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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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To his verie louing friend Mr. T. M.

To his verie louing friend Mr. T. M.

A mortall man, Immortalized now,
This earthlie Urne, this compond caskat keeps
Call'd from the Cairs that crosse and cumber you,
Content in Christ here sound and softlie sleeps,
Flesh, blood and bones (the slouchs and truelie typ's
Of the restrained and imprisond sperit,
Wherein oprest, as from a Pit it peeps.)
Jmmast, are now, in mold, a Mantion meet,
Preordaind for the verie best, albeit,
They by their birth, be of Basilik blood,
For Death, that all devours, thus does decreit,

All flesh shall to, the creeping frie be food:
And men howsoev'r in pleasurs Seas they suom,
Once shall confind be in a terrene Tomb.