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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Heir endis the spirituall sangis, and beginnis the Psalmes of Dauid with vther new plesand ballattis. Translatit out of Enchiridion Psalmorum to be sung.

Quare fremuerunt gentes. Psal. ij.

Qvhat is the caus, O God omnipotent
That all Natiounis commouit ar sa soir,


The Kingis and the pepill with ane consent,
Resistis the thy power and thy gloir
Thay stryue againe thy Law ay moir and moir,
And contrair Christ thy sone quhome yt hes send,
To saif all man that will on him depend.
Thay will not be reformit from thair Sin,
Bot will remaine blindit in Ignorance,
And will not thoill to luke thy law within
Bot castis it away with greit greuance,
Thy counsell thay refuse and gouernance,
And following thair awin hartis consait,
Euerie man drawis a sindrie gait.
Bot thow O God in heuin into thy King,
Thow makis all thair counsels euerie one,
Quhat thay intend, that sall thay neuer bring.
To finall end, for thy wisdome allone
Thair pregnant wittis sall scorne, and anone
In thy greit Ire, thow sall them sair reprufe,
And from thy face thow sall them swyith remufe
For God hes set a Captaine stark and wicht,
Christis awin Sone, God and man naturall,
On Mont Sion to reule it iust and richt,
That is to say, his Kirk Uniuersall,
To teiche his fatheris word Celestiall,
His godly wil and plesure for to schaw,
Instructing all the warld into his law.
God said to him, thow art my Sone and air,
I the begat for euer and this day,
Thy deid purchest victorie preclair,


Syne from the deid, thow rais to King for ay,
My chosin in the, sall not cum to decay,
Quha trewlie traistis in thy godlie name,
Sall neuer die, Eternallie I plane.
My Sone I will the geue all Natiounis,
In heritage, and put thame in thy cure:
To reule thame with thy ministratiounis,
And preif thame with the Croce at thy plesure,
To purge thair fleshlie lust, and mak thame pure
And for to rais thair myndis spirituall,
To pryse thy name now and perpetuall.
Heirfoir Kingis and rewlaris now be war,
Aduert till Goddis word and Discipline.
Ressaif his sone abone all thing prefar,
His Godlie word, and keip weill his doctrine,
Leir him to dreid, and traist in till him syne,
Quhilk is the trew wirship and rychteousnes
That God requyris of mankynd mair and les.
Ressaif thairfoir his sweit correctioun,
That he na mair with ȝow offendit be.
Befoir your eine with trew affectioun,
And in ȝour hart ȝe haif him Identlie,
Obey his Law, for quhen greuit is he,
Than quha dar his Iust Iugement abyde
Blissit ar they, quhilk on him dois confyde,

Saluum me fac. Psal. xj.

Saif vs gude Lord, and succour send,
For perisit is halynes:


And treuth away from men is wend,
And fled fra thame is faithfulnes,
Dissait amang thame sa is sawin,
The veritie may nocht be knawin.
Thair tungis ar full of feinȝernes.
Thair leing tungis, o Lord, cut out,
That speikis in to thy comtemptioun:
And sayis in all place round about,
Our tungis hes ane exemptioun.
Euin as we pleis, our lippis may lie,
For we haue all authoritie
Nane hes of vs dominioun.
Bot God hes said, and will it keip,
I will ryse vp incontinent,
For the opprest that sair dois weip,
And murning of the indigent.
The pure that vexit is so soir.
I will them saue, and them restoir,
Fra wickit toungis teichement.
And Goddis word and promit,
Is trewar, cleirar, and mair pure,
Then siluer, seuin tymes purifyit,
Sen that thow art in word sa sure
Thow saue vs from sic sort of men,
And fra the doctrine that they ken,
Eternally on vs tak cure.
Quhen Hypocrites ar principall,
And hiest in authoritie:
On force the pepill follow sall


Thair falset and Hypocrisie
The pepill follow mon on neid,
Thir Prelatis and thair wickit deid
Baith blindit from the veritie.

Vsquequo Domine. Psal. xxij.

with the tune of Exaudi Deus orationem meam.

O Lord how lang for euer wil thow forȝet
And hyde thy face fra me, or ȝit how lang
Sall I reheirs thy counsell in my hart
Quhen sall my hart ceis of this sorie sang,
O Lord behald help me, and licht my eine,
That suddand sleip of deid do me na teine.
Or ellis quhen my enemeis seis my fall,
We did preuaill, sone will thay say on me
And gif thay se me be thame brocht in thrall,
Thay will reioyce into thair tyrannie
Bot I in God hes hope and traist to se
His godly help than sall I loue the Lord
Quhilk did me saue fra them that had me schord.

Domine quis habitabit? Psal. xxiiij.

O Lord quha sall in heuin dwell with the
In thy tirumphāt, throne and Tabernakil
Or quha sall on thy haly hill sa hie
Mak residence, and haue his Habitakill,
The Innocent that is ane spectakill
Of haly lyfe and conuersatioun


And iust in all his operatioun.
And he quhilk on the treuth hes all his thocht,
And with his toung the same for till furthschaw
And quhais toung his Nichtbour novis nocht
And hurtis nane be boist, nor ȝit be blaw
And thocht his Nichtbouris faute or vice be knaw
He scornis not: bot dois till his brother
As that he wald till him did ony vther.
He that hes in na reputatioun
The wickit men, in nurisching thair vice:
With flatterie, and adulatioun,
And all gude men he haldis into pryse,
And thay that dreidis God he countis wise
Quhat euer he sweir to ony man or say
His promeis he will keip without delay.
Na Occour will he vse intill his lane,
Bot frely with his Nichtbour len and borrow
Contrair the iust, rewaird he will tak nane
Bot him defend from fyre, schame and sorrow
This will he do at midnicht and at morrow
Quhat euer he be that weill obseruis this.
Sall neuer perishe, but ring in heuinis blis.

