaine,
To bring them 'fore the Queens Lord-Chamberlaine;
Because without the leave, of him, or her,
They keep her Houshold-Servant prisoner.
Diego, that study'd wrath, more than remorse,
Commands, that they to Dunkirke steer their course:
Whilst Captive-Jeffrey shews to wiser sight,
Just like a melancholy Isralite,
In midst of's journey unto Babylon;
Melt marble hearts, that chance to think thereon!
The winds are guilty too; for now behold!
Already landed this our Brittaine bold!
The people view him round; some take their oath
He's humaine Issue, but not yet of growth:
And others (that more sub'tly did confer)
Think him a small, contracted Conjurer:
Then Diego, Bredro, names! Hemskerke! and cryes,
Hansvan Geulick! Derick too! place your Thighs
On this judicial Bench, that we may sit
T' undoe, this short Embassadour with wit.
One faine would know's descent: Thou Pirat-Dogge
(The wrathful Captive then reply'd) not Ogge
(The Bashan King) was my Progenitor;
Nor did I strive, to fetch my Ancestor
From Aneck's Sonnes, nor from the Genitals
Of wrastling-Cacus, who gave many falls.


No matter for his birth, said Diego then;
Bring hither strait the Rack! for it is Ten
To one, this will inforce from out his Pate,
Some secrets, that concern the English State,
But O! true, loyal Heart! he'd not one word
Reveale, that he had heard at Councel-bord.
Some ask'd him then, his bus'ness late in France;
What Instruments lay there conceal'd t'advance
The British cause? when they perceiv'd his heart;
Was big and whilst enforc'd, would nought impart
Diego arose, and said, Sir, I beseech you,
Acquaint us if the Cardinal de Richelieu
Intends a war in Italy, or no?
(Most noble Jeffery still!) he seems to know
Nought of that point; though divers think, when there,
The Cardinal did whisper in his eare
The Scheame of all his plots; and sought to gaine
His company along with him to Spaine;
For thither he'll march, if he can by th' way
Sweep a few durty Nations into th' Sea.
A solemn Monke, that silent stood close by,
Believ'd this little Captive, a Church-Spie!
Quoth he, that shrivled face, hath Schysme in it;
And lately ther's a learned volumne writ,
Wherein Ben-Jharky and Ben-Ezra too,
And Rabin Kimky eke, a learned Jew,
Are cited all, it labours to make good,
That there were Protestants before the Flood;
And thou its Author art; Jeffery swore then,
He never knew those Hebrew Gentlemen!
When they perceiv'd, nor threats, nor kindness sought
From love, could get him to discover ought;
Diego leaves the Table, sweares by his Skarffe;
The thing they doubted thus, was a meer Dwarffe.
The fleetest Izeland-Shock, they then provide:
On-which they mount him strait, and bid him ride:
He weeps a teare or two, for's Jewells lost;
And does with heavy heart, to Bruxels post.