University of Virginia Library




fresche fontane fair And springand cald and cleine,
As brychtest christall cleir vith siluer ground,
Close cled about be holsum herbis greine,
Quhois tuynkling streames ȝeilds ane luiflie sound,
Vith bonie birkis all vbumbrat round
from violence of Phebus visage fair,
Quhois smelling leifs Suawe ȝephir maks rebound
In doucest souching of his temperat air,
And titan new hich flammyng in his chair
Maks gaggit erth for ardent heit to brist,
Than passinger, quho Irkit dois repair,
Brynt be the Son, And dryit vp vith thrist,
Heir in this place thow may refreschment find
Both be the vell, The Schaddow, And the vind.