Dominus regit me. Psal. xxiij.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantly me for to feid
Then how can I be destitute
Of any gude thing in my neid.


He feidis me in feildis fair,
To Riueris sweit, pure and preclair.
He dryuis me but ony dreid.
My saull and lyfe he dois refresche,
And me conuoyis in the way
Of his iustice and richteousnes
And me defendis from decay,
Not for my warkis verteousnes,
Bot for his name sa glorious
Preseruis me baith nicht and day.
And thocht I wauer, or ga will,
Or am in danger for to die.
Na breid of deid sall cum me till.
Nor feir of cruell tyrannie.
Becaus that thow art me besyde,
To gouerne me and be my gyde,
From all mischeif and miserie.
Thy staffe quhairof I stand greit awe,
And thy scheip huke me for to fang,
Thay nurture me, my fautes to knaw
Quhen fra the hie way I ga wrang
Thairfoir my Spreit is blyith and glaid
Quhen on my flesche thy scurge is laid,
In the richt way to gar me gang.
And thow ane Tabill dois prouyde,
Befoir me, full of all delyte
Contrair to my persewaris pryde,
To thair displeasure and dispyte.
Thow hes anointed weill my heid


And full my coupe thow hes maid,
With mony diches of delyte.
Thy gudnes and beningtie
Let euer be with me thairfoir
And quhill I liue vntill I die,
Thow lay them vp with me in stoir
That I may haue my dwelling place
Into thy hous befoir thy face,
To ring with the for euer moir.

Exultate iusti in Domino. Psal. xxxiij.

Ȝe Richteous reioyce and loue the Lord
Iust men to thank thair God dois weil accord
Play on ȝour Lute, & sweitly to it sing
Tak Harpe in hand with mony lustie string
Tyrle on the ten stringit Instrument,
And prais ȝour God with hart and hail intent
Sing na auld thing the quhilk is abrogate
Bot sing sum new plesand perfite ballat
Blaw vp Organis with glaid and heuinly sound
Ioyfull in hart, quhilk all the skyis resound
For Goddis word is treuth and veritie,
And dois all his deidis faithfullie
The Lord lufis iustice and richteousnes,
And all the eird is full of his gudnes
The heuinnis hie wer creat be the Lord,
Thair ornamentis wer dressit be his word
He heipis vp the wateris lyke ane hill.
Syne turnis them in deip quhen that he will.
Dreid ȝe the Lord, all dwelleris on the ground,


And wirschip him all haue ye warld sa round,
Quhat God decretis is done incontinent.
All Creature obeyis his commandement.
The Counsellis of the wickit and deuyse
He perturbis, appeirand euer sa wyse.
He scornis all thair Consolatioun,
And wickit pepillis Imaginatioun,
Bot his counsell sall lest perpetuall,
And sall indure till generations all.
Full happy is the pepill maist and leist.
Quhilk in yair God, & Lord hes all yair traist
And quhome that God do cheis before all aige,
Thaine to posseid in proper heritage.
The Lord lukis furth of his heuinlie sait,
And persauis all men of euerilk stait,
From his tryumphant throne he dois beholde
All Natiounis, and dwellaris on the molde,
For he allone did creat all thair hartis,
And he allone dois knaw all thair warkis,
The King is not saif, be his greit armie,
Nor Iyand saif be strenth of his bodie.
The bardit hors in neid sall men dissaif,
And many thousand hors may na man saif.
The eyis of the Lord thay do aduert
To them that dreidis him with all thair hart
Traisting his godly help with patience.
To saif thair lyfe in tyme of pestilence.
And in the tyme of derth them for to feid.
And be thair only help in all thair neid:
Thairfoir my Saull in God put thy beleif,
Our strenth and targe to saif vs fra mischeif,
Our hart salbe into the Lord ioyous,
Sen we traist in thy Name maist glorious


Assist vs (O Lord) for thy gudnes
Euin as we traist in thy greit gentilnes.

Noli æmulari in malignantibus. psal. xxxvij.

Thow sall not follow wickit menis wayis
Nor ȝit murne that sinfull haue gude dayis.
For lyke the widderit hay sone sall thay faid
And as the grasse that wallowis rute and blaid
Bot in the Lord put thow thy haill beleif,
And wirk his will and not yat may him greif
And than the frutefull land thow sall posses,
Aboundantlie, and sall haue grit riches,
Into the Lord put all thy haill delyte,
And he sall grant thy hartis appetyte.
Schaw furth befoir the Lord thy mynd and will
And traist in him he fall it weill fulfill.
Than as the goldin morning schynis bricht,
Sa sall thy Iustice schine till euerie wicht,
And as the Sone in midday schawis fair,
Sa sall thy vertew knawin be alquhair,
Upon the Lord haue euer thyne intent.
Befoir thyne eine and haue him ay present.
And muse the not at thair prosperitie.
That leuis all thair lyfe wrangouslie.
Remoue rancour, and Ire furth of thy thocht
The ill exempill of the wickit follow nocht.
For cruell men sall sune destroyit be,
Bot quha abydis the Lord pacientlie
Sall bruke the land, and his possessioun
Full peciabillie without oppressioun.
Suffer a lytill quhile, and thow sall se,


