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[I need not tell thee of the lilly white]

I need not tell thee of the lilly white,
Nor of the roseat red which doth thee grace,
Nor of thy golden haires like Phœbus bright,
Nor of the beautie of thy fairest face.
Nor of thine eies which heauenly stars excell,
Nor of thine azurde vaines which are so cleere,
Nor of thy paps where Loue himselfe doth dwell,
Which like two hils of violets appeere.
Nor of thy tender sides, nor belly soft,
Nor of thy goodly thighes as white as snow,
Whose glory to my fancie seemeth oft,
That like an arch triumphall they do show.
All these I know that thou dost know too well,
But of thy hart too cruell I thee tell.