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Natures Picture Drawn by Fancies Pencil To the Life

Being several Feigned Stories, Comical, Tragical, Tragi-comical, Poetical, Romancical, Philosophical, Historical, and Moral: Some in Verse, some in Prose; some Mixt, and some by Dialogues. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and most Excellent Princess, The Duchess of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Edition

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The Marriage-Song.

Were all the Joys that ever yet were known;
Were all those Joys met, and put into one,
They'd be, than these two Lovers Joys, far less;
Our Lovers height of Joys, none can express:
They've made another Cupid, I am told,
And buri'd the blind Boy that was so old.
Hymen is proud, since Laurel crowns his Brow,
He never made his Triumphs until now.