The wickit man perishe befoir thyne E,
Thow sall behald him and his mantioun,
Be brocht to nocht and vtter confusioun.
But humbill men sall inherite the eird.
And leif in peace fra wickit mens reird.
The sinful man with euill will await,
The Innocent that can mak na debait.
With countenance austeir sall on him gyrne,
His Irefull hart with baill sall euer byrne.
Bot yu gude Lord, sall lauch thame all to scorne
And knawis the tyme that thay salbe forlorne
The cruell men sall draw thair birnist brand,
And haue thair bow bent reddy in thair hand
For till slay the meik and Innocent.
That thay may cum to thair wickit intent.
Thair awin sword sall stryke thame throw the hart,
And brokin sall thair bow be in all part.
The lytill of the Iust is mair commendit,
Sa that it be weill win and better spendit,
Than is the grit ryches of wickit men,
Quhair throw thay do baith god & man miskē
The power of the wickit sall decay,
Bot God sall preserue the Iust man for ay.
The tymes of the Iust, God dois record,
Thair heritage salbe with God the Lord:
In tyme of perrell thay sal not be agast,
And in grit derth thair fude salbe adrest.
Bot wickit men sall perishe in thair neid
And thay that of the gude Lord hes na dreid,
Lyke Sacrifice thay sall consumit be,
Quhair of bot reik, thow can na mair se
The wickit man will tak, and wil not pay,
The Iust frelie wil gif without delay,


Quha luiffis him, and of him speikes gude,
Sall bruke the land, bot quha will delude
Or dois blaspheme the kynde and liberall,
Sall rutit be furth of memoriall.
The paithis of the Iust, God dois direct,
He luiffis him and will him not neclect.
Suppose he fall be sey, or ȝit be land,
God will erect him with his helping hand:
I haue bene ȝung, and cum now to grit age,
Ȝit saw I neuer the Iust left in thirlage,
Nor ȝit haue sene his posteritie,
Begand thair breid for grit necessitie.
Bot he will giue and len his gude at large,
Till thame that myster hes & will him charge,
Ȝit sall his seid leif into plenteousnes,
Aboundantly posses grit riches
He leuis ill, and followis gude thairfoir,
With God he sall Ring euer moir,
The Lord luiffis Iustice and equitie,
And leuis not his Sanctis in miserie,
For he on thame perpetuallie hes cure,
Bot wickit mennis seid sall not indure,
Iust men with Ioy the eird sall posses,
And dwell lang tyme on it and haue succes.
The Iust mannis mouth exercis sapience,
Of equitie ay speik and of prudence.
The Law of God is in his hart sa haill{,}
In all his wayis thairfoir he can nocht faill,
The wickit doiȝ obserue the innocent,
To seik to slay him with cruell intent,
Bot God will not him leif into his neid,
Bot will him saif fra tyrannis wickit deid.
Thay can not him condampne quhen thay accuse


Preseruit sall he be from thair abuse.
Traist in the Lord and keip weill his command,
And he sall the exalt in euerie land.
Posses the eird thow sall and with thyne E,
The wickit men destroyit sall thow se.
Sum tyme a Tyrane flureis haue I sene,
Lyke lawrel tre quhilk euer growis grene.
Bot in schort tyme sune was he brocht to nocht
He was not found nor that belangit him ocht
Keip Iustice, and haue, E, vnto the richt,
That sal mak peace for euer with god of micht
For wrangus men sall end mischeuouslie,
And wickit mennis fyne is miserie.
The Iust all hail vpon the Lord dependis,
Quhilk is his strenth & all tyme him defēdis,
God helpis him and sendis him supplie,
And sauis him fra Tyrannis crueltie
Because in him he did put his traist,
Into his trublis grit culd him molest.

Exaudi Deus orationem meam. Psal. lxiiij.

O Lord aduert vnto my voce and cry,
Now quhen I pray vnto thy Maiestie.
From dredour of my mortall Ennemie,
Defend my lyfe and als delyuer me,
Defend me from the fals subtellitie,
Of wickit men, and from the cruelnes,
Of thame that alwayis wirk vnrichteousnes,
Fra yame that hes thair tungis scharp & groūd
And scharper than ony twa edgeit sword,


Lyke dridly dartis thow geuis stang & stound,
Rycht sa proceidis of thair mouth euerie word,
Quhair with to stay thay think it bot a bourd,
The Innocent, with secreit dissemblance:
Without dredour of Goddis vengeance.
Thay haue deuysit abhominatioun,
Amang thame selfis in thair maliciousnes
Richt priuelie is thair communicatioun,
To set thair nettis with clokit craftines,
With sic deuice as it war halynes
That na man suld thair violence espye,
Quhilk wald reuenge thair fals Hypocrisie.
Thair counsell is to seirche and to Inquyre,
The Innocent with wrang for till accuse.
In all this warld thay haue na mair desyre,
For euer in thair mynde of this thay mufe,
Quha will delapit thay will mak na refufe,
Of fa, or fule, and for suspitioun.
Thay will bring men vnto confusioun.
Bot now na mair thair malice sall remaine,
For God sall stryke them in schort sesoun
Of quhome thay salbe plaguit with grit paine
And men sall hald thame in derisioun,
Thair tungs salbe thair awin confusoun,
Quhilk was sa scharp in contrair Innocence,
That for thame selfis thay sall mak na defence.
Quhen men sall se this haistie suddand change
Than sall thay wunder and cleirlie vnderstand,
That it is God quhilk dois his awin reuenge


All men sal se this wark of Goddis hand.
And sall weill knaw, that name can him withstād
The Iust sall traist in God and als reioyis,
And all trew hartis sall ioy to heir this noyis

Quam bonus Deus Israelj. Psal. lxxiij.

Till trew in hart God of Israell is sweit,
Bot stakerand almaist failȝeit my feit
Quhen I beheld thir peruerst wickit men.
Prosper alway, thocht thay did God mis ken.
Thair is na ȝock thir wickit men may oppres.
Bot euer in weith plesour and grit riches,
Quhen vther men at trublit and disesit,
With all pastime full plesandlie thay ar easit.
Throw quhilk thay ar exaltit in to pryde,
Thair violence and wrang walkis full wyde
Throw thair grit micht in alkin lust thay leif,
Quhat thay can think, vnto thair hart thay geif.
Quhat euer is done thay think it vanitie,
Bot giue that thay the authoure of it be,
God of heui thay blaspheme with thair mouth
To curs all men thay think it na vncouth.
For this the peple dois flow to and fra,
Quhen thay the wickit with welth se do swa,
Thay dar be bald to dout giue God dois knaw,
Or vnderstand the breking of his Law.


And I also thocht thair prosperitie
Suld euer indure with thame Eternallie
And thocht, vnto my self I did offence,
That wusche my handis and leuit in innocence.
To thole distres I thocht it was in vaine,
Baith day and nicht to tak on me sic paine.
Quhen I had lang argound on sic a kinde,
The Sonnis of God I dampnit in my minde.
I tuke trauell on this to knaw the treuth,
Bot all for nocht, my laubour was bot sleuth.
Quhen I sall enter in Goddis secreit place,
Than sall I se thair end befoir my face.
Full slydrie is the sait, that thay on sit,
And for thair fault till hell sune sall thay flit.
For suddenlie thay sall die with mischeif,
Thair destructioun sall be without releif.
As quhen ane man awalkis of his dreame
Sa sall the Lord destroy thair fulische fame.
Quhen I had this Imaginatioun
My dullie Spreit was in greit passioun.
Imprudently this brint I in my thocht,
In thy presence as brutall beist of nocht
Ȝit leit thow not me fall on sic ane sort
Bot held my hand, and gaue me gude comfort.
With thy counsell thow sall me weill conuay,
And efter this ressaue me to thy ioy
O Lord quhat euer in heuin ordand for me,


Quther in eird, compair I not to the.
Na thing am I, my body nor my hart.
God is my strenth and euer salbe my part.
Perishe sall thay, that fleis from the far,
Loste sall thay be, that ocht to the prefar.
To me forsuith, I think it for the best,
To clene to God, and on him put my traist
And schaw the nobill warkis that he hes done
To quhome be gloir ringand in his throne.

Deus quis similis erit tibi. Psal. lxxxiij.

God for thy grace thow keip no moir silence
Postpon it not bot haist thy vengeance
On Hypocritis, humelie I the exhort.
For thay Rebellis with rage do resort.
And thay quhilk at the haue mortall seid,
Contrair thy micht hes lifted vp thair heid.
And till oppres thy pepill do pretend,
Under pretente and cloikit halynes.
With subtell slycht to slay vs thay intend.
Confiderat thay ar baith mair and les.
Contrair thy testament, our hope & richteousnes
Thay say, thay sall vs rute from the ground,
That na mentioun of vs sall mair be found.
Thay now conspyre with cruell hart and fell,
With ane consent, togidder in ane band:
Quhilk neuer befoir culd gre amang thame sell,


Stryuand for stait, and hicht, in euerie land.
Bot contrair the togidder stife thay stand.
And fast lyke burris, thay cleif baith ane and all
To hald o God thy word and vs in thrall.
Ȝe Edomeitis Idoll with thrinfald Croune,
The crop and rute of pryde and Tyrannie,
Ȝe Ismalitis with scarlat hat and gowne,
Ȝour bludie boist na syith can satisfyie
Ȝe Moabitis with hornis twa full hie
Ourwart lyke scheip ȝe beir the beistis mark,
Inwart lyke tykis ȝe byte bot can not bark.
Of Agarins quhat tung can tell the tryne,
With hurklit hude ouir a weill nureist neck,
Iabell and Amon, als fat as ony swyne,
Quhilk can not do, bot drink, sing, Iouk and bek
The Amelekis, that lesingis weill can clek.
The Palistenis, with dum Doctouris of Tyre
Quhilk dar nocht dispute, bot cryis, fyre, fyre.
Assure in harnes is with thame euer moir,
Companȝeoun he is perpetuall,
To Lotis Sonis, for to mantene thair gloir,
He wate nocht ellis, for his conscience is thrall
To thame quhilk hes na hope celestiall,
Bot contrair God indurit hes thair hartis,
Syne fylis Princes, blindly, tak thair partis.
O God of gloir resist thair cruelnes,
As thow sum tyme ouerthrew the Madionitis
And Sicera, with his maliciousnes.
And Iabene, with his bludie Hypocritis,


At Kyson flude, as weill the storie dytis
Thay perischit at Endor throw thy micht
Syne mucke become and fylth for all thair hicht.
Thair gouernouris and gydis gif siclike,
As Oreb, Seb, Seba, and Ȝelmanie.
Thair sinnis shawis thap ar a bludie byke.
And ȝeit, thay wald throw thair Hypocrisie,
Posses the Kirk of God, throw tyrannie,
And will cum to na counsell generall.
For feir thay lose thair pompe pontificall.
As quheill vnstabill and caffe befoir the wind
And as the wod consumit is with fyre:
And as the flame burning, quhair it can find,
The faggat, in the feild, with grit Impyre:
Siclike persew thame with thy greuous Ire,
Lat thy tempest thair wraithfulnes reuenge,
And lat thy storme thair pryde in purteth change.
Confound thame Lord, that thay may seik thy name
Perturbe yair minde with cair continuall.
And let thame perische, and cum till vtter schame
Lat thame knaw the, for the God Eternall,
Allanerlie on the allone to call.
And the obey, abone all eirdlie thing,
Maist michtiest, maist hiest in thy Ring.

Qui habitat in adiutorio. Psal. lxxxj.

Qvha on the hiest will depend,
And in his secreit help will traist,


Almichtie God sall him defend
And gyde him with his haly Gaist,
Thairfoir with mynde rype and degest,
Thow say to God my trew releue,
My hope, my God of michtis maist,
Onlie in him I will beleue.
He sall delyuer the at neid,
And saue thy lyfe from pestilence,
His wings ar thy weirlie weid.
His pennes ar thy strang defence,
And thow sall haue experience,
That his trew promeis is thy scheild
His word of grit magnificence,
Sall be thy buklar and thy beild.
Na wickit Spreit sall the affray,
Nor the delude into the nicht,
The fleand dartis be the day,
To trubill the sall haue na micht.
Na suddand chance of vncouth slicht,
Sall cummer the, nor mak the red,
Nor the perturbe in mark nor licht.
Bot from all plague thow sall be fred.
And thow sall se at thy left hand,
Ane thousand haue ane suddand fall.
And als thow sall se ten thousand
At thy richt hand, quhilk perische sall.
Ȝit nocht to the sall cum at all.
Bot thow sall with thine eine behald,
Sinnaris put fra memoriall,
With plagues grit and monyfald.


O Lord my hope and all my grace,
Thow saue me for thy grit mercy.
Thy gyrth is set in sicker place,
For he sall saue the michtfullie.
And na mischance sall cum to the,
Nor maledie sall the molest,
Na misfortoun thy hous sall se.
Bot all thingis wirk sall for the best.
His Angellis he sall giue ane charge,
That thay on the sall take the cure.
In all thy wayis to be ane targe,
To keip the from misauenture,
And with thair handis thay sall the sure,
That thow hurt nocht aganis ane craig.
Thy fute bot sall preserue the sure,
From perrellis, panis, and from plaig.
Thow sall strampe on the edderis strang,
And tred on the cruell Cocketrice,
The Lyonnis craig, thow sall ouer gang.
The dreidfull Dragoun thow sall chace.
Sen thow me traistis in all case{,}
Sayis God{,} I sall the saif from schame,
And the defend in euerie place,
For cause thow knew my godly name.
Quhen thow sall call, I sall the heir,
And in distres sall be with the.
I sall restoir the haill and feir,
And als I sall the magnifie.
With lang lyfe dotit sall thow be.
And at the last I sall the bring.


Quhair throw eternall gloir sall se,
For euer moir with me to Ring.

In exitu Israell. Psal. lxxxj.

Qvhen fra Egypt departit Israell{,}
And Iacobis hous fra pepill barbour sell
To Iuda Lord thow wes his Sauiour
And to Israell ane gyde and gouernour,
Quhilk quhen the se had sene, for feir it fled,
The flude Iordane ȝeid back, it was sa red.
The montainis muifit & ran athort lyke rāmis,
The hillis dansit and lichtly lap lyke lambis.
Thow swelland sey quhat muifit the to fle?
To gang abak Iordane quhat ailit the?
Quhat gart ȝow montanis lyke rāmis stert and stend?
And ȝe hillis lyke lābis loup and bend
It was the Lordis feir that maid sic reird,
And Iacobis God perturbit all the eird.
For God turnit the craig in fresche reueir.
The barrane brain Fontane water cleir,
Not vnto vs, not vnto vs, o Lord.
Bot to thy sweit promeis, and to thy word,
And to thy name be gloir allanerlie,
Quhilk keipis thy promeis faithfullie.
Thairfoir lat not our Ennemeis blaspheme
Thy Maiestie, for we may not sustene,
To heir thame say, quhair is thy grit ascence,
Thy godly help of thy magnificence.
Our God forsuith Ringis in heuin full hie.
And quhat him listis, or lykis workis he.
Thir Imagis of stock, stane, gilt with gold.


Ar maid be men, and syne for money sold.
Thay haue a mouth can nouther say nor sing
Thair eine ar blind, and thay can se na thing.
Thay can nocht heir, thocht men do cry and ȝell.
Thair nois thirlis can nouther sauer nor smell
Thay haue handis, can nouther feill nor grope.
Thair fundyit feit cā nouther gang nor loupe
Thay can pronūce na voce furth of thair throtis.
Thay ar ouergane with mouswobs & moitis
Quha makis thame, or traistis in thair support
Ar lyke to thame in all maner of sort.
Bot thow Israel in God put thy traist,
Thy Protectour into thy myster maist.
Ȝe hous of Aaron in God put ȝour beleif
Ȝour defendar, and na man can ȝow greif.
All worschippers of God traist in his Name,
He is ȝour help, and Sauiour allane.
The Lord hes mynde and mercy vpon vs,
Will fauour vs, and bring vs to his blis.
Als feid the hous of Israel with his fude
And to the hous of Aaron will be gude.
Thow sall do weill to them that dreidis the,
Baith ȝoung & auld, quhat stait yat euer yai be
God sall augment his pepill and Incres.
And eik thair sonnes and dochteris mair & les
He is the Lord that creat heuin
And eird, with his creatures, in dayis seuin.
The heuinnis ar the Lordis habitatioun
The eird he gaue to mannis propagatioun.
The deid may not the loue amang the laue,
Nor thay that ar discendit in thair graue.
Bot we that ar on liue sall loue and sing
To God for euer vnto our lyues ending.


Nisi quia Dominus. Psal. cxxiiij.

Except the Lord with vs had stand,
Say furth, Israell, vnfenȝeitlie.
Had not the Lord bene our warrand.
Quhen men rais in our contrarie:
Thay had vs all on liue deuorit,
With Ire, sa scharpelie thay vs schorit.
Sa kendlit was thair crueltie.
For lyke the welterand wallis brym,
Thay had ouerquhelmit vs with micht
Lyke burnis that in spait fast rin,
Thay had ouerthrawin vs with slicht.
The bulrand stremis of thair pryde,
Had perishit vs throw bak and syde,
And reft fra vs our lyfe full richt.
Bot louing to the Lord, allone,
That gaue vs nocht to be thair pray,
To be rent with thair teith anone.
Bot hes vs fred full well thame fray
Lyke to ane bird taine in ane net
The quhilk the Foullar for her set,
Sa is our lyfe weill win away.
The net is broken in pecis small,
And we ar sauit fra thair schame
Our hope was ay and euer sall
Be in the Lord, and in his Name,
The quhilk hes creat heuin sa hie.
And maid the eird sa meruellouslie,
And all the ferleis of the same.


De profundis. psal. xxx.

Fra deip (O Lord) I call to the,
Lord heir my Inuocatioun
Thy eiris thow inclyne to me
And heir my Lamentatioun.
Forgif thou will our sin Impute
Till vs (O Lord) that we commit
Quha may byde thy accusatioun.
Bot thow art mercyfull and kynde,
And hes promittit in thy write,
Them that repent with hart and mynde
Of all thair sin to mak them quyte.
Thocht I be full of sinfulnes,
Ȝit thow art full of faithfulnes
And thy promeis trew and perfyte,
My hope is steidfast in the Lord,
My Saull euer on him traist
And my beleue is in thy word
And all thy promittis maist and leist
My Saull on God waitis and is bent,
As watcheman wald the nicht wer went,
Bydand the day to tak him rest.
Israel in God put thy beleue,
For he is full of gentilnes,
Fredome, gudnes, and all releue
All Israel of thair distres,
He sall delyuer Israel
And all thair sinneris sall expell,
And cleith them with his richteousnes.


Super flumina Babylonis. psal. cxxxviij.

At the Riuers of Babylon,
Quhair we dwelt in Captiuitie,
Quhen we rememberit on Sion,
We weipit all full sorrowfullie
On the Sauch treis our Harpis we hang,
Quhen thay requyrit vs ane sang,
That held vs in sic thirldome
Thay bad vs sing sum Psalme or Himme,
That we sum tyme sang Sion in
To quhome we answerit full sone.
How may we outher play or sing,
The Psalmes of our Lord sa sweit
Intill ane vncouth land or Reigne
My richt hand first sall that forleit,
Or Ierusalem forȝettin be,
Fast to my chaftis my toung sall be
Claspit, or that I it forȝet,
In my maist glaidnes and my game
I sall remember Ierusalem,
And all my hart vpon it set.
O Lord think on the Edometis,
How thay did at Ierusalem,
Thay bad destroy with cruelteis
Put all to sack, and it ouirquhelme
Bot wrakkit sall thow be Babylon,
And blyssit is that Campion,
Sall serue the as thow seruit vs
And he that sall thy barnis plaig
And rasche thair harnis aganis {a tre}


Is happy and full glorious.

Exaltabo te. psal. cliiij.

I will the loue my gracious Lord and King
Thankand thy Name for euer will I sing
All tyme I will reioyce and sing to the,
And pryse thy name also perpetuallie.
Greit is the Lord, and all laude dois excell.
And his greit micht quha can discryue or tell.
Ane generation, thy warkis dois declair
Unto ane vther, and als thy greit powair.
Thy gloir, thy greitnes, and thy magnificence,
Thy nobill actis digne of rememberance,
I will furth schaw thy meruellis sa greit,
Thy magnitude I will it put in dyte
Memorie als of thy greit gentilnes
We sall ay sing, and of thy richteousnes.
The Lord is meik, and mercyfull is he.
slaw to reuenge, and to forgiue reddie
Courtes and kynde till all men is the Lord,
In all his warkis is misericord,
And all thy warkis do thank the thairfoir,
And all thy Sanctis to thy Name gif gloir
The gloriousnes of thy Kingdome teiche,
And with thair toung thy greit power preiche.
Till all natiounis thy magnitude and micht,
Of thy riche renoun the heuinly lusum licht
Thy royall Realme, is Realme of Realmes all
And thy Impyre indure for euer sall.
The Lord is help to thame that slyde and slūmer
Them that troublit ar bringis out of cummer


All mennis eine O Lord do the abyde.
Thow feidis them in all tyme and tyde,
Thow oppinnis furth thy hand ful graciouslie
And satisfyis all fleshe aboundantlie.
In all his wayis the Lord is Iust and richt,
In all his warkis is santifyit his micht,
Till all call on the Lord, he is full neir,
Sa that in trew beleif be thair prayer.
He grantis thair desyre that dreidis him
And heiris thame and forgeuis thair sin,
All thame that luffis the Lord he sauis thame,
And he confoundis all sort of wickit men
The louing of the Lord my mouth sall sound,
All louing men in to this warld sa round,
Sall loue thy name, perpetuall and moir,
Gif moir may be, regnand into thy gloir.

Deus venerunt gentes Psal. lxxvij.

The Hethim folk, Lord in thy heritage,
Hes cumin, til exerce thair tyrannie.
And hes defylit, euer to this aige,
The Tempill, quhilk was dedicat to the,
Quhilk haly was and ȝit sall blissit be.
Ierusalem as apellis, lay in heip,
Bot thow gude Lord, ryse vp and na mair sleip.
Thair tyrannie aganis thy commandis,
Richt cruellie exersit in dispyte,
Hes put to deid thy Iust and trew seruandis
The foulis of the heuin with grit delyte,
Did eit thair fleshe, and beistes sair culd byte.


Thair bodyis quhen thay lay in commoun streit
Ierusalem thairfoir richt sair did weip.
Thair blude was sched as Riueirs of a well
That compast hes Ierusalem about.
Nane was that micht thair tyrannie expell,
Aganis them it was sa strang and stout.
Thair bodyis throw yair danger and greit dout
Unburyit was, voide of all Sepulture,
That nane to bury them wald tak the cure.
Our Nichtbouris (Lord) hes mockit vs with scorne,
And leuch at vs with greit Illusioun:
Bot thow gude (Lord) let vs not be forlorne,
How lang sall we remaine in confusioun?
Will thow vs hald in thair abusioun?
Unto the end sall thy wraith burne as fyre,
Allace (gude Lord) remufe fra vs sic Ire.
Rather cast furth thy greif and cruelnes,
On wickit men, quhilk neuer will the knaw,
And Realmes quhilk mis knaw thy godlynes,
Not hauand E vnto thy godly Law.
For Iacob and his hous thay sair ouirthraw,
And hes vs left all solpit into cair,
Beleuand for to bring vs to dispair.
Auoyde (Lord) furth of thy remembrance,
Our sinfull lyfe that we haue sleipit in:
Our will salbe thy mercy to aduance,
For be the samin remittit is our sin.
And as water fast rinnis ouir ane Lin.
Dois not returne againe to the awin place,


Sa thow gude Lord put our sin from thy face.
Help vs gude Lord, our gyde and Gouernour
Delyuer vs for thy Names saik glorious,
Thow art our hope, our help and Sauiour,
And als our sinnis maist dangerous,
Dois put away, for that thow promeist vs.
Quhen we will turne to the with a trew hart
And fra our sinfull lyfe to the conuert.
For schaw thow not thy mercy in distres,
Our Enemeis sall grow in tyrannie,
And sall say God hes left vs mercyles
Bot thow gude Lord exerce thy crueltie,
Upon our fais, that sayis schamefullie
Quhair is thair God in quhome thay did beleif,
He hes them left without help and releif.
The vengeance of the blude of thy seruandis,
Mot cum into thy presence and thy sicht,
The greting of thy pure that ar in bandis,
In prisoun pynde, of day wantand the licht
The voyce of them that to the deid ar dicht,
Heir now (gude Lord) and help thē in yair neid
And be thair strenth at all tymes and remeid.
Rewaird thy fais according to thair wrang,
Seuin fald thair sin gude Lord mot puneist be
For thay haue blasphemit all to lang
Speikand contrair thy godly Maiestie.
Bot we thy pepill and scheip sall Magnifie,
And als exalt thy laude, thy Name and gloir
And sall the loue for now and euer moir.


Miserere mei Deus. psal. lj.

Have mercy on me God of micht.
Of mercy Lord and King:
For thy mercy is set full richt
Aboue all eirdly thing.
Thairfoir I cry baith day and nicht.
And with my hart sall sing:
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Haue mercy on me (O gude Lord)
Efter thy greit mercie:
My sinfull lyfe dois me remord,
Quhilk sair hes greuit the:
Bot thy greit grace hes me restord,
Throw Christ to libertie
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Et secundum multitudinem.

Gude Lord I knaw my wickitnes,
Contrair to thy command:
Rebelland ay with cruelnes,
And led me in ane band
To Sathan quha is mercyles,
Ȝit Lord heir me cryand.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Quhat toung can tell the multitude
Lord of thy greit mercie:
Sen Sinners hes thy Celsitude
Resistit cruellie
Ȝit na Sinner will thow seclude
That this will cry to the
To thy mercy with the will I go.


Amplius laua me.

Thow wushe me Lord quhen I was borne,
From all my wickitnes,
Bot ȝit I did throw sin forlorne
Of heuin the richteousnes,
Wesche me againe, and from thy horne
Delyuer me in stres:
To thy mercy with the will I go.
And fra my sin thow mak me clene,
As thow maid Dauid King:
With Peter, Paule, and Magdalene,
Quha now dois with the reigne,
In heuinly Ioy fair and amene,
And I sall with thame sing.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Quoniam iniquitatem.

Full weill I knaw my wickitnes,
And sin contrarious:
Blasphemit hes thy gentilnes,
With sin maist dangerous
And hes me led in heuynes,
Ȝit O God maist gracious
To thy mercy with the will I go.
I grant my sinfull lyfe did vse
In Sensualitie:
Ȝit thow gude Lord will nane refuse
That will cum vnto the,
Heirfoir I schairply me accuse
Cryand for thy mercie
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Tibi soli peccaui.


Only to the I did offend.
And mekill euill hes done:
Throw quhilk appeirandly defence,
To me is nane abone:
Thus men will iudge thy iust vengeance,
Hes put me from thy throne.
Ȝit to thy mercy with the will I go.
Thocht thow gude Lord be iudgeit thus.
Full fals and wrangouslie:
O God sa gude and gracious,
Let thair iudgeing vincust be
And schaw thy mercy plenteous,
Quhilk mot vs iustifie.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Consauit into sin I am,
My wickitnes thocht thow behald.
Quhilk I contractit of Adame,
Sinnand richt monyfald.
My Mother als did eik the same
And I to Sin was sald,
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Bot ȝit the Lord Omnipotent,
My cairfull cace did cure,
At Font quhen I was impotent,
Fragill, vaine, vyle and pure,
Than helpit me that King Potent
In my missuenture.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Ecce enim veritatem.

Behald thow lufis treuth gude Lord,


Thow art the veritie:
This weill thy promeis can record,
Quhair thow dois it schaw to me,
The hid thingis of thy godly word,
That war vnsure to me.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Thow hecht to Abraham anone,
Isaack his Eldest Sone,
Thow promeist als that Salomone,
Suld bruik King Dauids throne.
To sinners als that callis the one
Grace cummis from abone.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Asperges me.

With Isope Lord thow sprinkill me,
And then I sall be clene.
And clenar then maid sall I be,
Then euer snaw hes bene,
Ȝit of my clenes thy mercy
The rute is euer sene.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
This Isope is humilitie,
Richt law in till assence
The snaw sa quhyte in all degre,
Betakinnis innocence
For and thir twa do gouerne me,
I sall do nane offence.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Auditui meo dabis.

Then ioy and and mirth thow sall me geue,


Thy mercy quhen I heir
My banis law thow sall releue,
And be my scheild and speir:
Thy sword also richt soir sall greue,
My Enemeis with feir.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
My hope and traist hes bene to lang
In mennis fals supplie,
Quhairfoir I grant I haue done wrang
Not hopeand help of the
Bot now with steidfast faith I gang
Unto thy Maiestie.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Aduerte faciem tuam.

Fra my sinnes aduert thy face
My wickitnes expell
Sen I haue hoipit in thy grace
Thow saue me fra the hell,
Thy mercy is set in sicker place,
Na Sinner can repell,
To thy mercy with the will I go.
The theif that hang on the richt hand,
And sufferit with the deid:
In the last hour thy mercy fand
For sin the haill remeid,
Siclyke gude Lord, heir me cryand,
And help me in my neid.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Cor mundum.

Thow creat in me (O God) ane hart,
Baith clene and Innocent:


And let me not from the depart
My God Omnipotent,
Sen vnto the I schaw my smart
Richt pure and indigent:
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Renew me with thy haly Spreit
To help my febilnes:
My teiris sall my cheikis weit,
For my greit sinfulnes,
Bot thow gude Lord my comfort sweit
Expell my wickitnes.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Ne proijcias me.

O gude Lord cast me not away,
From thy perfite presence:
Sen that I grant my sinnes ay,
Hes done the greit offence
And I sall prais baith nicht and day,
Thy greit Magnificence.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Tak not from me thy godly Spreit,
In my aduersitie:
For till my Saull it is full sweit,
Quhen sin besettis me:
And thow sall mak my Saull full meit,
Unto thy Maiestie:
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Redde mihi.

Giue me the blyithnes and the blis,
Of my sweit Sauiour:
For throw his bitter deid I mis


Of hell the dyntis dour,
And in this mortall lyfe he is,
My strang defence and tour.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Conforme thy Spreit maist principal,
Into me throw thy grace:
For sin richt lang held me in thrall,
And put me from thy face,
Ȝit vnto the my Lord I call,
Into my heuie case.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Docebo iniquos.

Then I sall teiche the wickit men,
Thy wayis iust and richt:
And thay that did the lang misken
Sall knaw the God of micht.
Quhen thay sall ryse furth of the den
Of sin, and cum to licht.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
The sinfull then to the reuart,
Sall into gudlie haist:
And rew thair sinnes with thair hart,
And thair auld lyfe detest.
And to them Lord thow sall conuart
Quhen they thy mercy taist.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Libera me.

Delyuer me from blude schedding,
For blude betakinnis Sin:
For punishment I serue conding
Ȝit efter the I rin:


Grant me that I may with the Reigne,
And at thy port get in.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Than sall my toung thy richteousnes
Extoll and Magnifie:
Quhen gane is my greit sinfulnes,
And greit iniquitie,
God for thy grace and gentilnes,
Grant me thy greit mercie.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
My lippis Lord, then louse thow sall,
Quhilk closit lang haue bene:
From thy louing sair bound in thrall
Brekand thy sweit biddene,
And keip me from ane suddand fall
For greit paine I sustene.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
And then my mouth sall do furthschaw
Thy louing glorious:
And I sall caus all sinners knaw,
Thy micht sa meruellous.
And frathine {f{urth sall keip thy Law
Quhilk is sa precious.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Quoniam si voluisses.

Gif the had plesit Sacrifice,
I suld them offerit the:
Bot thow will not sic auarice,
For thow art wonder fre,
And geuis vs thy benefites


Throw Christis blude frelie.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Brint Sacrifice is na delyte,
Unto thy Maiestie:
Thow curis nocht of it ane myte,
For Sin to satisfie,
For only Christ did mak vs quyte,
Of all ennormitie.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Sacrificium deo.

Ane Sacrifice to the plesand,
Is ane sweit humbill hart:
Unto the quhilk I vnderstand,
Thow dois the haill conuart,
Thairfoir gude Lord let thy command
Na way from me depart.
To thy mercy with the will I go.
Ane contrite hart do not dispise,
God for thy greit mercie:
Sen for thy grace sa oft it cryis,
For succour and supplie,
And it sall thank ane thousand syse
Thy godly Maiestie.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Benigne fac Domine.

To Sion Lord be gude againe
Efter thy godly will:
And let thy louing thair remaine
Thy promeis to fulfill,
For Mont Sion with greit disdaine
In thrall is hiddertill.


To thy mercy with the will I go.
Ierusalem did get ane fall,
Hir wallis war maid full law
For scho miskennit the God of all,
And daylie brak his Law:
Bot thow sall put hir out of thrall,
Quhen scho hir God dois knaw.
To thy mercy with the will I go.

Tunc acceptabis.

Then Sacrifice thow sall accept,
Of treuth and richteousnes:
Conforming to thy trew precept,
And to thy gentilnes.
For na man then sall thow except
Into thair neid and stres.
To thy mercy with the will I go,
Then Calfis and brint Sacrifice
Thy altar sall repleit,
Then greitar gloir and benefite,
Thow sall mak for vs meit,
Quhair day and nicht we sall not ceis
Ay singand Sanctis sweit.
To thy mercy with the will I go,

Beati omnes qui timent. psal. cxxviij.

Blissit ar thay that sit in Goddis dreid,
And liue in his commandement alway
Of thy hād labour thow sall eit, be not feird
And fair weill thow sall euerie day.


Thy wyfe sall be as ane frutefull wyne,
And sall weill ay incres thy hous.
Thy barnis all sall to vertew inclyne,
As fair Oliue treis that be plenteous.
Quhen euer thow sittis at thy Tabill,
Thy barnis sall stand round about the
Sa will the Lord mak the abill,
And fill thy hous with honestie.
Sa sall God him euer blis,
That dreidis him ay in his leuing
Alway sall he be sicker of this,
That is neidfull to want na thing.
Fra Sion sall the Lord blis the,
That thow may se to thy greit weill,
How prosperous Ierusalem sall be,
And thow ressauit to greit heill.
Ane profitabill lyfe sall be giuen the,
And God alway sall be thy freind:
Thy Childeris Children, thow sall se,
And peace in Israell sall thow find.